This Man Part 33

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I shake my head in despair and resign myself to the fact that I'm in love with a man of an age I don't know and, quite possibly, never will do.

'They retired to Newquay a few years back,' I sigh, 'Dad ran a construction firm, Mum was a house wife. My Dad had a heart attack scare so they took early retirement to Cornwall. My brother is living the dream in Australia.' That's pretty much it in a nutsh.e.l.l. 'Why do you not speak to your parents?' I ask. I know I'm on dodgy ground here, especially after his last response to that very question.

I watch carefully, almost apprehensively, for his reaction. I'm more than shocked when he takes a sip of water, then launches into his answer. 'They live in Marbella. My sister's there too. I've not spoken to them for years. They didn't approve when Carmichael left me The Manor and all of his estate.'

Oh? 'He left it all to you?' I can see why that might cause a family feud, especially if there's a sister in the picture.

'He did. We were close, and he didn't talk to my parents. They didn't approve.'

'They didn't approve of your relations.h.i.+p?'

'No, they didn't.' He starts chewing his lip.

'What was not to approve of?' I'm completely intrigued now.

He sighs. 'As soon as I left college, I spent all of my time with Carmichael. Mum, Dad and Amalie moved to Spain, and I refused to go. I was eighteen and having the time of my life. I stayed with Carmichael when they left. They weren't happy about it.' He shrugs. 'Three years later, Carmichael died and I was left to run The Manor.' He tells the story with no emotion. He takes another swig of water. 'The relations.h.i.+p was strained after that. They demanded I sell The Manor but I couldn't. It was Carmichael's baby.'

Christ. I've found out more about this man in five minutes than I have since I've known him. Why is he so talkative tonight? I decide to take advantage a I don't know when I'll get another chance.

'What do you do for fun?'

His green eyes flash black and he grins wickedly. 'f.u.c.k you.'

My eyes widen at his cra.s.s answer, and I cave on the inside. He sees me as his current fun? Now I just feel s.h.i.+tty. I s.h.i.+ft in my seat and break the eye connection, taking a sip of wine. I hate this regular plummeting feeling that I'm getting of late. I'm on Central Jesse Cloud Nine one moment, then one comment brings me cras.h.i.+ng down to reality. I can't cope with all these mixed signals.

'You like power in the bedroom.' I state without a trace of a blush. I'm proud of myself. His skill and influence on my entire being has me nervous.

'I do.' His face is completely impa.s.sive when I return my eyes to his.

'Are you a dominant?' I blurt, and then mentally stab myself with the fancy, silver fork at my place setting. Where did that come from?

He coughs, nearly spitting his water all over me. Why did I ask that for?

Placing his gla.s.s down, he picks up his cloth napkin to wipe his mouth as he shakes his head on a half-smile. 'Ava, I don't need that sort of arrangement to get a woman to do what I want her to do in the bedroom. I haven't got the time or inclination for c.r.a.p like that.'

I sag slightly. 'You seem to be committing a lot of time to me.'

'I suppose I am.' He gazes past me thoughtfully.

'You're very controlling.' I state coolly, observing the swirling of my wine. I'll get that one out there too.

'Look at me.' he demands softy, and like the slave to him that I am, I look. His green eyes have softened as he sits back, relaxed in his chair. 'Only with you,'


'I don't know.' He has a quick chew of his lip. 'You make me crazy.'

What? Well, that clears things up no end. Does he think I need some sort of father figure? I'm beyond confused. I sigh wearily into my wine gla.s.s. I make him crazy? Right back attcha, Ward!

'Here's your pasta.' he says. I look up and see Luigi singing as he approaches. I've completely lost my appet.i.te.

'Lovely people,' he places two considerable bowls in front of us. 'Buon!'

'Thank you, Luigi.' Jesse smiles politely. He flicks me a questioning look, but I ignore it and smile my thanks at Luigi. He's just like Mario.

I stir the pasta with my fork, it smells heavenly, but my stomach is now a knot of confusion. I play with it for a few moments, then try a bit.

