Asura God Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: Life or death chase

The series of attacks were like a fierce gale sweeping through directly and efficiently, without any hesitation. The Medicine Mountain disciple, Qiao Chen retreated ten pace to a safe distance while protecting Zhao Ming, a bronze sword in his hands pointing at the human shadow, the sword body was overflowing with coldness, his aura also changed into a very aggressive aura.

Among three disciples, one was dead and the two are injured, there was still faint smell of blood in the air. The two heavily injured disciples lay on the ground groaning in pain, they wanted to crawl up, but after struggling for a while they just lay on the ground, they were this badly injured.

The human shadow slowly stood up in the dark, his expression cold, killing intent billowing and his whole body is covered with lightning arcs as he showed his face.

"Qin Ming? Its you!" Zhao Ming was shocked as she couldn’t believe what happened. She had personally experienced Qin Ming's strength, it was like a wild beast, a savage wild beast, but his strength is similar to mine, but why does he seemed to have changed entirely tonight? Those cold stares made here afraid to meet his gaze, her heart can’t help but s.h.i.+ver.

"You're not at Spirit Martial realm grade three!" the Medicine Mountain  was equally shocked, the series of attacks was accurate, fierce and smooth, like an act that was practiced countless times beforehand, in a breath of time, the sneak attack was finish, his every action was filled with ferociousness.

Qin Ming stood coldly in the dark for a while, and then slowly moved back to pick up the flying knives. "However you want to play, i will accompany you, if you can’t kill me, i will kill you."

"How arrogant! Who do you think you are to be clamouring at me." the Medicine Mountain disicple's face was gloomy, his aura rising again, the bronze sword was actually slightly vibrating and giving out a ear piercing ring, the sword Qi flowing all over the place, filling the forest with imposing killing intent.

"Qin Ming, you have a lot of guts, you even dare to kill a fellow sect member, Azure Cloud Sect will never forgive you." Zhao Ming suddenly reacted, we haven’t even do anything to you, yet you already sneak attack us?

"Save you disgusting face, don’t think you can have anything just because you look good, you are not qualified to get I, Qin Ming's life!"

"No need to talk anymore! Kill him…." the disciple with two swords struggled to raised his heads up, his originally handsome face was quite hideous now due to the pain and anger, as he fiercely stared at the Qin Ming in the dark.

"You can’t blame us for you seeking your own death. Qiao Chen, don’t let him run." Zhao Ming urged the Medicine Mountain disciple, the strength and ruthlessness shown by Qin Ming had already made her feel very threatened.

"Qiao Chen, kill him, what are you waiting for!" the disciple with two swords sprang up, and distance himself away from Qin Ming.

Qin MIng suddenly exploded forward, directly attempting to kill the disciple with two swords.

The disciple with two swords quivered, and without a care to pain or his own image, he crawled towards the Medicine Mountain disciple Qiao Chen, shouting: "kill him! Kill him!"

"You are not worthy to be presumptuous in front of me." Qiao Chen firmly intercepted, his speed was amazingly fast like a water dragon in water, he managed to reach the disciple with two swords first, as soon as he take out his sword, five blade shadow appears, its aura was dominating, and each strike was aiming at Qin Ming's heart, shoulder, middle of his eyebrows, his stomach and his throat, it was mysteriously spinning and changing its position, making it impossible to determine which one is real and which isn’t.

Qin Ming did not dodge, instead he faced it head on, in a nick of time, the overflowing ancient sword behind his back appeared on his hand, the sword Qi boiled, and everyone felt a wave of cold sword Qi, like something is cutting on your own body, making all the hair on your body stand.


Qin Ming and Qiao Chen brush past each other, with blood spewing around.

Qiao Chen managed to make three b.l.o.o.d.y hole on Qin Ming's body.

Qin Ming's ancient sword brushed past Qiao Chen's neck, without stopping his attack, he continued charging forward to his target, disciple with two swords!

The madly running disciple with two sword turned his head back in shock, in that moment, the overflowing ancient sword's sharp blade tip became bigger in his eyes.

