History of The Reign of Philip The Second King of Spain History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain Part 56

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[177] Giannone, Istoria di Napoli, tom. X. p. 43.

[178] Nores, Guerra fra Paolo Quarto e Filippo Secondo, MS.--Andrea, Guerra de Roma, p. 314.--De Thou, Histoire Universelle, tom. III. p.

128.--Giannone, Istoria di Napoli, tom. X. p. 45.--Ossorio, Albae Vita, tom. II. p. 131.

[179] "Hoggi il mio Re ha fatto una gran sciocchezza, e se io fossi stato in suo luogo, et egli nel mio, il Cardinal Carafa sarebbe andato in Fiandra a far quelle stesse sommissioni a sua Maesta che io vengo hora di fare a sua Sant.i.ta." Leti, Vita di Filippo II., tom. I. p. 293.

[180] Relazione di Bernardo Navagero.

[181] Giannone, Istoria di Napoli, tom. X. p. 45.--Nores, Guerra fra Paolo Quarto e Filippo Secondo, MS.--Leti, Vita di Filippo II., tom. I.

p. 293.--Andrea, Guerra de Roma, p. 316.

[182] Charles the Fifth, who received tidings of the peace at Yuste, was as much disgusted with the terms of it as the duke himself. He even vented his indignation against the duke, as if he had been the author of the peace. He would not consent to read the despatches which Alva sent to him, saying that he already knew enough; and for a long time after "he was heard to mutter between his teeth," in a tone which plainly showed the nature of his thoughts. Retiro y Estancia, ap. Mignet, Charles-Quint, p. 307.

[183] Giannone, Istoria di Napoli, tom. X. p. 46.

[184] Giannone, Istoria di Napoli, tom. X. p. 50.--Nores, Guerra fra Paolo Quarto e Filippo Secondo, MS.

[185] Nores, Guerra fra Paolo Quarto e Filippo Secondo, MS.--Giannone, Istoria di Napoli, tom. X. p. 50.

[186] "Della quale se altri non voleva aver cura, voleva almeno averla esso; e sebbene i suoi consigli non fossero uditi, avrebbe almeno la consolazione di avere avuto quest'animo, e che si dicesse un giorno: che un vecchio italiano che, essendo vicino alla morte, doveva attendere a riposare e a piangere i suoi peccati, avesse avuto tanto alti disegni."

Relazione di Bernardo Navagero.

[187] Cabrera, Filipe Segundo, lib. IV. cap. 2.--Carta del Rey Don Felipe Segundo a Ruy Gomez de Silva a XI. de Marco, 1557, MS.--Papiers d'Etat de Granvelle, tom. V. pp. 61, 63.

[188] Tytler, in his England under Edward VI. and Mary, (vol. II. p.

483,) has printed extracts from the minutes of the council, with the commentaries of Philip by the side of them. The commentaries, which are all in the royal autograph, seem to be as copious as the minutes themselves.

[189] Herrera, Historia General del Mundo, de XV. Anos del Tiempo del Senor Rey Don Felipe II., (Valladolid, 1606,) lib. IV. cap.

13.--Gaillard, Histoire de la Rivalite de la France et de l'Espagne, (Paris, 1801,) tom. V. p. 243.

[190] See Tytler's valuable work, Reigns of Edward VI. and Mary. The compilation of this work led its candid author to conclusions eminently favorable to the personal character of Queen Mary.

[191] Conf. De Thou, Histoire Universelle, tom. III. p. 148; Cabrera, Filipe Segundo, lib. IV. cap. 4; Campana, Vita del Re Filippo Secondo, parte II. lib. 9; Herrera, Historia General, lib. IV. cap. 14.

The historian here, as almost everywhere else where numerical estimates are concerned, must content himself with what seems to be the closest approximation to the truth. Some writers carry the Spanish foot to fifty thousand. I have followed the more temperate statement of the contemporary De Thou, who would not be likely to underrate the strength of an enemy.

[192] See the letters of the duke published in the Papiers d'Etat de Granvelle, (tom. V., pa.s.sim,)--business-like doc.u.ments, seasoned with lively criticisms on the characters of those he had to deal with.

[193] Relazione della Corte di Savoja di Gio Francesco Morosini, 1570, ap. Relazioni degli Ambasciatori Veneti, vol. iv.

[194] See the letter of the queen to Philip, in Strype, Catalogue of Originals, No. 56.

[195] Papiers d'Etat de Granvelle, tom. V. p. 115.

[196] De Thou, Histoire Universelle, tom. III. p. 147.--Commentaires de Francois de Rabutin, ap. Nouvelle Collection des Memoires pour servir a l'Histoire de France, par MM. Michaud et Poujoulat, (Paris, 1838,) tom.

VII. p. 535.--Herrera, Historia General, lib. IV. cap. 14.--Cabrera, Filipe Segundo, lib. IV. cap. 5.

[197] "Ils furent tous deux, dans leur jeunes ans,..... sy grands compagnons, amis et confederez de court, que j'ay ouy dire a plusieurs qui les ont veus habiller le plus souvant de mesmes parures, mesmes livrees,..... tous deux fort enjouez et faisant des follies plus extravagantes que tous les autres; et sur tout ne faisoient nulles follies qu'ils ne fissent mal, tant ils etoient rudes joueurs et malheureux en leurs jeux." Brantome, uvres, tom. III. p. 265.

