Burning Down the Spouse Part 32

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From the journal of Frankie Bennett-Antonakas: I think the last name Antonakas on the end of mine says it all, don't you, dear journal? This concludes my postdivorce discovery entries. I've discovered-hoo boy, I've discovered. Probably more than the Discovery Channel. I've discovered happiness, true fulfillment, and most of all, I've discovered my life is now so full, I don't have time for journal entries either. So it is with great fondness that I bid you a big ole later gator.

Eight months later.

"Mrs. Antonakas?"

Frankie groaned from beneath her new husband's talented lips as he spread her s.e.x and nipped the swollen flesh. "Why are we talking now, Mr. Antonakas?" she complained in a teasing tone, then shuddered a sigh when he stroked her with his tongue, drawing another o.r.g.a.s.m from deep within her. She groaned her pleasured approval, clinging to his shoulders and dragging him to her lips.

Nikos rolled her to her side, his chest pressed to her back, taking her mouth against his, and cupping her breast, stroking her nipple to a tight peak. "Are you sure we won't hurt the baby?"

Frankie clasped his wrist, her head falling back to the pillow when she lifted her hips to encourage Nikos to enter her. She smiled at how utterly freaked he was, before reaching down between them to run her hands along his rigid c.o.c.k. "I'm definitely sure, Nikos. It's really okay. You heard the doctor. I am, however, not so sure I won't hurt you if we don't get it on-soon. So do me," she said on a chuckle.

Nikos lifted her thigh, pulling it back over his hip, entering her with such care Frankie's chest grew tight with love. Her arm wound up around his neck, her back arched at the never-ending pleasure he created when he was deep inside her.

His breaths grew harsh, mingling with hers as he drove his c.o.c.k into her with easy glides, running his hands over her now much fuller hips, caressing her skin until it was on fire.

When he cupped her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, the force of white-hot heat erupted within her, making her drive downward against his lower torso. Nikos's familiar s.h.i.+ft in position, the tightening of his muscles as he pulled her closer to him, was a sign his release wasn't far off.

Frankie clutched wildly at his wrists, gritting her teeth when her climax took away all reason, leaving her mind numbed but her senses screaming.

Nikos huffed from behind her, a long, harsh rasp of a breath, his chest expanding and deflating against her back. As the air returned to her lungs, she smiled, burrowing against her husband's hard body with a wiggle of her hips.

He nuzzled her ear. "Hmmmm. I like you today, Antonakas. A lot."

Frankie giggled with utter contentment. Life was so good-with Nikos-at the diner she now managed alongside him-with the frequent visits they made to Voula and Barnabas in Boca and the Tuesday night dates they shared with Jasmine and Simon, now engaged, for dinner at Little Anthony's and even the occasional drink at Fluffy's. Good, good, good. Better still, she'd been entrusted with the meatloaf recipe. It was now her job to prepare it. "You'd better. You knocked me up." Boy, had he ever. In record time since she'd had a procedure to clear the block in her fallopian tubes.

"Who knew Antonakas sperm was so potent, huh?" he asked, nipping at her shoulder.

"Especially since it's so old," she teased. Their ages had concerned Frankie for about three minutes after they'd gotten the news of her pregnancy. She was almost thirty-nine. Nikos was almost forty-three, but then Jasmine reminded them, she, at nearly forty-seven, was like the new thirty nowadays, and suddenly, the prospect of watching their child graduate college when they'd be nearing or almost in their sixties didn't seem like such a big deal.

Nikos ran his hard hands along her ribs, ribs that would shortly disappear beneath weight gain. "Hey! Lay off the old there, woman. I still have all my teeth and my colonoscopy's all clear. Besides, how many old men can do what I just did? I'm in tip-top shape."

Frankie stretched luxuriously against his solid warmth, arching into the trail of kisses he left along the column of her neck. "I say you prove your youth and do it again," she teased.

Nikos's c.o.c.k grew rigid against her once more, pressing with sinfully delicious pressure against her a.s.s. "Are you sure you're up to it again, honey? I mean, you're no spring chicken either, and you are with child. My child," he reminded her, his tone of possession sending that wild thrill of bliss through her.

Frankie rolled to face him, sliding her body seductively against his with a hiss of pleasure when their bodies made contact. "I think I can manage one more round without breaking a hip. I took my osteoporosis prevention pills today."

"That's so hot."

She nodded her agreement, s.h.i.+vering when his tongue glided over her lower lip. "I know, but it's only going to get hotter from here. While this little one is off finger painting in preschool, we're going to be scoping out AARP for deals."

Nikos tightened his hold on her, ma.s.saging the curve of her hip. "As long as we do it together, I'm totally in."

"Then together it is, Antonakas. Opa," Frankie said, breathless with her love for him.


What a crazy awesome word.

Opa, indeed.

Berkley Sensation t.i.tles by Dakota Ca.s.sidy.



KISS & h.e.l.l.

MY WAY TO h.e.l.l.






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Burning Down the Spouse Part 32 summary

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