Living with the Dead Part 45

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Hope tried to pick up a stray chaos vibe, a thought, anything to confirm her fears. Adele only looked at her, mind blank, face expressionless. But Hope knew. She knew.

The door clicked. They both looked over. The k.n.o.b turned one way, the other, then stopped. Adele began to circle around Hope. She stepped into Adele's path.

"He doesn't need that shot," Hope said. "He's calm, and I'll make sure he stays that way. You negotiate. Thom will be my responsibility."

Adele tried sidestepping. When Hope countered, Adele's lips tightened in annoyance. "I'm just going to give him a sedative, let him sleep this out."

"No, you're not. This isn't a bold move, Adele. It's craz premature. We haven't even opened negotiations."

She hesitated. Reconsidering? After a moment, she sighed. "We have to enter from a strong position. Don't you see that? Start by proving we aren't making idle threats."

"But Thom "

" is the most valuable seer. A huge loss. Enter from that position, and we'll have them scrambling to save the other two."

She sidestepped again. Hope raised her gun.

Adele laughed. "You aren't going to use that. You need me."

"Not badly enough to let you kill anyone else."

She stepped past Hope. "I gave you a story. Stick with that."

Hope turned the gun on Adele. "Put the needle down."

"Relax, Thom." Adele laid her hand on his chest, pus.h.i.+ng him back into his seat. "You're just going to take a nap, okay, sweetie?"

He resisted her push, but didn't shove back, staying on the edge of his seat, fear tempered with confusion, sensing danger, seeing only Adele.

Hope raised the gun, to her head. "Adele, put down "

"Oh, please." She moved the syringe to Thom's arm. "Bold moves, Hope. You have to be willing to make "

Hope fired.


Robyn saw Hope and Adele run from the tear gas fog, Adele escaping, Hope giving chase. She leapt up from her hiding place, thinking,"I have to tell Finn."

Then she'd seen the gun clutched in her hand and thought what the h.e.l.l am I thinking? what the h.e.l.l am I thinking?

Hope deserved someone who knew how to fire fire a gun, but at this moment, Robyn was the only person close enough to help. So after one last look around, hoping for a glimpse of Finn or Karl, Robyn gave chase. a gun, but at this moment, Robyn was the only person close enough to help. So after one last look around, hoping for a glimpse of Finn or Karl, Robyn gave chase.

Following Hope wasn't easy. They had a huge head start and Robyn would have lost them if Adele's goal hadn't been obvious a building in the field. By the time Robyn reached it, Hope and Adele were inside. Robyn pulled another mystery show move, sliding along the wall toward the door, her nerves eased by thinking how Damon would get a laugh if he could see her and maybe, just maybe, he could.

Robyn cracked open the door and peered in. It was a tiny shed, empty, no place to hide. She slipped in. When her eyes adjusted, she noticed a bare spot in the hay and, beneath it, a trapdoor. She opened it, listened and descended.

There was a second door below. Closed, but not locked, it led into a darkened hall. She made her way carefully down it, gun at the ready. It led to another door. This one was closed and and locked. Beyond it, she made out the murmur of voices. One was Hope's. The other, female, presumably Adele's. Robyn caught a word here and there, but not enough to decipher the conversation. locked. Beyond it, she made out the murmur of voices. One was Hope's. The other, female, presumably Adele's. Robyn caught a word here and there, but not enough to decipher the conversation.

She pressed her ear against A blast from the room sent Robyn reeling back. She caught her balance, then replayed what she'd heard. A bang. A crash. Something falling. She told herself it was something falling not some falling not someone, but she'd heard those sounds too often in the last few days to mistake it for anything. but she'd heard those sounds too often in the last few days to mistake it for anything.

A gunshot and a body dropping.

She flew to the door, grabbing the k.n.o.b.

"Hope! Hope!"

She screamed her name until she couldn't, until her throat was raw, and still she whaled on the door, yanking and yanking and yanking, her shoulder blazing.

When Damon died, everyone said, "I'm here for you, Rob. Just let me know what you need." Hope never said that. She was just there, making a meal or doing her laundry or working silently at her kitchen table while Robyn sobbed in the bedroom, thankful to be alone yet not alone. Hope hadn't asked whether Robyn wanted her to come out to L.A. She'd shown up. She didn't ask whether Robyn needed Portia's murder solved. She just did it.

And now, when Robyn could have helped her, she'd failed.

She kept banging and shouting and then, finally, between pounds, soft as a whisper. "Rob?"

Her hand jerked back from the door. The gun fell. She let it, and swayed there a moment, before pressing her hands to the cold metal and leaning in until her ear rested against it.