[198] "Il falloit les nourrir ou les faire mourir de faim, qui eust peu apporter une peste dans la ville." Memoires de Gaspard de Coligni, ap.

Collection Universelle des Memoires particuliers relatifs a l'Histoire de France, (Paris, 1788,) tom. XL. p. 252.

[199] Ibid.--De Thou, Histoire Universelle, tom. III. p. 151.--Rabutin, ap. Nouvelle Collection des Memoires, tom. VII. p. 540.--Garnier, Histoire de France, (Paris, 1787,) tom. XXVII. p. 358.

[200] There is not so much discrepancy in the estimates of the French as of the Spanish force. I have accepted the statements of the French historians, Garnier, (Histoire de France, tom. XXVII. p. 354,) and De Thou, (tom. III. p. 148,) who, however, puts the cavalry at one thousand less. For authorities on the Spanish side, see Cabrera, Filipe Segundo, lib. IV. cap. 7.--Herrera, Historia General, lib. IV. cap. 15.--Campana, Vita del Re Filippo Secondo, parte II. lib. 9.

[201] Rabutin, ap. Nouvelle Collection des Memoires, tom. VII. p. 548.

[202] Ibid., ubi supra.--Monpleinchamp, Histoire d'Emmanuel Philibert Duc de Savoie, (Amsterdam, 1699,) p. 146.--De Thou, Histoire Universelle, tom. III. p. 157.

The first of these writers, Francois de Rabutin, is one of the best authorities for these transactions, in which he took part as a follower of the duc de Nevers.

[203] "Encore a sortir des bateaux, a cause de la presse, les soldats ne pouvoient suivre les addresses et sentes qui leur estoient appareillees; de facon qu'ils s'escartoient et se jettoient a coste dans les creux des marets, d'ou ils ne pouvoient sortir, et demeuroient la embourbez et noyez." Rabutin, ap. Nouvelle Collection des Memoires, tom. VII. p. 549.

[204] Brantome, uvres, tom. I. p. 361.

[205] I quote the words of Monpleinchamp, (Histoire du Duc de Savoie, p.

147,) who, however, speaks of the fire as coming from the artillery,--hardly probable, as the French batteries were three miles distant, up the river. But accuracy does not appear to be the chief virtue of this writer.

[206] "Manda au prince, pour toute reponse, qu'il etoit bien jeune pour vouloir lui apprendre son metier, qu'il commandoit les armees avant que celui-ci fut au monde, et qu'il comptoit bien en vingt ans lui donner encore des lecons." Garnier, Histoire de France, tom. XXVII. p. 364.

[207] Rabutin, who gives this account, says it would be impossible to tell how the disorder began. It came upon them so like a thunderclap, that no man had a distinct recollection of what pa.s.sed. Rabutin, ap.

Nouvelle Collection des Memoires, tom. VII. p. 550.

[208] "Appellant a lui dans ce trouble le vieux d'Oignon, officier experimente, il lui demanda: Bon homme, que faut-il faire? Monseigneur, repondit d'Oignon, il y a deux heures que je vous l'aurois bien dit, maintenant je n'en sais rien." Garnier, Histoire de France, tom. XXVII.

p. 368.

[209] "Noirs comme de beaux diables." Brantome, uvres, tom. III. p.


[210] "Icelles compagnies de fantrie, en ce peu qu'elles se comportoient, autant belles, bien complettes et bien armees, que l'on en avoit veu en France il y avoit long-temps." Rabutin, ap. Nouvelle Collection des Memoires, tom. VII. p. 551.

[211] "A ces nouvelles s'esleverent tellement leurs esprits et courages, qu'ils recoururent incontinent aux armes, et n'oyoit-on plus partout que demander harnois et chevaux, et trompettes sonner a cheval, ayant chacun recouvert ses forces et sentimens pour venger la honte precedente; toutefois ce murmure se trouva nul, et demeura a.s.soupi en peu d'heure."

Ibid., p. 552.

[212] Campana, Vita del Re Filippo Secondo, parte II. lib. 9.

According to some accounts, the loss did not exceed fifty. This, considering the spirit and length of the contest, will hardly be credited. It reminds one of the wars with the Moslems in the Peninsula, where, if we are to take the account of the Spaniards, their loss was usually as one to a hundred of the enemy.

[213] For the preceding pages, see Rabutin, ap. Nouvelle Collection des Memoires, tom. VII. pp. 548-552.--Cabrera, Filipe Segundo, lib. IV. cap.

7.--Campana, Vita del Re Filippo Secondo, parte II. lib.

9.--Monpleinchamp, Vie du Duc de Savoie, pp. 146-150.--Herrera, Historia General, lib. IV. cap. 15.--De Thou, Histoire Universelle, tom. III. pp.

154-160.--Garnier, Histoire de France, tom. XXVII. pp. 361-372.--Carta de Felipe 2do a su padre anunciandole la victoria de San Quentin, MS.

[214] "Pues yo no me halle alli, de que me pesa lo que V. M. no puede pensar, no puedo dar relacion de lo que paso sino de oydas." Carta de Felipe 2do a su padre, 11 de Agosto, 1557, MS.

[215] This appears by a letter of the major-domo of Charles, Luis Quixada, to the secretary, Juan Vazquez de Molina, MS.

"Siento que no se puede conortar de que su hijo no se hallase en ello."

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History of The Reign of Philip The Second King of Spain History of the Reign of Philip the Second, King of Spain Part 56 summary

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