I Hold the Four Aces Part 12

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The time was 09.45. Two more hours to wait!

As she sat down, feeling the morning sun on her face, Hinkle appeared. She was startled to see he was no longer wearing his white coat. He was dressed in a dark-blue suit with a sober blue tie. He came towards her, carrying a large orange-coloured envelope.

aMadame Rolfe,a he said quietly, aI wish to talk to you: not as your servant, but as someone who wishes you well and, if I may say so, as a friend.a Helga stared at him.

aWhat is it? Why are you dressed like this?a aIf you find you canat accept what I am about to tell you,a Hinkle said, ait is my intention to leave immediately.a Without asking her permission, he pulled up a chair and sat down. This was something he had never done before, and Helga could only stare at him.

aLeave? I - I thought you understood, Hinkle.a aIt is you who must understand,a Hinkle said, regarding her. aFor you to understand, I must ask you to listen to what I have to say without interruption, and then, of course, you are at liberty to accept or reject what I am about to tell you.a Helga felt a sudden cold chill run up her spine. She had a presentiment of disaster.

aI find all this most odd, Hinkle, but what have you to say?a aI have a niece, madame; the daughter of my sister. Some fifteen years ago, she married a young Frenchman, Jean Faucon, and they settled in Paris. Faucon was a police officer. Soon after they married, he transferred to Interpol. Over the years, he has had an excellent career, and at this moment, he is an a.s.sistant commissioner. I regret to tell you, madame, when I met Mr. Grenville, I had serious doubts about him. Yesterday, I telephoned my nephew-in-law and asked him if Mr. Grenville was known to Interpol.a Helgaas face went white.

aHow dare you do such a thing!a she rasped. aYou are out of your mind with jealousy! I wonat listen to another word!a Hinkle regarded her sadly.

aYou will listen to what I have to say, madame. I have all the proof you need to convince you that what I am about to tell you is fact. Last night, a police officer arrived with Mr. Grenvilleas police dossier which, as a very special favour, my nephew-in-law had had flown to Geneva. It is a photocopy. Mr. Grenville is wanted by the German police on three charges of bigamy.a Helga shrivelled. She put her hands to her face while she stared at Hinkle.

aBigamy?a Her voice was husky.

aYes, madame. According to the dossier, Mr. Grenville appears to prey on elderly women. His method appears to be to find some rich, lonely woman, marry her, live on her until he becomes bored with her, and then leave her to repeat the operation with some other lonely woman.a aI canat believe it!a Helga cried, her voice shrill. aI wonat believe it! I wonat listen to you!a Relentlessly, Hinkle continued, aThe kidnapping was an obvious fake. The police have established that only two days ago, Mr. Grenville and Mr. Archer were seen together in your Rolls. There is no question about that. Mr. Archer gave the policeman his card, and Mr. Grenville showed the policeman his I have listened to the tape recording I made of your interview with Mr. Archer, and Mr. Archer said he hadnat met Mr. Grenville, yet the day before, he was in your car with Mr. Grenville.a Helga closed her eyes and her hands turned into fists.

aThe details are here in this dossier.a aBigamy!a The word came from her in a wild cry. aThe sonofab.i.t.c.h wanted me to marry him!a Hinkle watched her sadly. Then he saw a sudden change in her. She stiffened, and her eyes snapped open. Her face became a mask of marble, and her eyes turned into blue points of steel.

Getting to her feet, she began to pace the terrace. Hinkle sat still, looking down at his freckled hands.

After some minutes, she came to him.

aWomen are fools, arenat they, Hinkle?a She put her hand on his shoulder. aWill you please put on your white coat?a Hinkle got to his feet.

aIt will be a pleasure, madame.a She regarded him.

aIn an hour, Archer will be arriving. Send him to me. I will deal with him.a The steely note in her voice was rea.s.suring to Hinkle.

aVery well, madame.a When he left the terrace, Helga, smouldering with fury, took the papers from the orange envelope and began to read them.

chapter eight.

Archer lay in bed in the cramped bedroom of the rented villa. He had scarcely slept that night. It had been a shock to realize that he was now in the hands of the Mafia, and that Grenville was in an even more precarious situation. Archer now wished desperately that he hadnat embarked on this kidnap plan.