It could be a trick, the voice was too low to say with any certainty that it was Hope's or that it was a voice at all and not just a sound she'd willfully misheard.


"Hope! Yes, it's Robyn. Open the door."


Robyn hammered the door. "Hope? Open the door, Hope!"

It was a trick. Had to be. Why else wouldn't she ?

Robyn remembered what Hope had said about the boy, Rhys's son, that if she saw a vision of his death, that's all she'd see. She'd be lost in it. How much worse would it be to witness a death live?

Karl would know what to do. She'd get Karl, and he'd snap her out of it or break this door down If she walked away now, there was no guarantee she'd get back before someone else did. Someone just as dangerous as Adele.

"Hope? I need you to open this door."

Robyn kept repeating it, as calmly and firmly as she could. After a minute, the door quavered under her hands, jerking back and forth.

"It... it won't open." Hope's voice, but still with that chillingly flat affect, as if she really didn't care whether she got the door open or not.

"Are there keys?"

A pause. "What?"

"Keys, Hope. Did Adele have keys?"

"Adele... I shot I had to."

That's good, Robyn thought, but said, "That's okay. Did she have a key?" Robyn thought, but said, "That's okay. Did she have a key?"

"Key? Yes. She... Hold on."

Getting that key seemed to take forever. Robyn was tempted to bang on the door again. Then a key turned in the lock. The door opened. Robyn pulled Hope out and caught her up in a hug. Hope returned the embrace only a moment, then pulled back with a tired chuckle.

"No time for that," she said. "I'm guessing the situation hasn't resolved itself up there?"

"Probably not."

Hope rubbed her eyes. "Okay. Let's get out of here before someone finds us."

"Is Adele... ?"

Hope nodded.

"You had to," Robyn said.

"Yes, I did." There was no emphasis in her voice, no need to justify. "

Is there another exit?" Robyn started reopening the door to look inside.

Hope backed into the opening and held the door fast. "No."

"What is ?"

"No. Really, Rob." She looked up at her. "On this one, trust my call."

Robyn stepped back. Hope seemed about to follow, then held up a finger, slid back into the room and closed the door before Robyn could stop her.

A moment later, she heard Hope's voice. She leaned forward to say she couldn't hear her, but Hope was murmuring, as if talking to someone else. Was Adele still alive?

Hope came out and lifted her gun. "Almost forgot this. I grabbed Adele's, too. For you."

"I've got one." Robyn retrieved hers from the floor.

"Armed to the teeth, aren't we?" Another tired smile. "Who'd have thought?"

Hope closed the door.

"Is someone..." Robyn began. "I thought I heard you talking."

"Hmm? Oh, muttering to myself. Still a bit confused. Don't worry, it's pa.s.sing."

Hope checked the door, making sure it was locked, then headed for the ladder.


"Karl's in the barn," Damon called as he raced to Finn, striding through the wooded border, Rhys at his heels.

Finn was about to say, with all respect to Karl Marsten, that he didn't give a rat's a.s.s where the man was. Then Damon caught up and continued. "He's trying to get to Bobby and Hope."

"Where are they?"

"Hold up a minute so I can show you. Man, you're as bad as that guy from The Fugitive The Fugitive. You've caught Bobby and now you're not about to let her get away, huh?"

Was there a twist of sarcasm to those words? Before Finn could comment, Damon directed his attention to a tool shed fifty feet behind the barn... and a pair of fake cops standing guard between the buildings.

"What the h.e.l.l are they doing in there? Of all the hiding places "

"It's a bomb shelter."


"It leads to an underground shelter. Bobby and Hope were coming out when they noticed those guys making a beeline for the shed. They ducked back down. Those two took a peek inside and didn't see the hatch. But that seems to be their a.s.signed post so they aren't budging. And Karl's getting tired of waiting."

"Guide us in."

"This way," Damon said as they slipped into the barn.

Rhys stepped in the other direction, toward the dark stalls.

"No!" Damon said. "Stop him."


Rhys motioned that he wanted to check the rest of the barn, be sure it was clear.

"Tell him I already got it," Damon said. "He doesn't need to "

Rhys was already disappearing into the stalls.

"s.h.i.+t! Call him back, Finn."

Finn wasn't about to raise his voice. He jogged after Rhys, rounding the corner to see the other man dropping beside a woman lying in the hay. Finn picked up his pace.

It was a couple, a man beside the woman, arms around her, her face against his chest.

"The gas," Finn whispered. "It must have knocked them out."

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Living with the Dead Part 45 summary

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