Asura God Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Surprise attack at night

A team of hundreds left Azure Cloud Sect happily, as they walked into the Yun Luo forest.

All sorts of tree branch grew crazily around the old thick trees, there was poisonous snakes living and appearance of wild beasts, it was filled with danger.

The old trees gave a very ancient feeling.

The team trudge through the old forest, the ground was covered in dried leaves, tree branches hanging out, the place was very messy and you could even sometimes see the dried up bones of some wild beast.

Qin Ming walked at the back with a thousand jin load on his back as he look at the moist and dense forest with caution. Others would probably have a lot of experience in trekking the forest, but for Qin Ming, he was clueless about what happened outside as this was the first time in eight years that he could leave Azure Cloud Sect.

A black bear walked through the side of the forest, coldly glaring at their team while emitting low growls, the formless Qi waves started to permeate the air, even the broken stones on the floor started to slowly rise up.

Spirit Monster!

The Qi was very domineering.

The team of people didn’t bother the black bear, we have hundreds of people, why would we be afraid of you?

Qin Ming didn’t dare to be careless, so he quietly held onto the flying knives on his waist, ready to take action.

The black bear didn’t attack, it only watch them leave from afar.

The road was b.u.mpy, with all kinds of tree roots intertwining each other. The disciples were very relaxed, some of them would do some tricks in the canopy of the trees, to show themselves to the female disciples, sometimes they would chase Spirit Monsters to show how strong they are. Qin Ming carried weight of thousand jin, his every step was filled with cautious, but he was not troubled or annoyed, he kept a steady pace, maintain a calm breath, his back straight, and used the journey as training.

They walked for three days straight, the team of disciples went deeper into the forest and they reached a mountain with a sharp peak that is a thousand meter tall.

"This mountain peak is very special, it is like a black eagle that spread its wings, we will make this our marking, we will gather here half a month later."

"Servant Qin Ming, distribute the tools in the metal bin, you will wait here, don’t run off on your own else you lose your life."

"This old forest is very dangerous, be careful everybody, try not to provoke any Spirit Monsters."

"Remember, gather after half a month, don’t delay too long."

The team separated into fifteen groups, one or two Medicine Mountain disciples would get paired with four or five disciples to protect them, it was balanced based on their strengths.

Each group then separated into different areas to find different Spiritual herbs

Qin Ming put down the metal bin, and took out all the tools and rations out.

"Servant Qin Ming, you better stay at the mountain top and don’t wander off." Zhao Ming blinked his eyes at Qin Ming,

"Don’t anyhow run off! I don’t want to be responsible if you die." a Medicine Mountain disciples coldly warned him.

"Let’s set off, i wish every team will have a great harvest. "

The crowd shouted loudly, as they set off with their baggage,, leaving only Qin Ming behind.

Qin Ming stood on the mountain top, overlooking the vast forest, all sorts of weird peaks, thin mists following the direction of wind, the scenery was majestic, followed by a boundless feeling as he took a deep breath and felt relaxed and refreshed.

But this was a primitive forest, under the beautiful scenery was filled with all sorts of danger, deep in the forest was filled with wild Spirit Monster, showcasing the cruel fact of the strong feeds on weak.

For Qin Ming, the most dangerous thing wasn’t the forest, it was Zhao Ming! That shameless person brought him in the team without any good intention. He stood there expressionless for a while, then he walked to the ' eagle beak' of the mountain to slowly move his shoulder, stretch his body out and descend the steep and dangerous cliff angle, in order to stay under the 'eagle mouth'.

After a while, a small team came back to the mountain top.

"Little servant, big sister is here to see you." Zhao Ming slightly smiled, as she walked leisurely. The short dress revealed her skin, giving a very moving feeling, white and tender like a swan's neck, beautiful like a flower. No matter where she goes, she would always cause other's eyes to brighten up, even the surrounding flowers seemed to have lost their colors when compared to Zhao Ming.

A well built male disciple followed closely behind: "let me take care of him, i heard he is a stubborn guy? I like to hear the wailings of a stubborn guy."

