This Man Part 10

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I melt all over the vanity unit.

He slides his hands around my back. 'But then again, I have firsthand knowledge of what's under this lovely dress,' He reaches up, grasping the zipper, breathing into my ear as he does. 'And it's far superior to the dress.' he whispers, pulling it down slowly, teasingly. I'm panting hard and desperate. 'I think we'll get rid of it.' He lifts me off of the counter, placing me on my feet before pulling my dress away from my body and letting it drop to the floor. He kicks it to the side without taking his eyes off of me.

I frown at him. 'I like that dress.' I couldn't give a toss about the dress. He could have ripped it off and cleaned the windows with it, for all I care.

'I'll buy you a new one.' He shrugs as he places me back on the counter, resuming position between my thighs. He presses his body up against me and grabs my b.u.m, pulling me in towards him so we're locked tight together. He grinds his hips while staring at me.

The throb at my core is bordering on painful, and I'm at serious risk of falling apart if he continues with that alone. I want to tell him to hurry up; I'm struggling to control myself here.

Reaching behind me, he unclasps my bra, pulling the straps down my arms and flinging it behind him. I lean back on my hands, exposing my b.r.e.a.s.t.s to him.

Looking into my eyes, he lifts his hand and places it, palm down, under my throat. 'I can feel your heart hammering.' he says quietly. 'You're so affected by me.'

I'm not going to challenge him on that statement. He's right, and I'm not even bothering to try and fight it anymore.

He glides his palm down between my b.r.e.a.s.t.s until it rests on my stomach, as he looks at me a all smoldering and delicious.

'You're too f.u.c.king beautiful, lady' he grinds firmly. 'I think I'll keep you.'

I arch my back, thrusting my chest forward, and he smiles before lowering his mouth and taking my nipple deep, sucking hard. When he brings his hand up to ma.s.sage my other breast, I moan, letting my head fall back against the mirror. Oh, good G.o.d. The man is a genius. His arousal is as hard as lead, pressing between my thighs, causing me to roll my hips to ease the throb on a long, drawn out moan. I don't know what to do with myself. I want to soak up the pleasure because it's so good, but the need to have him is getting the better of me, the pressure in my groin near exploding point. As if reading my mind, he skates his hand up the inside of my thigh, finding the edge of my knickers. One finger breaches the barrier, lightly brus.h.i.+ng the tip of my c.l.i.t.

's.h.i.+t!' I cry, throwing myself up to grab his shoulders, digging my nails into his strained muscles.

'Language, lady.' he tusks, then slams his lips against mine, plunging two fingers into me.

My muscles grab onto him as he works them in and out. I might, literally, die of pleasure. I feel the fast buildup of an impending o.r.g.a.s.m, and I know it's going to blow me apart. Holding onto his shoulders for dear life, I moan into his mouth as he continues his a.s.sault on me.

Oh, here it is.

'Come.' he commands, applying more pressure to the top of my c.l.i.t.

I fall apart in an explosion of stars, releasing his mouth and tossing my head back in a complete frenzy. I cry out. He grabs my head, yanking it forward to tackle my mouth, catching the tail end of my cries. I'm in pieces. I'm panting, shaking and boneless as I disintegrate all over him, completely inhibited and unashamed of what he does to me. I'm delirious with pleasure.

His kiss softens and his thrusts slow, easing me gradually down as he scatters tender kisses all over my damp, warm face. Too good, just too, too good.

I feel him brush a stray tendril of hair from my face and I open my eyes, meeting a sludgy green, satisfied stare. He plants a soft kiss on my lips. I sigh. I feel like a life's time of pent up pressure has been extinguished, just like that. I'm relaxed and sated.

'Better?' he asks, sliding his fingers out of me.

'Hmmm.' I hum. I have no energy for speech.

His fingers drag across my bottom lip and he leans into me, watching me closely as he runs his tongue across my mouth, licking the remnants of my o.r.g.a.s.m away. His eyes burn straight through me as we gaze at each other in silence. My hands, instinctively, reach up to cup his face, smoothing down his freshly shaven face. This man is beautiful, intense and pa.s.sionate. And he could break my heart.

He smiles lightly, turning his face to kiss my palm before returning his eyes to mine. Oh Lord, I'm in trouble.

We're both cruelly s.n.a.t.c.hed from the intensity of the moment when the door handle of the bathroom is jiggled from the other side. I gasp and Jesse slaps his palm over my mouth, looking at me in amus.e.m.e.nt. He finds this funny?

