You're Beautiful When You Smile Chapter 59 Part3

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You're Beautiful When You Smile
Chapter 59 Part 3

The bullet comments began praising Lu Sicheng, the screen was covered with “6666.” The way he played Ezreal was simple and straightforward, he didn't show off any flashy moves. However, from his movement in the match, it showed the meticulous calculations he had done with his champion's base damage, cool down times, and abilities.

Tong Yao bought items as she was waiting for her champion to revive. When she finally resp.a.w.ned at the fountain, she realized that if she still used the same tactic as earlier, Lu Sicheng would constantly oppress her till the end of the match.

With this epiphany, she returned to lane and moved forward boldly despite being one item behind him-- --

Three minutes later, when both of them reached level 5, Tong Yao repeated what Lu Sicheng had done to her and tower dived him!

Lu Sicheng raised his eyebrows. It so happened that her minions were moving to his turret this time, every single one of them dying to the turret. Not only could he not farm these minions, he had to watch Tong Yao, standing right under his turret, taking her time whittling down the turret's health-- --

The turret began to break, stones rolled off, and it seemed to signal that Tong Yao had turned her disadvantage around from the early game. The match reached a new balance point!


Their 1v1 match lasted for twenty minutes.

They tried to outdo each other, each not letting the other get ahead for long. The number of kills reached an even two kills to two kills and both turrets were in danger of being destroyed!

At this point, Tong Yao couldn't hear the onlookers or bother with all bullet comments. She paid her full attention to the man in front of her. He came up and casted a summoner spell to hurt Tong Yao, bringing her health below 40% level. The minions surged forward again, Lu Sicheng hesitated for a second, then retreated back a little bit, taking a cautious approach-- --

This seemed to be a miscalculation on his part on the length of minion lane on mid lane. He actually had plenty of time to hurt Tong Yao further or even kill her before the minions reach him!

But he had thrown away the opportunity to pummel Tong Yao further and gave her a small chance-- --It gave her a perfect chance to fight back while the enemy was retreating!

Q for damage - then W to increase attack speed - A - A - E - A - Q-- --

She hit exhaust, then ignite!

When she saw her opponent's health drop and he used his E ability to quickly pull back to increase the distance between them. Tong Yao pressed R-- --

She had released Ezreal's ultimate and slain the weakened Lu Sicheng!

3 to 2!

“I won! ! ! ! ! ! Ahhhhhhhh! !”

Tong Yao threw down her mouse and keyboard, raising both of her arms towards the air. The onlookers behind them also started clapping since they knew that crayfish was coming. The bullet comments were bursting with happy thoughts-- --

[Hahahahahahaha, you're something, my little sister!]

[Esports Mulan slays General Lu! Next is tying the knot, that's for sure. Xixixixixixi!]

[Ahhhhhhhhhhhh. I won't be more excited even when Chinese team wins the world champions.h.i.+p!]

[I was so nervous that I almost couldn't breath…...You're all veterans, even a champion like Ezreal could be used at this level.]

[d.a.m.n, I was so nervous! My palms are all wet!]

[I'm on the toilet! ! ! I squatted down for 30 minutes and forgot why I was here for in the first place! ! ! ! Congratulations, Smiling; congratulations, Cheng Ge! Now I'm going back to concentrate on my bowel movements, muah! ! !]

Tong Yao giggly turned to look at Lu Sicheng. He took his time to switch to Tong Yao's stream and glanced at the comments. Then he mumbled: “Why the heck are you congratulating me! I wish you get constipated!” He turned off her stream and was about to put his earphones back on-- --

Tong Yao grabbed his arm: “Crayfish, crayfish, crayfish.”

Lu Sicheng took a glance at the hand on his wrist: “I got it.”

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You're Beautiful When You Smile Chapter 59 Part3 summary

You're reading You're Beautiful When You Smile. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Qing Mei, 青浼. Already has 3711 views.

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