A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate Part 32

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i. p. 56.

[824] Peracutus et callidus c.u.m primisque ridiculus (Cic. _Brut_.

62. 224).

[825] Cic. _pro Rab. Post, 6, 14.

[826] Stercus Curiae (Cic. _de Orat_. iii. 41. 164).

[827] Cic. _Brut_. 62. 224 Is ... equestrem ordinem beneficio legis devinxerat. Cf. _pro Scauro_ 1. 2. But the law of Glaucia was a _lex repetundarum_ (Ascon. _in Scaurian_. p. 21; Val. Max. viii. 1. 8; cf.

notes 4 and 5), not a _lex judiciaria_.

[828] Cic. _in Verr_. i. 9. 26.

[829] Cic. _pro Rab. Post_. 4. 8. The granting of the _civitas_ to Latins, as a reward for successful prosecution (Cic. _pro Balbo_ 24.

54), was not an innovation due to Glaucia. It appears already in the _lex Acilia_.

[830] Liv. _Ep_. lxiii; Florus i. 39 (iii. 4); Eutrop. iv. 24.

[831] Oros. v. 15.

[832] Plut. _Quaest. Rom_. 83.

[833] Plut. _Quaest. Rom_. 83. The ma.n.u.script reading is [Greek: _barbarou tinos hippikou therapon_]. I have adopted Ihne's suggestion of _Barrou_, which he supports by a reference to Porphyrio _ad Hor.

Sat_. 1. 6. 30--Hic Barrus vilisimmae libidinosaeque admodum vitae fuit, adeo ut Aemiliam virginem Vestae dictus sit.

[834] Dio Ca.s.s. _fr_. 92.

[835] Macrob. _Sat_. i. 10. 5.

[836] Ascon. _in Milonian_. p. 46. Cf. Cic. _de Nat. Deor_. iii. 30.


[837] Scopulus reorum (Val. Max. iii. 7. 9).

[838] Ascon. l.c.

[839] Val. Max. l.c. c.u.m id vitare beneficio legis Memmiae liceret, quae eorum, qui rei publicae causa abessent, recipi nomina vetabat.

[840] Val. Max. vi. 8. 1.

[841] Ascon. l.c. Nimia etiam, ut existimatio est, asperitate usus.

[842] Zumpt _Criminalrecht_ i. p. 117.

[843] Plut. _Quaest. Rom_., 83 [Greek: _duo en andras duo de gynaikas en tae boon agorai legomenae tous men h.e.l.laenas, tous de Galatas, zontas katorhyxan_].

[844] Plin. _H.N_. x.x.x. 1. 12 DCLVII demum anno urbis Cn. Cornelia Lentulo P. Licinio consulibus (97 B.C.) senatus consultum factum est ne h.o.m.o immolaretur.

[845] Plut. l.c.

[846] Obsequens 99 (37) (111 B.C.) Maxima pars urbis exusta c.u.m aede Matris Magnae; lacte per triduum pluit, hostiisque expiatum majoribus, Jugurthinum bellum exortum. The war had been determined on the year before.

[847] Boissiere _Esquisse d'une histoire de la conquete et de l'administration Romaines dans le Nord de l'Afrique_ p. 41.

[848] App. _Lib_. [Greek: _apo Maurousion ton okeanoi mechri taes Kyraenaion archaes es ta mesogeia_.]

[849] Boissiere l.c.

[850] [Greek: _ton legomenon Megalon Pedion_] (App. _Lib_. 68).

[851] Tissot _Geographie comparee de la province Romaine d'Afrique_ ii.

p. 5.

[852] Plin. _H.N_. v. 3. 22; v. 4. 25; Ptol. iv. 3. 7.

[853] Tissot op. cit. ii. pp. 1-20.

[854] Ibid. ii. p. 20.

[855] Mercier _La population indigene de L'Afrique_ pp. 129, 130; Boissiere op. cit. p. 39.

[856] Tissot op. cit. i. pp. 400 foll. For the extension of the native Libyan language cf. Boissiere, _L'Afrique Romaine_ p. 6.

[857] Tissot op. cit. pp. 403, 404.

[858] Hence the [Greek: _Melanogatouloi_] and the [Greek: _Lenkaithiopes_]

of Ptolemy (iv. 6. 5 and 6.) See Tissot op. cit. p. 447.

[859] Mercier op. cit. p. 136.

[860] Tissot op. cit. i. pp. 414-17.

[861] Boissiere (op. cit. p. 101) cites an interesting description of the Kabyle from _Le capitaine Rinn_. In it occur the following words:--La guerre pour lui (le Kabyle) est une affaire de devoir, de necessite, de point d'honneur ou de vengeance; ce n'est jamais ni un plaisir, ni une distraction, ni meme un etat normal; il ne la fait qu'apres prevenu son ennemi, et, dans le combat ou apres la victoire, il n'a pas de cruaute inutile.

[862] Tissot op. cit. i. pp. 417-18.

[863] Polyb. x.x.xvii. 3; Diod. x.x.xii. 17.

[864] Plin. _H.N_. v. 3 22.

[865] Strabo xvii. 3. 13.

[866] Livy says (xxix. 29) that this was the admitted order of succession (ita mos apud Numidas est). The brother of a late king was probably considered to be the most capable successor. An immature son would be pa.s.sed over. Cf. Biereye _Res Numidarum et Maurorum_ p. 18.

[867] Liv. _Ep_. 1.; Val. Max. v. 2, ext. 4; Oros. iv. 22.

[868] App. _Lib_. 106.

[869] App. _Hisp_. 67; Sall. _Jug_. 7.

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