A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate Part 29

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[682] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 8.

[683] Vir et oratione gravis et auctoritate (Cic. _Brut_. 28. 109) [Greek: _haethei de kai logo kai plouto tois malista timomenois kai dynamenois apo touton enamillos_] (Plut. _C. Gracch_. 8).

[684] Suet. _Tib_. 3 Ob eximiam adversus Gracchos operam "patronus senatus" dictus.

[685] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 9.

[686] App. _Bell. Civ_ i. 35.

[687] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 10.

[688] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 9 [Greek: _Libios de kai taen apophoran tautaen_] (which had been imposed by the Gracchan laws) [Greek: _ton neimamenon aphairon haeresken autois_]. The tense of _neimamenon_ seems to show that the Gracchan as well as the Livian settlers are meant. See Underhill in loc. In any case, the reimposition of the _vectigal_ on the allotments by the law of 119 (App. _Bell. Civ_. i. 27) proves that it had been remitted before this date.

[689] [Greek: _hopos maed' epi strateias exae tina Latinon rhabdois aikisasthai_] (Plut. _C. Gracch_. 9).

[690] The _lex Acilia Repetundarum_ grants them the right of appeal as an alternative to citizens.h.i.+p as a reward for successful prosecution.

Cf. the similar provision in the franchise law of Flaccus (p. 168).

[691] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 9.

[692] Appian (_Bell. Civ_. i. 24) says that Gracchus was accompanied by Fulvius Flaccus. Plutarch (_C. Gracch_. 10) implies that the latter stayed at Rome.

[693] App. l.c. Appian represents this measure as having been proposed after the return of the commissioners to Rome. The words of Plutarch (_C. Gracch_. 8) [Greek: _apaertaesato to plaethos ... kakon ... epi koinoniai politeias tous Latinous_] probably refer to an invitation of the Latins to share in these citizen colonies.

[694] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 10.

[695] Mommsen in C.I.L. l.c.

[696] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 11.

[697] App. _Bell. Civ_. i. 24. According to Appian, the wolf event occurred after Gracchus had quitted Africa.

[698] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 11.

[699] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 12.

[700] Ibid. [Greek: _synetyche d' auto kai pros tous synarchontas en orgae genesthai. synarchontas_] here is not limited to his colleagues in the tribunate.

[701] [Greek: _exemisthoun_] (Plut. l.c.), probably to contractors who would sublet the seats.

[702] Beesly _The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla_ p. 53.

[703] [Greek: _psaephon men auto pleiston genomenon, adikos de kai kakourgos ton synarchonton poiaesamenon taen anagoreusin kai anadeixin_].

(Plut. l.c.)

[704] Cic. _in Pis_. 15. 36; Varro _R.R_. iii. 5. 18.

[705] [Greek: _hos Sardonion gelota gelosin, ou gignoskontes hoson autois skotos ek ton auton perikechytai politeumaton_.] (Plut. l.c.)

[706] Cic. _pro Caec_. 33. 95; _pro Domo_ 40. 106.

[707] [Victor] _de Vir. Ill_. 65.

[708] Cornelia ap. Corn. Nep. fr. 16 Ne id quidem tam breve spatium (sc. vitae) potest opitulari quin et mihi adversere et rem publicam profliges? Denique quae pausa erit? Ecquando desinet familia nostra insanire? Ecquando modus ei rei haberi poterit? Ecquando desinemus et habentes et praebentes molestiis insistere? Ecquando perpudescet miscenda atque perturbanda re publica?

[709] [Greek: _hos dae theristas_] (Plut. _C. Gracch_. 13).

[710] Plutarch (l.c.) says that the consul had "sacrificed" [Greek: (_thysantos_)] and, if this is correct, Opimius must have summoned the meeting.

[711] App. _Bell. Civ_. i. 25.

[712] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 13; App. _Bell. Civ_. i. 25; [Victor] _de Vir.

III_. 65. The last author calls the slain man Attilius and describes him as "praeco Opimii consulis". Cf. Ihne _Rom. Gesch_. v. p. 103.

[713] [Victor] l.c. Imprudens contionem a tribuno plebis avocavit.

Cf. App. _Bell. Civ_. i. 25.

[714] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 14.

[715] App. _Bell. Civ_. i. 25.

[716] App. l.c.

[717] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 14.

[718] Cic. _Phil_. viii. 4. 14 Quod L. Opimius consul verba fecit de re publica, de ea re ita censuerunt, uti L. Opimius consul rem publicam defenderet. Senatus haec verbis, Opimius armis. Cf. _in Cat_. i. 2. 4; iv. 5. 10. Plut. _C. Gracch_. 14 [Greek: _eis to bouleutaerion apelthontes epsaephisanto kai prosetaxan Opimio to hypato sozein taen polin hopos dynaito kai katalyein tous tyrannous_.]

[719] Plut. l.c.

[720] App. _Bell. Civ_. i. 26.

[721] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 14.

[722] Ibid. 15.

[723] App. _Bell. Civ. i_. 26.

[724] Cf. Bardey _Das sechste Consulat des Marius_ p. 61.

[725] Plut. l.c.

[726] Plut. _C. Gracch_. 16; App. l.c.

[727] Plut. l.c.

[728] Plut. l.c.

[729] Cic. _in Cat_. iv. 6. 13.

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A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate Part 29 summary

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