The idea of getting two million dollars from Helga had dulled his caution. He ran his fingers through his thinning hair. He told himself that he had been utterly reckless to have ever mixed himself up with a man like Moses Seigal, and out of his mind to have gone to a thug like Bernie with his story of a faked kidnapping.

He cringed at the thought of having to tell Helga the ransom money now would be increased to ten million dollars. How would she react? She could, of course, afford to pay, but would her fascination for Grenville run to such a sum? Suppose she tried to bluff? Suppose she even refused? Suppose these thugs cut off Grenvilleas ear and forced him (Archer) to deliver it to Helga?

This was unthinkable! It mustnat happen! He must convince her she had to pay!

He longed to s.n.a.t.c.h up his suitcase, desert Grenville, and leave Switzerland, then go to England, but Bernie had guessed he might bolt. Without his, he couldnat leave!

He twisted and turned in the bed, sweat beading his face. Now, if he could trust Bernie, he would get only five hundred thousand dollars. A million seemed so safe, but five hundred thousand would cut his plans by half. But suppose, when Helga paid, Bernie laughed at him and gave him nothing? This was a serious possibility!

His heart thumping sluggishly, Archer heaved himself out of bed and went into the bathroom. As he shaved, he regarded himself in the mirror. His fat heavy face was waxy-white and dark rings were around his eyes from lack of sleep. His look of despair and defeat, like the mark of a leper, was there for anyone to see.

He hunted for a clean s.h.i.+rt, finally finding one in his suitcase: a s.h.i.+rt with a frayed collar and a b.u.t.ton missing from one of the cuffs. He felt old and shabby, but he must, he told himself, pull himself together. He mustnat let Helga get a hint that he was in trouble. He knew her so well. She was utterly ruthless, once she knew she had the advantage.

Then he did something he had never done before at this hour in the morning. He went to the closet and took out the bottle of whisky. He poured a stiff drink and tossed it down, then he poured another, and carrying the gla.s.s, he sat down, feeling the whisky moving through him, strengthening him.

The second drink made him slightly drunk, but at least, he felt much more confident.

At 10.15 the telephone bell rang.

It was Bernie.

aIn a few minutes, Mr. Archer, you will be negotiating on my behalf with the Rolfe woman. I am relying on you. Do you antic.i.p.ate trouble?a aI donat know. She is difficult.a aIt occurred to me that it would be an idea if Mr. Grenville spoke to her. He is a little nervous, and he could be very convincing. In fact, Mr. Archer, he appears very concerned about losing an ear. So I suggest you time your arrival at her villa at exactly eleven oaclock, then in half an hour, I will get Mr. Grenville to the telephone. It could make the deal easier for you.a Archer hesitated, then realizing he would need all the help he could get, said, aYes, do that.a aThen at eleven-thirty, Mr. Grenville will call her,a and Bernie hung up.

Archer began to pace up and down in the small living-room. If Grenville talked as hysterically as he had done the previous day on the telephone, Archer felt there was every possibility that Helgaas resistance to the new demand would be demolished, always providing she was as in love with Grenville as Grenville claimed. Archer began to be more hopeful that she would pay, but he was far from hopeful that Bernie would give him anything, once the transaction was over.

Bernie had asked for bearer bonds. Bolstered by the whisky, Archer suddenly smiled. No! He wouldnat ask Helga for bearer bonds. The money would have to be paid into his own numbered account where Bernie couldnat get his hands on it! That was the way to handle it! By doing this, he had Bernie under control. Bernie wouldnat dare do anything to him as long as the money was in his (Archeras) account. He would be in a strong position to deal with Bernie. Ten million dollars! He would give Bernie five and keep five for himself. Magnanimously, he decided to give Grenville a million from his own share.

Archer gave a drunken little chuckle. He looked at his watch. It was time to go. Lurching a little, he left the villa and got into the Mercedes. By the time he reached Villa Helios, he was comparatively sober, and much less confident. Leaving the Mercedes at the bottom of the drive, he walked up to the front door and thumbed the bell.