'I can't hear anything.' A strange voice comes through the door, followed by another rattle of the handle. My eyes bulge in horror.

He removes his hand, replacing it with his lips. 'Shhhhhh.' he mumbles against my mouth.

'Oh G.o.d, I feel cheap.' I whine, leaving his lips and dropping my head to his shoulder. How am I going to walk out of this place without burning bright red and looking as guilty as sin?

'You're not cheap. Talk c.r.a.p like that, I'll be forced to kick your delicious backside all over my bathroom.'

I snap my head up from his shoulder, looking at him in confusion. 'Your bathroom?'

'Yes, my bathroom,' He smirks at me. 'I wish they would stop strangers roaming around my home.' he muses.

'You live here?' I'm puzzled. He can't live here. No one lives here.

'Well, I will do as of tomorrow. Tell me. Is all this Italian s.h.i.+t worth the outrageously expensive price tag they attached to this place?' He looks at me expectantly.

Does he actually want me to answer that? 'Italian s.h.i.+t?' I splutter, completely insulted.

He laughs, and I think I might slap him. Italian s.h.i.+t? The man is an ignorant a.r.s.e. Italian s.h.i.+t?

'You shouldn't have brought the place if you don't like the s.h.i.+t that's in it.' I fire at him, completely outraged.

'I can get rid of the s.h.i.+t.' he quips.

My eyebrows shoot up in a, you-didn't-just-say-that expression. I've spent months breaking my back sourcing all of this Italian s.h.i.+t and this unappreciative swine is just going to get rid? I've never been so insulted, or p.i.s.sed off. I try to wriggle my hands from under his, but he tightens his grip. I shoot him a scowl.

He grins. 'Unravel your knickers, lady. I wouldn't get rid of anything in this apartment,' He kisses me hard. 'And you're in this apartment.' He's taking my mouth again, possessively, greedily.

I won't read into that statement too much. My libido has just jumped to attention and I'm happy to comply. I attack him with equal force, thrusting my tongue into his mouth, circling his with mine as he lifts his grip from my hands. They impulsively fly to those taut, rippling shoulders that I love so much.

Wrapping his arm around my middle, he releases my lips and lifts me up from the counter, leaving me hovering above the surface as his other hand finds my knickers and yanks them down my legs. He rests me back down, removing my shoes and letting them tumble to the tiled floor on a loud clatter. I join him in his stripping party, reaching up and pus.h.i.+ng his s.h.i.+rt down his broad shoulders, revealing his bare chest in all of its glory. He's cut to complete perfection. I want to lick every square inch of him.

As I trace my eyes down, I recoil slightly at a nasty scar that's running across his stomach and rounding onto his left hip. I never noticed it before. The light at The Manor was dim, but that is one hefty scar. It's slightly faded but b.l.o.o.d.y big. How did he get that? I elect to not enquire. It could be a sensitive issue, and I don't want anything to upset this moment. I could just sit here and gawp at him forever, even with the scar that looks so sinister, he's still beautiful.

I scrunch his s.h.i.+rt up between my hands and chuck it on top of my dress. He raises his eyebrows at me.

'I'll buy you a new one.' I shrug.

He smirks and leans forward, bracing himself on the counter and capturing my lips a all brooding and careful. I reach for his trousers and begin unfastening his belt, whipping it out of his loop holes in one swift pull, instigating a snapping sound to erupt around us.

He pulls back on an arched brow. 'Are you going to whip me?'

Huh? 'No,' I answer uncertainly. Does he like that sort of stuff? I throw his belt to join the pile on the floor and slide my hand between his tight narrow hips and the waistband of his trousers. I wrench him forward so we're nose to nose. 'Of course, if you want me to...' Did I just say that?

'I'll bear that in mind.' he says on a half-smile. Obviously, I did. What's got into me?

Keeping my eyes firmly on his, I start to undo the b.u.t.ton on his trousers, my knuckles brus.h.i.+ng over his solid erection, causing him to jerk. He squeezes his eyes shut. I slowly undo his fly, sliding my flat hand into his boxers, grazing across the ma.s.s of dark blonde hair. He shudders, looking up to the ceiling. The muscles on his chest are rolling and undulating, and I can't resist leaning forward and flicking my tongue up the centre of his chest bone.

'Ava, you should know that once I've had you, you're mine.'

