Every Man in His Humour Part 26

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CLEM. So it appears, methinks; but on.

BIA. And that my husband used thither daily.

CLEM. No matter, so he use himself well.

BIA. True, sir, but you know what grows by such haunts oftentimes.

CLEM. Ay, rank fruits of a jealous brain, lady: but did you find your husband there in that case, as you suspected?

THO. I found her there, sir.

CLEM. Did you so? that alters the case; who gave you knowledge of your wife's being there?

THO. Marry, that did my brother Prospero.

CLEM. How, Prospero first tell her, then tell you after?

Where is Prospero?

THO. Gone with my sister, sir, I know not whither.

CLEM. Why, this is a mere trick, a device; you are gulled in this most grossly: alas, poor wench, wert thou beaten for this? how now, sirrah, what's the matter?


SER. Sir, there's a gentleman in the court without desires to speak with your wors.h.i.+p.

CLEM. A gentleman? what's he?

SER. A soldier, sir, he sayeth.

CLEM. A soldier? fetch me my armour, my sword, quickly; a soldier speak with me, why, when, knaves? -- come on, come on, hold my cap there, so; give me my gorget, my sword; stand by, I will end your matters anon; let the soldier enter, now, sir, what have you to say to me?


BOB. By your wors.h.i.+p's favour.

CLEM. Nay, keep out, sir, I know not your pretence, you send me word, sir, you are a soldier, why, sir, you shall be answered here, here be them have been amongst soldiers.

Sir, your pleasure.

BOB. Faith, sir, so it is: this gentleman and myself have been most violently wronged by one Signior Giuliano: a gallant of the city here; and for my own part, I protest, being a man in no sort given to this filthy humour of quarrelling, he hath a.s.saulted me in the way of my peace, despoiled me of mine honour, disarmed me of my weapons, and beaten me in the open streets: when I not so much as once offered to resist him.

CLEM. Oh, G.o.d's precious, is this the soldier? here, take my armour quickly, 'twill make him swoon, I fear; he is not fit to look on't that will put up a blow.


MAT. An't please your wors.h.i.+p, he was bound to the peace.

CLEM. Why, an he were, sir, his hands were not bound, were they?

SER. There is one of the varlets of the city has brought two gentlemen here upon arrest, sir.

CLEM. Bid him come in, set by the picture.


Now, sir, what! Signior Giuliano? is't you that are arrested at signior freshwater's suit here?

GIU. I'faith, master Doctor, and here's another brought at my suit.

CLEM. What are you, sir?

STEP. A gentleman, sir; oh, uncle?

CLEM. Uncle? who, Lorenzo?

LOR. SE. Ay, sir.

STEP. G.o.d's my witness, my uncle, I am wrong'd here monstrously; he chargeth me with stealing of his cloak, and would I might never stir, if I did not find it in the street by chance.

GIU. Oh, did you find it now? you said you bought it erewhile.

STEP. And you said I stole it, nay, now my uncle is here I care not.

CLEM. Well, let this breathe awhile; you that have cause to complain there, stand forth; had you a warrant for this arrest?

BOB. Ay, an't please your wors.h.i.+p.

CLEM. Nay, do not speak in pa.s.sion so, where had you it?

BOB. Of your clerk, sir.

CLEM. That's well, an my clerk can make warrants, and my hand not at them; where is the warrant? varlet, have you it?

MUS. No, sir, your wors.h.i.+p's man bid me do it for these gentlemen, and he would be my discharge.

CLEM. Why, Signior Giuliano, are you such a novice to be arrested and never see the warrant?

GIU. Why, sir, he did not arrest me.

CLEM. No? how then?

GIU. Marry, sir, he came to me and said he must arrest me, and he would use me kindly, and so forth.

CLEM. Oh, G.o.d's pity, was it so, sir? he must arrest you.

Give me my long sword there; help me off, so; come on, sir varlet, I must cut off your legs, sirrah; nay, stand up, I'll use you kindly; I must cut off your legs, I say.

MUS. Oh, good sir, I beseech you, nay, good master Doctor.

Oh, good sir.

CLEM. I must do it; there is no remedy; I must cut off your legs, sirrah.

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Every Man in His Humour Part 26 summary

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