"No…." the disciple with two swords screamed, but his sound suddenly stopped, his head chopped off by the ancient sword, the head rolls forward, both his eyes wide open, filled with fear.

It was quiet! It was so quiet in the dark forest that one could hear a pin drop, even breathing became hard!

Qiao Chen stood with his back facing QIn Ming, as he touched his neck, blood? There was blood! Even though it was only a cut, and there wasn’t a lot of blood, but as a Spirit Martial realm grade seven disciple, he was injured by a servant?

The other disciple quivered, and he struggled to move backward, in his eyes, Qin Ming was like a savage wild beast.

Qin Ming stood behind the corpse of the disciple with two swords, his face pale white, the blood dyed his s.h.i.+rt red, his chest, shoulder and stomach were pierced by the sword, his injury grave, with fresh blood coming out, making him look very scary.

"Qiao Chen! Qiao Chen!" Zhao Ming's high pitched screams woke Qiao Chen up, both her hands congealed out a fire ball, as she nervously confronted him.

"Qin Ming. no one will be able to save you today." Qiao Chen was furious, his killing intent soared, as he dashed towards Qin Ming with his sword, seemingly without any reservations.

Qin Ming covered the most serious injury on his chest, as he step back two pace calmly, and disappeared into the darkness without saying anything.

"Chase! Chase after him! We cannot let him run" Zhao Ming ordered the other disciple.

That elite disciple looked at the two dead disciples, as he gritted his teeth and went to chase after Qin Ming.

"No need to be afraid of him! He is already heavily injured, he can’t escape for long."

"Qin Ming won because of the sneak attack, his actual strength is lower than us."

"Surround him, and directly kill him."

Zhao Ming and her group chased after Qin Ming, shouting loudly to remind each other to not back down.

Qin Ming tightly closed his lips, covering the profusely bleeding wound as he madly ran in the dark forest, the injury was serious but Qin Ming was already numb to pain. In the past eight years, the pain he had endured was too much,  each and everyone of it were much more painful, this degree of pain was nothing.

Zhao Ming and her group chased for a long time, but they must admit, they lost track of Qin Ming again!

"d.a.m.n! d.a.m.n! d.a.m.n!" Zhao Ming angrily shouted, he was unable to accept this!

"Just how strong is Qin Ming?" the elite disciple questioned Zhao Ming.

"His realm isnt high, but his brute strength is shocking, and he is able to use this this brute strength to the most, anyway, his strength cannot be measured by his realm." although Zhao Ming doesnt want to admit, but she had no way but to accept it, tonight's Qin Ming had shocked her.

"Brute strength? Not only does he have brute strength, his sword skills are more exquisite than mine too." Qiao Chen thought back to the sword strike yesterday, it managed to cause him to feel threatened. Furthermore, he is also suspicious of what happened then, he vaguely remember that he used the bronze sword to block Qin Ming's sword and then attacked, logically it should have directly killed Qin Ming. But Qin Ming's sword seemed to have not been affected at all, as it continued piercing.

The bronze sword was a treasure sword, it can easily cut through steel and rocks, if it really touched Qin Ming's sword, it should have broken it, but…. Could he have remember wrongly? Maybe he didnt touch his sword then?

Zhao Ming shook her head: "impossible, i am clear on Qin MIng's strength, he couldnt have Martial skills."

Qiao Chen said: "dont argue about this, lets first find Qin Ming, we cannot let him escape. He was. .h.i.t by my sword, even his blood vessels were injured, hs injury will get worse, so he couldnt have walked far."

In the deep forest, Qin Ming sat in a hidden mountain cave, devouring the Life Qi in the forest.

The Life Qi here was alot more denser compared to the Life Qi in Azure Cloud Sect.

After one night of recuperating, his injury has stopped bleeding, when it was afternoon, there was already no scar, when it was evening, he has completely recovered!

That was the magical part of Rebirth Exercise, it was alot more effective compared to some pills.

It had saved Qin Ming countless times this year.

"Qiao Chen! Spirit Martial grade seven!"