There was a long pause, then the front door opened, and Hinkle surveyed him.

ah.e.l.lo, Hinkle,a Archer said, forcing a broad smile, aI believe Madame Rolfe is expecting me.a aThat is correct,a Hinkle said stiffly. aI will show you the way.a Following Hinkleas broad back, Archer walked through the living-room and out onto the terrace.

Helga, wearing dark sun goggles, lay on a sun chair, a gla.s.s of vodka martini on a table by her side.

aMr. Archer, madame,a Hinkle announced.

Without looking round, Helga waved to an upright chair. Hinkle pushed the chair forward so that when Archer sat down, he would be facing Helga, with the sun in his eyes.

aYou may leave us, Hinkle,a Helga said.

aYes, madame,a and Hinkle went away.

aWell, Helga,a Archer said, and turning the chair so the sun wasnat in his eyes, sat down. aYou look splendid as usual.a The darkness of her sun goggles bothered him. Her eyes, which he knew from long experience, revealed her feelings, were now masked to him.

She said nothing, nor did she move. Her hands rested in her lap. She seemed completely relaxed.

Archer cleared his throat.

aI have bad news, Helga,a he began. aFirst I want you to understand that I am representing my client, and what I have to say to you is entirely on his instructions.a He waited, but as she remained silent, he went on, aMy client has now realized how very wealthy you are. One of his Mafia friends has just been paid seven million dollars for returning a kidnap victim. My client has raised the ransom price. He wants ten million dollars for Grenvilleas return.a Helga remained still and silent. After a long pause, Archer, sweating, asked uneasily, aDid you hear what I said?a aIam not deaf,a Helga said, and the steel in her voice startled him.

aWell, there it is. I a.s.sure you this is not of my making. What do you say? Are you willing to pay ten million dollars to get Grenville back?a Helga moved in her chair: the movements of a cat stretching.

aHow much of this money goes to you?a she asked.

aThat has nothing to do with you!a Archer snapped. aIs it yes or no?a She turned her head, and he could feel she was staring at him, but behind the dark sun goggles she was anonymous.

aAnd suppose it is no?a So she was going to bluff, and his uneasiness increased.

aThat is up to you,a he said. aGrenville is in the hands of vicious people. I regret having to deal with them. If you refuse to pay the ransom, they will cut off one of his ears, and will force me to deliver it to you. This is a terrible situation for me. I am in the same trap as Grenville. I a.s.sure you, Helga, if you want him back, you must pay.a Still regarding him from behind the s.h.i.+eld of her sun goggles, she said, aYou are in a trap?a aIave explained that to you. I didnat know I was dealing with the Mafia,a Archer said. aThey are utterly ruthless. I am forced to do what they tell me.a aHow sad for you,a Helga said.

He flushed.

aWe are wasting time! What is it to be? Yes or no?a Again Helga moved like a cat stretching, then she reached for her drink and finished it.

aWhat do you know of a man called Timothy Wilson?a she asked.

Startled, Archer stared at her.

aTimothy Wilson? I am not interested in any Timothy Wilsons! I am asking you: is it yes or no?a Helga reached for a cigarette and lit it.

aThere was a time when I thought you had brains, were shrewd and clever. Since you turned embezzler, forger, blackmailer, and now a creature of the Mafia, I have come to regard you as beyond contempt.a Archer clenched his fists.

aNow listen to me! I have had enough of your insults! If you want your lover back, you will arrange to pay ten million dollars into an account in Geneva! If you donat want him back, then say so!a Helgaas lips moved into a bitter smile.

aPoor, shabby Archer,a she said. aHow stupid can you be! Let me tell you about Timothy Wilson. His father was a badly paid golf pro who, at least, taught his son to play good golf. This boy had looks, and a burning ambition. Although he claims to have gone to Eton and Cambridge, actually he left home when he was sixteen, and went to Paris as an apprentice at the Crillion Hotel. There he learned French, but his work was unsatisfactory. He then went to Italy, where he was a waiter in a small restaurant in Milan, but he did learn Italian. His work was never satisfactory. His main interest in life was women. From Italy, he went to Germany, and became a waiter at the Adlon Hotel, and learned German. A rich, elderly woman fell for him, and offered him marriage. They married, and for two years he lived on her, doing nothing, then he got bored with her. He found another rich old woman who offered marriage, and he married her. Again he tired of her demands, and married yet another rich old woman. Before all this happened, Timothy Wilson changed his name to Christopher Grenville.a Archer felt a shock run through him. He began to say something, but Helga went on, her voice steely, cutting him short. aI have Grenvilleas or Wilsonas police dossier,a she said. aHe is wanted by the German police for bigamy.a As Archer slumped down in his chair, sweat beading his face, he heard the telephone bell ring in the living-room.

