A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate Part 36

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[1011] Sall. _Jug_. 48.

[1012] This appears from the narrative in Ibid. 52. 5. Even when Jugurtha had advanced some distance to the river, Bomilcar was not actually in touch with the king's forces.

[1013] Sall. _Jug_. 49. 4.

[1014] Sall. _Jug_. 49. 4.

[1015] Ibid. 49. 6 Ibi conmutatis ordinibus in dextero latere, quod proxumum hostis erat, triplicibus subsidies aciem instruxit.

[1016] Sall. _Jug_. 49. 6 Sicuti instruxerat, transvorsis principiis in planum deducit. The word "transvorsis" here probably refers to the direction in which the front rank faced the enemy, and the position may be described in another way by saying that Metellus marched with his front rank sideways to Jugurtha. See Summers in loc.

[1017] Ibid. 50. 2.

[1018] Ibid. 50. 1.

[1019] Sall. _Jug_. 52. 5.

[1020] Ibid. 50. 2.

[1021] Sall. _Jug_. 51. 3.

[1022] Sall. _Jug_. 52.5.

[1023] Aciem quam diffidens virtuti militum arte statuerat, quo hostium itineri officeret, latius porrigit eoque modo ad Rutili castra procedit (Ibid. 52. 6).

[1024] Sall. _Jug_. 53. 3.

[1025] Ibid. 53. 5 Instructi intentique obviam procedunt. Nam dolus Numidarum nihil languidi neque remissi patiebatur.

[1026] Pro victoria satis jam pugnatum, reliquos labores pro praeda fore (Sall. _Jug_. 54. 1).

[1027] Interim Romae gaudium ingens ortum cognitis Metelli rebus, ut seque et exercitum more majorum gereret, in advorso loco victor tamen virtute fuisset, hostium agro potiretur, Jugurtham magnific.u.m ex Albini socordia spem salutis in solitudine aut fuga coegisset habere (Ibid. 55. 1).

[1028] Sall. _Jug_. 54. 1.

[1029] Ibid. 54. 3.

[1030] Metellus, ubi videt ... minore detrimento illos vinci quam suos vincere, statuit non proeliis neque in acie, sed alio more bellum gerundum (Ibid. 54. 5).

[1031] Sall. _Jug_. 54. 6.

[1032] Sall. _Jug_. 55. 5.

[1033] Sicca is the modern El Kef, but is still called by its inhabitants by its old name of Sicca Veneria (Schak Benar), The name _Veneria_ was derived from a temple of the Punic Aphrodite (cf. Val.

Max. ii. 6. 15). Of its strategic importance Tissot says "El Kef is still regarded as the strongest place in Tunis.... The town dominates the great plains of Es-sers, Zanfour, Lorbeus and of the Wad Mellag, at the same time that it commands one of the ways of communication leading from Tunis to Algiers." See Wilmanns in C.I.L.

viii. p. 197; Tissot _Geogr. comp_. ii. p. 378. Zama Regia is now identified, not with the place called Lehs, El-Lehs or Elies (Wilmanns op. cit. p. 210), but with Djiama. See Tissot op. cit. ii. pp. 571, 577-79; Mommsen in _Hermes_ xx. pp. 144-56; Schmidt in _Rhein. Mus_.

1889 (N. F. 44) pp. 397 foll.

[1034] Sall. _Jug_. 56. 3.

[1035] Ibid. 56. 2.

[1036] Id oppidum in campo situm magis opere quam natura munitum erat (Ibid. 57. 1).

[1037] Contra ea oppidani in proxumos saxa volvere, sudes, pila, praeterea picem sulphure et taeda mixtam ardentia mittere (Sall. _Jug_.

57. 5). If _ardentia_ is correct, the _sudes_ and _pila_ must also have been winged with fire. I have interpreted the pa.s.sage as though _ardenti_ (suggested by Herzog) were the true reading. Summers suggests "picem sulphure mixtam et tela ardentia."

[1038] Ibid. 58. 1.

[1039] Sall. _Jug_. 59. 1.

[1040] Ibid. 59. 3.

[1041] Sall. _Jug_. 60. 4.

[1042] Ibid. 61. 1.

[1043] Sall. _Jug_. 61. 4.

[1044] Sall. _Jug_. 62, 1.

[1045] Mittuntur ad imperatorem legati, qui Jugurtham imperata facturum dice rent (Ibid. 62. 3). The word _imperata_ implies previous negotiations.

[1046] Metellus proper cantos senatorial ordinis ex Hibernia accurse jubet; eorum et variorum, quos ironers defeat, console habet (Ibid. 62. 4).

[1047] Ihne _Rom. Gesch_. v. p. 146.

[1048] Sall. _Jug_. 62. 5. Orosius (v. 15. 7) adds that Jugurtha promised corn and other supplies.

[1049] Oros. l.c.

[1050] Sall. _Jug_. 62. 7.

[1051] Oros. l.c.

[1052] App. _Num_. 3.

[1053] Its site is unknown.

[1054] Romae senatus de provinciis consults Numidiam Metello decelerare (Sall. _Jug_. 62. 10). It is possible that the senate merely abstained from making Numidia a consular province. See Summers in loc. and cf.

p. 222.

[1055] Etiam tum alios magistratus plebs, consulate n.o.bilities inter se per ma.n.u.s trade bat. Novas memo tam claries neque tam egregious facts erat, quin is indigenous illo honore et quasi pollutes aerator (Ibid. 63. 6).

[1056] Ibid. 63. 1.

[1057] Sall. _Jug_. 64. 4.

[1058] Milites quibus in Hibernia preheat lax ore imperio quam antea habere (Ibid. 64. 5).

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A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate Part 36 summary

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