'Good?' Jesse asks.

I nod lamely, even though it is very good. We eat in silence for a while, occasionally tossing stares at each other. The food is wonderful, and I'm feeling guilty for not enjoying it as much as it deserves.

'When did you buy the penthouse?' I ask.

He pauses with his fork half way to his mouth. 'March.' he answers, taking his last mouthful of food and pus.h.i.+ng his bowl away before picking up his water.

'You never told me why you requested me personally to work on the extension of The Manor.' I give up on my pasta, pus.h.i.+ng it away.

Jesse looks at the half eaten dish and returns his eyes to mine. 'I brought the penthouse and loved what you did with it. I can a.s.sure you, I didn't expect you to come rocking up, with your perfect figure, olive skin and big brown eyes.' He shakes his head, as if shaking off the memory. I feel somewhat better knowing he was as shocked to see me as I was to see him.

I scoff. 'You weren't exactly the Lord of the Manor I was expecting.' I do my own little shudder when I recall the affect he had on me; the affect he still has on me. 'How did you know where I was on that Monday lunchtime when I b.u.mped into you at the bar?'

He shrugs. 'Lucky guess,'

'Of course,' I scoff. Followed me, more like.

I look up and see a smile tickling the edge of his luscious lips. 'I couldn't think of anything else after you left The Manor.'

'So you pursued me relentlessly.' I retort quietly.

'I had to have you.'

'And now you have. Do you always take what you want?'

He watches me across the table, his face completely straight as he leans forward. 'I can't answer that, Ava, because I've never wanted anything enough to pursue it so relentlessly. Not like I wanted you.

I notice he uses past tense. 'Do you still?'

He sits back in his chair and studies me, stroking his gla.s.s of water. 'More than anything,'

A little gush of air escapes my mouth. I'm not sure if it's relief or desire. I know nothing anymore. 'I'm yours.' I say resolutely. That's it. I've just thrown my heart on the table for this man.

His tongue slowly sweeps across his bottom lip. 'Ava, you've been mine since you turned up at The Manor.'

'Have I?'

'Yes. Will you spend the night with me?'

'Are you asking or demanding?'

'I'm asking, but if you give me the wrong answer, then I'm sure I can think of something to change your mind.' He smiles slightly.

'I'll spend the night with you.'

He nods in approval. 'Tomorrow night?'


'Take the day off.' he demands.


His eyes narrow. 'What about Friday evening?'

'I've arranged to go out with Kate on Friday night.' I inform him, resisting the temptation to reach up and twiddle my hair. He can't a.s.sume I'm there at his demand. I hope she's free.

His narrowed eyes instantly darken. 'Cancel.'

Now, this is something I do need to clear up, p.r.o.nto a his neurotic unreasonableness. 'I'm going out to have a few drinks. You can't stop me from seeing my friends, Jesse.'

'How many is a few drinks?'

I can feel my brow knitting. 'I don't know. That depends on how I feel.' I look at him accusingly. I suspect I might be gagging by Friday if he keeps up with his crazy behaviour. He's giving me brain ache as well as body ache.

He starts chewing his bottom lip again, and I can see the cogs of his mind going into overdrive. He's trying to work out how he's going to get around this. I haven't done myself any favours by getting in such a state last That was his fault. Should I tell him that?

'I don't want you out drinking without me.' he says firmly.

'Well, that's a bit of bad luck, isn't it?' G.o.d, I'm being rather brave. What percentage is this wine?

'We'll see.' he muses to himself.

We sit quietly, looking at each other across the table, him scowling, me hiding a small smile. After a few moments, he leans back casually in his chair at a slight angle, his eyes rapt with intention. I don't shy away from his concentrated stare. I meet it with equal intent, in a barefaced come on. I want him desperately, despite his challenging ways.

Luigi comes over and clears our plates, intruding on our moment. 'You like?' he sings.

Jesse doesn't fracture the connection. 'Great, Luigi. Thank you.' His voice is throaty and he's tapping the table with his middle finger. I feel his leg brush against mine, and that's all it takes to hitch my breath up several notches and spring my nerve endings to life. I'm blazing from head to toe...and he knows it.