aDo you still like the look of your four aces?a Helga asked. aThat was what you said? You held the four aces?a Hinkle came out onto the terrace.

aExcuse me, madame, Mr. Grenville is on the telephone, asking to speak to you.a As Helga shook her head, Archeras last shred of hope vanished.

aI have no wish to speak to him,a she said.

aVery well, madame.a Hinkle returned to the living-room. In the heavy silence that followed, Archer heard Hinkle say, aMadame has no wish to speak to you.a Then Helga took off her sun goggles and stared directly at Archer. The blazing fury in her eyes frightened him.

aGet out! I donat believe one word you have said to me! The Mafia! That is a crude joke! You and this despicable bigamist dreamed up this ridiculous plot to get money from me! You told me you didnat know him, you cheap liar! I have police proof that you two have been seen together! Get out of my sight! You havenat even the intelligence to bluff! Go away!a Archer looked as if he were about to have a heart attack. He clawed at his collar as he struggled to breathe.

Helga watched him, her face a stone mask.

Finally, gasping, Archer said, aHelga, you must listen to me! You must believe me! I will tell you the truth. Grenville and I did concoct this plan for you to think he had been kidnapped. I had a shady contact in Geneva, and stupidly, I asked him to get me two reliable men to fake the kidnapping. I swear I am telling you the truth! Once they got Grenville, it turned into a genuine kidnapping. They have taken my! They forced me to come to you. Doesnat Grenville mean anything to you?a He waved his hands in despair. aYou loved him! Unless you pay this money, they will disfigure him! They are utterly ruthless and vicious! Helga, you must do something to help him!a Helga lit another cigarette, and Archer saw her hands were steady.

aYes, I did love him,a she said quietly, abut now that is finished. How could any woman continue to love a cheat and a liar: a man so degraded, he will marry time and again, old women, so he can live in luxury?a Her voice turned strident and leaning forward, her face alight with fury, she screamed at him, aI donat believe one word of your Mafia lies! You were always a cheap bluffer! Get out! You can consider yourself lucky I donat hand you and your bigamist over to the police, but I warn you, if you ever come near me again, you will regret it! Now get out!a Hinkle appeared on the terrace, and touched Archer on his shoulder.

Almost crying, Archer staggered to his feet.

aHelga! I swear I am telling you the truth!a he cried. aThese peopleaa With surprising strength, Hinkle caught hold of Archeras arm, turned him and pushed him off the terrace and to the front door.

Archer stumbled down the drive and slumped into his car. Hinkle watched him drive away, then returned to the terrace.

Her fists clenched, her lips trembling, Helga said shakily, aPack, Hinkle. I will leave tomorrow.a aThat would be wise, madame.a He gave her a brief glance, his expression sad, then he went into her bedroom and took her suitcases from the closet.

Helga put her hand across her eyes. Timothy Wilson! Not only a cheat, but a bigamist! And how she had loved him! A man, according to the police, who preyed on old women! She didnat believe a word Archer had said about the Mafia. He had tried to bluff her in the past, and she had called his bluff. He and Grenville had hoped this stupid Mafia threat would have frightened her to pay. To h.e.l.l with both of them!

She drew in a long deep breath. Men seemed fatal to her. Somehow, she must rid herself of this nagging s.e.xual urge that continually got her into trouble. She closed her eyes, and her mind re-created those marvellous moments when she had been lying in Chrisa arms. Had he been a thief, or even a murderer, she could have forgiven him, but being a despicable calculating bigamist. no!