The Medicine Mountain disciple laughed: "let me see his blood. I need to use blood as sacrifice for the mountains, i always use Spirit Monster blood, this time i can try the effects of human blood."

"Keep your voice down, it might scare our little servant."

"En? Where is Qin Ming?"

There was only the metal bin present on the mountain top, without any trace of Qin Ming.

"Could he have run away?" Zhao Ming's face changed, signalling them to split up and search.

After searching the entire mountain top, they couldn’t find Qin Ming. Even after trying a second time, they still cant find him.

"Cunning brat, he must have followed the other teams." Zhao Ming knew that Qin Ming wouldnt sit here and wait for his death, but she didn’t know that his reaction would be so quick, leaving at the start.

"What do we do now?" a disciple wielding a silver spear walked to the 'eagle beak' cliff side, as he stretch hi head forward for a quick look down, once he falls, it would be a thousand meter fall.

Zhao Ming had a vicious tone: "Qin Ming must die, i cannot allow him to go back to Azure Cloud Sect alive."

The Medicine Mountain disciple comforted: "don’t worry Miss Zhao Ming, since we have promised you, we won’t break our promise. It is only a little servant, no matter how special he is, he is still a servant, i don’t care about the consequences. He he, furthermore, he will die in te forest, without leaving anything behind, who would know how he died? We will give chase now, Qin Ming shouldn’t have run far."

"Ill trouble all senior and junior brothers then, the promised benefits will only be more and never less."

"Haha, Miss Zhao Ming is too formal, it is our pleasure to be able to serve you."

"Chase! Qin Ming doesn’t know about anything, so he shouldn’t have ran far." Zhao Ming bore a grudge against Qin Ming, ever since the day Qin Ming injured her, she kept thinking of how to get back at Qin Ming, in the end, the more she thought, the more angry she got and the more she wanted to kill him. Now that she managed to get the Medicine Mountain's disciple to get Qin Ming in the group and leave Azure Cloud Sect, it was a hard to come chance, she couldn’t allow Qin Ming to run again.

Beneath the cliff at the 'eagle beak', Qin Ming was steadily hanging there, his eyes become more and more colder as he heard each and every word of their conversation. He thought that Zhao Ming only wanted to teach him a lesson and humiliate him, he didn’t expect that she wanted his life.

Its night time now!

In the dense dark jungle, wild beasts roams, Spirit Monsters screaming, the air was filled with a dangerous feeling. Each and everyone of the old huge tree shadows are like a ferocious monster, causing others to s.h.i.+ver.

Zhao Ming and co started to search since morning, from start to end, they couldn’t find Qin Ming at all. The higher ones realm is, the more sensitive their Divine Sense is, with their strengths, searching for Qin Ming would be a piece of cake, at most it would slow them down, but now they couldn’t even find a trace of Qin Ming.

"It shouldn’t be, Qin Ming is weak and have no experience, he shouldn’t be able to evade from our search."

"With his strength, he would need to flee as soon as he meet any Spirit Monster, it should be easy for us to search him."

"Hehe, maybe he was already eaten by Spirit Monsters as snacks."

Their facial expressions don’t look good, a little servant caused them to search for a whole day, causing them to feel embarra.s.sed.

They wanted to perform well in front of Zhao Ming, but now things are embarra.s.sing for them.

"Qin Ming cant find for long, especially in the night" Zhao Ming walked in front with a cold face, she must find Qin Ming tonight, the longer this drags out, the deeper Qin Ming will hide and cause even more trouble in the future.

"Little runt, so you know how to hide very well." the youth wielding a silver spear walking in the back as he suddenly creased his brows: "wait a minute!"

"What happened?" the four was immediately on alert, listening for surrounding movements.

"Say…. could Qin Ming maybe not have left the mountain top at the beginning."

"We have searched the whole mountain top, we even sweep through the forest when we are descending the mountains, he couldn’t be there."