'The bill, please, Luigi.' he demands, his friendly tone altering into one of urgency.

Luigi seems to get the message because he doesn't offer us the dessert menu. He just scuttles off, returning, almost immediately, carrying a black plate filled with mints and a piece of paper. Without looking at the bill, Jesse stands and pulls a wad of notes from his jean pocket, slapping some down on the table.

He reaches over and seizes my hand. 'We're going.'

I'm hauled from my chair, leaving me to grab my bag and throw my napkin on the table as I'm rushed to the door. 'Are you in a hurry?' I ask as I'm guided to the car by my elbow.

He makes no attempt to slow down. 'Yes.'

When we reach the car, I'm whirled around and shoved up against the door. His forehead meets mine, our heavy breaths merging together in the small s.p.a.ce between our mouths. His erection is painfully hard against my lower stomach.

Oh G.o.d, I want him to take me here and now. d.a.m.n anyone who wants to watch.

'I'm going to f.u.c.k you until you're seeing stars, Ava.' His voice is harsh as he grinds his hips against me. I whimper. 'You won't be going to work tomorrow because you won't be able to walk. Get in the car.'

I would, but I already can't walk. Suspense has rendered me immobile.

After a few seconds have pa.s.sed and I've still not convinced my legs to s.h.i.+ft, he pulls me out of the way, opens the door and gently shoves me into the pa.s.senger seat.

Chapter 25.

Our journey back to Lusso is the longest I've ever endured. The s.e.xual tension bouncing around in his car is excruciating, and Jesse is almost violent when he gets stuck behind a Sunday driver.

'Some people shouldn't be allowed on the f.u.c.king road. MOVE!' He performs a highly illegal manoeuvre, overtaking the car on a single carriageway.

He frequently adjusts his groin area, and in the dim light of the DBS, I see a s.h.i.+mmer of sweat across his brow. Oh, he's a man on a mission. He skids to a halt outside the electronic gates of Lusso and presses a remote to open them, his hand drumming on the steering wheel as he waits impatiently for them to s.h.i.+ft.

I smile. 'You're going to have a seizure if you don't calm down.'

He pauses with the drumming and looks at me, all smoky. 'Ava, I've had a f.u.c.king seizure every day since I met you.'

'You're swearing a lot.' I muse as the gates open and he pulls into the car park, fast and carelessly.

'And you're going to be screaming a lot,' There is no humour in his tone. 'Out.' he orders.

I've no doubt I will be, but I do love it when he's in these frenzies. I take my time getting out of the car, and when I'm finally vertical, I glance up and find he's stood in front of me, with a very irked look on his face.

'What are you doing?' he asks incredulously at my leisurely pace.

I gaze around at the black night-time sky and down to the docks. 'Do you fancy a walk?'

His mouth drops open. 'Do I fancy a walk?'

'Yes, it's a lovely evening.' I return my gaze to him, doing a rubbish job of hiding my smug smile.

'No, Ava, I fancy f.u.c.king you until you beg me to stop.' He bends, grabs me around the back of my thighs and hoists me over his shoulder, kicking shut the door of his ridiculously expensive car.

'Jesse!' My stomach catapults into my mouth at the swift movement. 'I'll walk!'

He starts striding into the foyer of Lusso. 'Not fast enough. Good evening, Clive.'

I brace my hands on Jesse's lower back, craning my head up to find Clive observing me draped over Jesse's shoulder. What must he think of me? The last time I entered Lusso I was being carried too. 'I'm not drunk!' I yell, watching Clive disappear from sight as Jesse carries me into the elevator and punches the code in harshly. In my state, I slide my hands beneath his jeans, onto his fantastic, tight a.r.s.e, to feel the tense and swell of his muscles and smooth, warm skin as he strides out of the lift.

'No f.u.c.king about. I want inside you now. You f.u.c.k about, I swear to G.o.d...' He's deadly serious.

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This Man Part 33 summary

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