She got to her feet, and went to her bedroom where Hinkle was carefully packing her clothes.

aItas a mess, isnat it, Hinkle? she said, forcing a smile. aIall be glad to leave.a She touched his arm.

aThank you for being such a good and loyal friend to me.a Hinkle looked sadly at her.

aYou have courage, madame, and with courage, there can be no defeat.a * * *

As Archer drove back to Paradiso, he felt like a panic-trapped mouse. As Helga had refused to speak to Grenville, Bernie would have guessed she wouldnat pay the ransom. What would Bernie do? He would either turn Grenville free or become vicious.

Whatever he did, Archer wanted no part of it. He decided he would pick up his suitcase and drive fast to Geneva. He would tell the U.S. Consulate that he had lost his

He would tell them he had urgent business in England. He would show them his old business card.

They would have to help him!

He wished he had put his suitcase in the boot of the Mercedes, instead of leaving it in the rented villa.

The suitcase contained all his few belongings, and he had to have it! If he hurried, he would still have time to collect it and be on his way before Bernie began to look for him.

The heavy lakeside traffic forced him to drive at a crawl, and by the time he reached the rented villa, he was soggy with sweat. Leaving his car, he hurried up the path and entered the villa. His suitcase was in the lobby where he had left it. As he reached for it, Bernie came from the living-room. This wasnat the smiling, oily-looking Bernie he had dealt with before: this was an alarming-looking thug whose little eyes glittered with rage.

aCome in here!a Bernie snarled. aWhat happened? Why didnat she speak to him?a His heart thumping, his face white, Archer walked unsteadily into the living-room.

aShe wonat pay.a Bernie spat on the carpet.

aShe will!a He turned on Archer, and shouted in a voice congested with fury, aYou fat, useless fink! Iall show you how to handle her! Come with me!a His vicious fury horrified Archer, who took a hasty step back.

aCome with me!a Bernie snarled, and leaving the villa, he walked down the path and got into Archeras car. Archer hesitated, then defeated, knowing there was nothing he could do but obey, he picked up his suitcase and joined Bernie in the car.

Saying nothing, his bearded face contorted with vicious rage, Bernie drove to Luckyas store.

aOpen the gates!a With some trouble, because he was shaking, Archer opened the gates, and Bernie drove the car into the yard.

aCome!a He led the way up into the barn, up the stairs, and into the big room. Archer followed.

Grenville, in need of a shave, looking utterly demoralized, was sitting in one of the armchairs. Seeing Archer, he jumped to his feet.

aWhat went wrong?a he demanded wildly. aWhy wouldnat she speak to me?a aI wish I had never set eyes on you,a Archer said, and feeling his legs becoming unsteady, he dropped into a chair. aYou ask why she didnat speak to you? Because you are a bigamist! If I had known you were wanted by the police for bigamy, I wouldnat have touched you! Why didnat you tell me - d.a.m.n you!a Grenvilleas face turned the colour of tallow.

aDoes she know?a aShe knows! She has a copy of your German police dossier! G.o.d knows how she got it, but she now has proof you are Timothy Wilson and an utter fake! She knows you married three old women for gain, and these three old women are still living!a aG.o.d!a Grenville looked frantically around the room. aIave got to get away! She will tell the police!a Listening to all this, Bernie suddenly broke in.

aYou two G.o.dd.a.m.n amateurs! If you imagine I am going to pa.s.s up ten million dollars, you have another think coming! Iam going to see just how tough this b.i.t.c.h is!a He went to the door and whistled.

Segetti and Belmont, who had been in the barn, came quickly up the stairs and entered the room.

aShe wonat pay,a Bernie said to them. aNow we must soften her.a He pointed to Grenville. aCut his ear off!a Then swinging around and glaring at Archer, he went on, aYou will take his ear, bleeding, to her, and if she doesnat pay, you will take his other ear, and if she doesnat pay, you will take, every day, one of his fingers, until she does pay!a Almost sick with horror, Archer said, aYou must listen to me! If he had been a thief, a forger, anything but a bigamist, she would have forgiven him and paid. Donat you understand? He promised to marry her, and now, she finds he is a bigamist! She will never pay!a Bernie spat on the floor.

aWe can try. Cut his ear off, Jacques!a Belmontas hand went behind him. He produced a long, razor sharp knife. He looked at Segetti, who nodded and took from his hip-pocket a leather-covered cosh.

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I Hold the Four Aces Part 12 summary

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