"What i mean is, could he be hiding in the eagle beak under the cliff…." the youth with a silver spear didn’t finish his words as he suddenly turned around, his aggressive eyes glued to the darkness.

At this moment, three blade tips tore through the night, bringing about strong winds.

"You are seeking death!" the youth with a silver spear harumph coldly, his spear danced, the tip rubbed against the ground causing an explosion, followed by a flame, his spear fast and sharp as it fought of the three blade tips.

And then….


When the spear hit the first tip, an ear splitting explosion sounded, the tip was actually a flying knife and it was so powerful that it actually interrupted his spear move and almost caused him to fall down, as for the other two flying knife, it pierced into his body uninterrupted.

The flying knife was very strong, one hit his stomach, one hit his shoulders, causing blood to fly everywhere.

"Ah…." the youth with the silver spear wailed, and move backwards because of the impact from the flying knife.

"Who?" Zhao Ming and the other three had a change in their face.

A human shadow appeared from the dark in front, running quickly, and appeared in a flash in front of the youth with a silver spear, and he begun throwing a flurry of fists, bringing about strong winds.

"Save me!" the youth with the silver spear shouted while spewing blood, his face full of horror.

Kacha! Vajra Spirit ruthlessly hit on his chest, strength equal to thousands of jin exploded on his chest, instantly crus.h.i.+ng his chest bones, directly shoved him away. His fractured chest bone pierced his heart, making the youth with the silver spear spew blood uncontrollably.

Others had a sudden change in facial expression, the two disciples at the side reacted the quickest as they shout: "stop him!"

A person flashed his swords, two swords cut down ruthlessly, the blade blossoms dazzling golden light, shadows appear behind the blade: "Sword Martial, Shadow Severing."

A person stretched out his palms, and waves of Qi begun to be chaotic, bringing about alot of dus: "Roar of the earth."

The human shadow jumped while he was running, jumping three meters, into the crown of the tree, at the same time also throwing out three flying knife, fast like lightning, the tip s.h.i.+ning brightly. The flying knife wasn’t flying in a straight line, instead it was thrown in an incredible angle, rapidly spinning as it locked onto two disciples.

It was not easy to see in the dark, but they were still able to sense danger as they immediately dodged to the side.

The human shadow dropped from the sky, like a compressed spring that was released, he charged towards the disciple with the two swords.

"Wah." the disciple with the two sword was very fierce, as he make a weird sound and face it head on.

The human shadow leaned down, and did a flip in a nick of time to dodge the two swords, his right palm on the ground as his body sprang up, his legs filled with boundless strength, along with the more eye catching electricity, smas.h.i.+ng down on his stomach like rain.

So fast! The disciple with the two sword changed facial expression once again, and his vision was affected even more by the electric light, he tried to dodge, but he was only able to dodge the first strike, the human shadow followed up quickly with a third and fourth strike, stomping on his body.

The power was extremely violent, it was at a thousand jin.

This disciple never thought that he would have such a huge strength as he flew out wailing, he couldn’t even regain conscious after half a day of being curled up.

"Roar of the earth." the other disciple threw his palms out, majestic Earth Qi revolving around his palms, it looked very fierce.

The human shadow stood up immediately after hitting the ground, and faced the attack head on,  he suddenly jump just when the two are gonna clash, striking the opponent with his leg, electric combined with brute strength, he then face the Roar of the earth head on.

Kacah, the electric was destroyed, under the Martial Skill of a Spirit Martial realm grade six, these electrics were very weak, but the human shadow's main point in his attack was his leg's brute strength and explosive power, they were like a steel hammer smas.h.i.+ng onto the disciples hands,  until the skin split open.

The human shadow did a flip midair, and land a leg on his face.

That disciple dodged in a messy figure, barely dodging it, but the human shadow followed closely behind, his palms landing onto his chest.

The attacks was fierce, its strength powerful.

That disciple flew back while spewing blood, rolling in the forest, bouncing around for seven eight times, in the end, he lay there in the bush, not even waking up after half a day.

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Asura God Chapter 11 summary

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