Qin Ming silently recalled yesterday's battle, it was very dangerous. His current strength was not enough to challenge a grade seven, even though he is grade five, it is still a challenge. Like how grade three to grade four was a bottleneck, grade six to grade seven was also a bottleneck, but after crossing the bottleneck, your strength will have a qualitative change.

Since things had come so far, Qin Ming would never retreat, if you dont die then i will die, there was no room for reconciliation. He would still hesitate if they were still in Azure Cloud Sect, but now they were deep inside the forest, with a life or death chase, if you guys cant kill me, i will kill you.

Isn’t this just a compet.i.tion of who is more ruthless!

Before the sky turned dark, Qin Ming moved again, with the overflowing ancient sword behind his back, he walked into the forest, to find Zhao Ming. His strength is lower compared to his enemy, so he had to borrow the cover of the night sky to sneak attack.

On the way, Qin Ming was very cautious, whenever he met a Spirit monster, he would make a detour. Luckily, he didn’t meet any incredibly strong Spirit monster, otherwise he wouldn’t have any chance to escape with his current strength.

Fortunately, after walking for a while, he discovered Spiritual Herbs, it was even three stalks grouped together, hidden in the dense bushes.

Three stalks of low grade Spiritual Herbs, it would be helpful for Qin Ming to recover his Spiritual Strength.

"There is sound of fighting!"

Qin Ming suddenly stopped, and tried to listen.

It wasn’t a fight between warriors, it was more like a group of warriors fighting a Spirit Monster.

It came from the woods in front.

Following the sound, he quietly walked over.

In front of him was a patch of dense woods, you can vaguely see human shadows flas.h.i.+ng by, there was even a huge shadow and beast's shocking roar, you can tell that the fighting was very intense.

Qin Ming leaped on top of a big tree, and he slowly inch closer on the tree branch.

There was five miles of messed lands in the woods, and there was five men and women wielding weapons besieging a huge Spirit Monster. That Spirit Monster looked like a tiger, but its size was even bigger than a black bear, its hair was s.h.i.+ny black, its blood red eyes was filled with ferocity, it had a mouth full of sawtooth, there was even two sharp fangs coming out from its mouth, it was half a meter long and it was sharp with an arc.

Sabertooth Beast!

[TL NOTE: Kinda looks like a sabertooth i guess its a black bear with the head of a sabertooth.]

Sabertooth beasts was being bred in Azure Cloud Sect, it was very fierce, and born brutal, it was comparable to high grade Spirit Martial realm warriors. Its sharp claws and fangs are its weapon, there was black wind blowing around its body, bringing crushed stones up.

Qin Ming took a closer look, the five men and women wore simple clothes, like mercenaries who were adventuring in the forest, their attacks had a wild feel to it, they also had a tacit understanding between all of them, they could attack and defend very well, showing that they have a lot of experience. In the rubbles were three people covered in blood, who might not be able to make it, and died under the sharp claws of the Sabertooth beast.

The fight was not only intense, it was dangerous.

The Sabertooth beast had already gone mad, the intense black wind surged in the rubbles.

The five mercenaries can’t seem to hang on, four of them continuously tried to restrict the Sabertooth beast with great difficulties, a strong youth wearing black s.h.i.+rt was in charge of offense with a two meter long sword.


A few blade strikes landed on the Sabertooth beast's body, splitting open its flesh, making the Sabertooth beast roar in pain, four of the men and women went in for a strike and then resolutely backed off, allowing the strong man a chance to rush in,his majestic sword, swirled up howling winds, as it aimed at the Sabertooth beast's head.

Roar! The Sabertooth beast roared, and faced the sword head on, sparks flew everywhere, and a deafening roar was heard, the man was forced to retreat, but the Sabertooth beast's claw was also shaken till it was bleeding.

"Friend! Have you seen enough yet? Help us!" the man did a flip and landed on the ground, blood seeped out his mouth, as he suddenly turned to the place Qin Ming was hiding and shouted.

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Asura God Chapter 12 summary

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