I'm too drunk on l.u.s.t to take any notice of that statement. 'Hmmm.' I mumble against his skin, circling his nipple with my tongue and withdrawing my hand from his boxers. I grasp the waist band and ease them down over his tidy, narrow hips. His c.o.c.k springs free.

My G.o.d, it's huge! The head is swollen, moist and pointing right at me. The involuntary gasp that escapes my mouth is an indication of my shock. Flicking my eyes to his, I find a small smile tickling the corner of his mouth, which is all the mortifying evidence I need to tell me that he's picked up on my reaction.

He steps back, kicking his shoes and socks off before removing his trousers and boxers. I'm instantly drawn to his powerfully lean thighs. I'm dribbling at the magnificence stood before me in all of its naked glory. I can't help it.

Gathering some of my shattered confidence, I reach forward slowly, and gently circle my thumb over his tip, watching him as he watches my hand explore him. When I tentatively wrap my hand around the base, I see him struggle with the contact.

's.h.i.+t, Ava.' he gasps, resting his hands on my hips. I jerk, and he smiles. 'Ticklish?'

'Just there.' I gasp. Oh, it drives me mad!

'I'll remember that.' he says, taking my lips and working my mouth urgently as I begin slow, even strokes of his hardness, increasing the pace when I feel his mouth getting firmer against mine. His hand disappears between my legs, and with one skim of his thumb over my beating c.l.i.toris, I'm suddenly catapulted to Central Jesse Cloud Nine. I gasp into his mouth. He bites my lip.

'You ready?' he asks urgently. I nod, because speech has completely evaded me.

He rips his hand from the apex of my thighs and knocks me away from his throbbing arousal. In one measured movement, he moves his hands to my backside, lifts me and impales me onto his waiting length.

OUCH! Oh my G.o.d and f.u.c.king h.e.l.l!

'Okay?' he pants. 'Are you okay?'

'Two seconds. I need a few seconds.' I wrap my legs around him, crying out at the mixture of pleasure and pain. I know he's not even all of the way in. Jesus, but the man is enormous.

I'm swung around and thrust up against the wall, the coldness of the tiles not bothering me in the slightest as I try to adjust myself to Jesse's hugeness. He rests his forehead against mine, my hands slipping over his sweat drenched back as he holds still for a few moments, giving me time to adapt to the intrusion.

He pants as he slowly withdraws from me, re-entering on a deliberate, steady thrust. This time he's in further and the fullness is making my head spin.

'Can you take more?' he asks urgently.

More? How much more is there? I can do this, I can do this. I repeat the mantra over and over as I adjust to his size, taking some calming breaths. When I know I've got a handle on it, I kiss him slowly, arching my back and pus.h.i.+ng my b.r.e.a.s.t.s into his chest. I thrust myself forward, deepening the connection.

'Ava, tell me you're ready.' he breathes.

'I'm ready.' I've never been more ready for anything in my life.

With my prompt, he extracts himself and drives back inside of me more forcefully. I sigh, tilting my hips forward in acceptance as he growls in appreciation and repeats his swift thrusts, again and again.

'You're mine now, Ava.' he breathes on a deep, delicious plunge. My head drops forward to rest on his. 'All mine.'

In one fast move, he pulls back and pounds home. I scream. I'm full to capacity and loving every wonderful bit of it. I grip his shoulders as he increases his thrusts, slamming into me, hitting my womb every time. I yelp in pleasure when he finds my lips, plunging his tongue into my mouth in a desperate claim as our damp, sweat riddled bodies clash and slide together. I'm about to splitter into a million pieces. Holy s.h.i.+t! I've never come during penetrative s.e.x!

'You're going to come?' he gasps against my mouth.

'Yes!' I shout, sinking my teeth into his bottom lip. He moans. It's animalistic, but I'm losing control here.

'Wait for me.' he demands, pounding harder.

I scream, desperately clenching my muscles around him to try and hold off, but it's not working. How long will he be? I can't hold on.

After three more hard strikes, he shouts, 'Now, Ava!' And I burst at his command, throwing my head back and screaming his name as I feel hot liquid shoot into me.

He grips me hard, pulling me as close as he can get me and holding me there, burying his face in my exposed throat.

'Oh, fucccckkkkk!' he groans against my neck. The long, satisfied moan falling from my own lips is symbolic of how I feel right now. I'm totally satisfied.

