Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 60

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356. C. M. *J. H. Perkins.

Spiritual Presence.

1 It is a faith sublime and sure, That ever round our head Are hovering, on noiseless wing, The spirits of the dead.

2 It is a faith sublime and sure, When ended our career, That it will be our ministry To watch o'er others here;

3 To bid the mourners cease to mourn, The trembling be forgiven, To bear away from ills of clay The deathless soul to heaven.

357. C. M. Jane Taylor.

The Unseen World.

1 There is a state unknown, unseen, Where parted souls must be; And but a step doth lie between That world of souls and me.

2 I see no light, I hear no sound, When midnight shades are spread; Yet angels pitch their tents around, And guard my quiet bed.

3 The things unseen, O G.o.d, reveal; My spirit's vision clear, Till I shall feel, and see, and know, That those I love are near.

4 Impart the faith that soars on high, Beyond this earthly strife; That holds sweet converse with the sky, And lives eternal life.

358. P. M. Anonymous.

Ministering Angels.

1 Brother, the angels say, Peace to thy heart!

We, too, O brother, have Been as thou art,-- Hope-lifted, doubt-depressed, Seeing in part, Tried, troubled, tempted, Sustained, as thou art.

2 Brother, they softly say, Be our thoughts one; Bend thou with us and pray, "Thy will be done!"

Our G.o.d is thy G.o.d; He willeth the best; Trust Him as we trusted-- Rest as we rest!

3 Ye, too, they gently say, Shall angels be; Ye, too, O brothers, From earth shall be free: Yet in earth's loved ones Ye still shall have part, Bearing G.o.d's strength and love To the torn heart.

4 Thus when the spirit, tried Tempted and worn, Finding no earthly aid, Heavenward doth turn,-- Come these sweet angel-tones, Falling like balm, And on the troubled heart Steals a deep calm.

359. C. M. Mrs. Miles.

Foretaste of Heaven.

1 When, on devotion's seraph wing, The spirit soars above, And feels Thy presence, Father, Friend, G.o.d of eternal love!

The joys of earth, how swift they fade Before that living ray, Which gives to the rapt soul a glimpse Of pure and perfect day!

2 A gleam of Heaven's own light, though now Its brightness scarce appears Through the pale shadows that are spread Around our earthly years; But Thine unclouded smile, O G.o.d!

Fills that all-glorious place, Where we shall know as we are known, And see Thee, face to face.

360. S. M. Briggs' Coll.

The Angels' Call.

1 Come to the land of peace!

From shadows come away; Where all the sounds of weeping cease, And storms no more have sway!

2 Fear hath no dwelling here; But pure repose and love Breathe through the bright, celestial air The spirit of the dove.

3 Come to the bright and blest, Gathered from every land; For here thy soul shall find its rest, Amidst the s.h.i.+ning band.

4 In this divine abode Change leaves no saddening trace; Come, trusting spirit, to thy G.o.d, Thy holy resting-place!

361. C. M. Briggs' Coll.

A Vision of Heaven.

1 O, heaven is where no secret dread May haunt us by its power; Where from the past no gloom is shed Upon the present hour.

2 And there the living waters flow Along the radiant sh.o.r.e; The soul, now wandering here, shall know Its burning thirst no more.

3 The burden of the stranger's heart, Which here unknown we bear, Like the night-shadow shall depart With our first wakening there.

4 And, borne on eagle's wings afar, Free thought shall claim its dower, From every sphere, from every star, Of glory and of power.


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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 60 summary

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