A Man of the People Part 15

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Edward, take her to the War Office with this message----


Yes, sir----


I demand to see the President at once----



I can't admit you, Mr. Congressman, just now----


[_Forcing his way in._]

I demand it, sir----

[LINCOLN _crosses to the door._]


What is it, John----


Mr. President, I have been here three times! I demand the right to see you--to ask the pardon of one of my const.i.tuents.


All right! Out with it!


He is one of the solid citizens of Ma.s.sachusetts; a slave trader whose s.h.i.+p has been confiscated. He has spent five years in prison, and cannot pay the heavy fine in money imposed---- He is not a bad man at heart.


And he wants _me_ to pardon him--this slave-trader----!


I ask it as a matter of justice--he has paid the penalty--five long years in prison----



I might pardon a murderer from old Ma.s.sachusetts, she's done glorious service in this war--but a man who can make a business of going to Africa and robbing her of helpless men, women and children and selling them into bondage----!

[_He pauses and stiffens._]

--before that man can have liberty by any act of mine, he can stay in jail and rot!


[_To the Congressman._]

Now, you've got it----!



Yes--I heard it----


[_Turning back to his desk, and examining his papers._]

Good---- Bring in the next one, John!

[_As_ NICOLAY _exits with the Congressman who continues to talk in loud tones, a sweet little girl of twelve slips by and reaches the President's desk unannounced. The President has taken his seat and is writing. While the President continues to write, the little girl slips close and watches him wistfully. He lifts his head, sees her, and smiles._]

Why, what a wee girl--and you got in here all by yourself----?


I slipped in when no one was looking----


Did you? What did you do that for?


I was afraid they wouldn't let me in, if they knew what I wanted----



And what _do_ you want?


If you please, sir--a pa.s.s to go through the lines to Virginia--my brother's there--he was shot in the last battle--and I want to see him.

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A Man of the People Part 15 summary

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