Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 66

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392. 7 & 6s. M. W. V.


1 There cometh o'er the spirit, With each returning year, The thought that Thou, the Father, Art ever to us near; With hope of life dispelling The death that winter brought; And flowers and fruits foretelling, With fragrant beauty fraught.

2 'Tis this which calls Thy children In sweet accord to raise, Beneath thy blue-domed temple, One general hymn of praise To Thee, the ever-living, The universal King, Who never ceasest giving Each good and perfect thing.

3 The streamlet from the mountain,-- It speaketh, Lord, of Thee, As from its snow-capped fountain It rushes to the sea; The gentle dew descending, And cloud's refres.h.i.+ng shower,-- O G.o.d, our Heavenly Father, All, all, proclaim Thy power.

393. 8 & 7s. M. Anonymous.

Hymn of Spring.

1 Praise the Lord, when blus.h.i.+ng morning Wakes the blossoms fresh with dew!

When the world, again created, Beams with beauties fair and new!

2 Praise the Lord, when early breezes Come so fragrant from the flowers!

Praise, thou willow by the brookside!

Praise, ye birds, among the bowers!

3 Praise the Lord! and may His blessing Guide us in the way of truth, Keep our feet from paths of error, Make us holy in our youth.

4 Praise the Lord, ye hosts of heaven!

Angels, sing your sweetest lays!

All things utter forth His glory!

Sound your great Creator's praise!

394. C. M. J. Richardson.

The Hymn of Summer.

1 How glad the tone when summer's sun Wreaths the gay world with flowers, And trees bend down with golden fruit, And birds are in their bowers!

2 The morn sends silent music down Upon each earthly thing; And always since creation's dawn The stars together sing.

3 Shall man remain in silence, then, While all beneath the skies The chorus joins? no, let us sing, And while our voices rise,

4 O, let our lives, great G.o.d, breathe forth A constant melody; And every action be a tone In that sweet hymn to Thee!

395. C. M. Mrs. Miles.


1 The earth, all light and loveliness, In summer's golden hours, s.h.i.+nes, in her bridal vesture clad, And crowned with festal flowers, So radiantly beautiful, So like to heaven above, We scarce can deem more fair that world Of perfect bliss and love.

2 Is this a shadow faint and dim Of that which is to come!

What shall the unveiled splendor be Of our celestial home, Where waves the glorious tree of life, Where streams of bliss gush free, And all is glowing in the light Of immortality!

396. C. M. Anonymous.

Seed-Time and Harvest Shall Not Cease.

1 Fountain of life, and G.o.d of love!

How rich Thy bounties are!

The rolling seasons, as they move, Proclaim Thy constant care.

2 When in the bosom of the earth The sower hid the grain, Thy goodness marked its secret birth, And sent the early rain.

3 The spring's sweet influence, Lord, was Thine, Its mild, refres.h.i.+ng showers; Thou gav'st the ripening suns to s.h.i.+ne, And summer's golden hours.

4 Thy quickening life, forever near, Matured the swelling grain;-- The bounteous harvest crowns the year, And plenty fills the plain.

5 With thankful hearts we trace Thy way Through all our smiling vales; Thou, by whose love, nor night nor day, Seed-time nor harvest, fails!

397. 10 & 11s. M. *Doddridge.

Thanksgiving for the Fruits of the Earth.

1 House of our G.o.d, with cheerful anthems ring, While all our lips and hearts His mercies sing; The fruitful year His bounties shall proclaim, And all its days be vocal with His name.

The Lord is good, His mercy never-ending, His blessings in perpetual showers descending.

2 The earth, enlightened by His rays divine, Brought forth the gra.s.s, the corn, and oil, and wine; Crowned with His goodness, let the people meet, And lay their thankful offerings at his feet; With grateful love that hand divine confessing, Which on each heart bestoweth every blessing.

3 His mercy never ends; the dawn, the shade, Still see new beauties through new scenes displayed; Succeeding ages bless this sure abode, And children lean upon their fathers' G.o.d: The soul of man, through its immense duration, Drinks from this source immortal consolation.

4 Burst into praise, my soul! all nature, join!

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Book of Hymns for Public and Private Devotion Part 66 summary

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