A Man of the People Part 16

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Of course, you do--and you shall too.

[_He seizes his pen, writes a pa.s.s and hands it to her._]




Oh, thank you--thank you!


[_Casually placing his hand on her head._]

Of course, you're loyal----?

[VIRGINIA'S _lips quiver, she hesitates, looks up into his face through dimmed eyes, and her slender body stiffens as she slowly speaks._]


Yes--loyal--with all my heart--to Virginia!

[_The trembling little fingers hand the pa.s.s back as the tears roll down her cheeks. LINCOLN looks away to hide from her his own emotion, stoops and takes her hand in his. His voice is low and tender and full of feeling._]


I know what it cost you to say that, child. You're a brave little girl!

And I'll love you always for this glimpse you've given me of a great spirit and a great people. That's why I can't let the South go---- They can't leave this Union. We need them---- Now I can trust you----?



Yes, sir!

[NICOLAY _enters with a young mother and baby and hesitates at sight of the little girl._]


Come on in, John--it's all right. I'm about through with this young lady----

[NICOLAY _brings the young mother to the desk and_ LINCOLN _takes_ VIRGINIA _down stage._]

Come down here, dear, so old man Nicolay can't hear us--he mightn't understand.

[_He sits on a chair and draws the girl close._]

You see, I understand you--and can trust you implicitly. Now if I give you back this and let you go--will you promise me that no word shall pa.s.s your lips of what you've seen inside our lines?


Oh, yes--I promise----!


[_Handing her the pa.s.s._]

May G.o.d speed the day, child, when your people and mine shall no longer be enemies----


Thank you, sir!


Run now!

[VIRGINIA _exits. At the door she throws him a kiss._]

[LINCOLN _comes quickly to the mother and greets her cheerily._]

Well, little mother, what's the matter?

[_She hesitates and appeals to_ NICOLAY.]


Tell him yourself----



If you please, sir, we ain't been married but a little over a year, and my husband's never seen the baby----


That's too bad----


He's in the army and I couldn't stand it any longer--so I came down to Was.h.i.+ngton to get a pa.s.s to take the baby to him. But he wouldn't let me have it at the War Office----



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A Man of the People Part 16 summary

You're reading A Man of the People. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Thomas Dixon. Already has 581 views.

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