He slows his thrusts to ease us both down from our incredible highs, and I hold him tight, my inner muscles contracting around him as he lazily circles his hips.

'Look at me.' he orders softly. I pull my head down to look at him, sighing happily as he searches my eyes. He rolls his hips again and plants a kiss on the end of my nose. 'Beautiful.' he says simply, cupping the back of my head and pus.h.i.+ng me towards him so my cheek rests against his shoulder. I could stay like this forever.

My back peels away from the cold wall behind me and I'm carried to the vanity unit with Jesse still buried deep inside me, pulsating and twitching. He slips out and settles me on the counter, clasping his palms on either side of my face and bending to kiss me, his lips lingering on mine in a total display of affection.

'I didn't hurt you, did I?' he asks, his frown line appearing on his forehead.

I dissolve on the spot. I want to smother him in my arms, so I do. I wrap my whole body around him, arms and legs, and cling on to him like my life depends on it. He buries his face in my neck and strokes my back. It's the most calming sensation I've ever felt. I can't even muster up the energy to feel guilty.

Sarah who?

We remain entwined, a bundle of arms and legs, breathing heavy and holding each other for an age. I want to stay exactly where I am. We could a it is his bathroom. I can't believe he's brought the penthouse.

After far too short a time, he leans back, running the back of his knuckles down the side of my face.

'I didn't use a condom,' he says with genuine regret in his eyes. 'I'm sorry, I got so carried away. You're on birth control, right?'

'Yes, but the pill doesn't protect me from STD's.' I'm such a numb-nut. This man is a G.o.d with some serious moves. I dread to think of how many women he's slept with.

He smiles at me. 'Ava, I've always used a condom,' He leans forward, kissing my forehead. 'Except with you,'

Huh? 'Why?'

He pulls away and has a little chew on his bottom lip. 'I don't see straight when I'm near you.' He puts his boxers and trousers on, and then reaches over me to grab a washcloth from the shelf. I'm about to protest, but then I's his. Everything in here is his, except for me. Well, not according to him, but that's just an impending o.r.g.a.s.m talking. The throws of pa.s.sion can make you say some funny things. He doesn't see straight? That makes two of us.

He runs the tap, pa.s.sing the cloth under it and returns to stand before me. I feel exposed, sat here completely naked. This isn't equal ground. I close my legs to conceal myself, suddenly uncomfortable with my state of undress, but he looks at me, a perplexed look flitting across his handsome face as he pouts, reaches between my legs and spreads them gently.

'Better.' he mutters, lifting my arms from my lap and placing them on his shoulders. He rests the warm, damp cloth on the inside of my thigh and begins sweeping it up and down, cleaning the remnants of him away from me. It's a tender act and extremely intimate. I watch his face in fascination, noticing the slight crease across his forehead as he concentrates with his procedure of cleaning me up.

He gazes up at me, his green eyes soft and twinkling. 'I want to toss you in that shower and wors.h.i.+p every inch of you, but this will have to do. For now, anyway.' He leans in and kisses me, lingering briefly. I don't think I could ever tire of those simple, affectionate kisses.

His lips are so soft, his scent divine. 'Come on, lady. Let's get you dressed.' He lifts me from the counter and helps me into my underwear and dress before zipping me up. My entire body convulses when he rests his lips on the nape of my neck, his warm, soft mouth having the hairs on my neck rising. I don't think he's out of my system a not at all. This is bad news.

I pick his pale blue s.h.i.+rt up from floor and shake it out before handing it to him.

'There really wasn't any need to screw it up, was there?' He flicks me a grin as he pulls it on, fastening the b.u.t.tons and tucking it into his navy trousers.

'Your jacket will cov...' I abruptly remember tossing that on the floor in the bedroom. 'Oh,' I whisper, all wide eyed.

'Yes. Oh,' He arches a brow as he snaps his belt, making me flinch and him grin. 'Okay, you ready to face the music, lady?' He holds his hand out to me, and I take it without a thought. The man is a magnet. 'I'd say quite loud, wouldn't you?'

I gape at him as he gives me a full on dazzling smile. I shake my head, quickly glancing in the mirror. Oh, I'm flushed. My lips are distended and pink, my hair is still up but with random strands curling down all over the place, and I'm creased. I need five minutes to sort myself out.

'You're perfect.' he rea.s.sures me, as if sensing the panic rising in me.

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This Man Part 10 summary

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