East of the Sun and West of the Moon Part 11

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"Oh! heaven help you! whence have you come?" said the _Princess_, as she saw him; "it will surely be your death. No one can make an end of the _Giant_ who lives here, for he has no heart in his body."

"Well! well!" said _Boots_; "but now that I am here, I may as well try what I can do with him; and I will see if I can't free my brothers, who are standing turned to stone out of doors; and you, too, I will try to save, that I will."

"Well, if you must, you must," said the _Princess_; "and so let us see if we can't hit on a plan. Just creep under the bed yonder, and mind and listen to what he and I talk about. But, pray, do lie as still as a mouse."

So he crept under the bed, and he had scarce got well underneath it, before the _Giant_ came.

"Ha!" roared the _Giant_, "what a smell of Christian blood there is in the house!"

"Yes, I know there is," said the _Princess_, "for there came a magpie flying with a man's bone, and let it fall down the chimney. I made all the haste I could to get it out, but all one can do, the smell doesn't go off so soon."

So the _Giant_ said no more about it, and when night came, they went to bed. After they had lain a while, the _Princess_ said:

"There is one thing I'd be so glad to ask you about, if I only dared."

"What thing is that?" asked the _Giant_.

"Only where it is you keep your heart, since you don't carry it about you," said the _Princess_.

"Ah! that's a thing you've no business to ask about; but if you must know, it lies under the door-sill," said the _Giant_.

"Ho! ho!" said _Boots_ to himself under the bed, "then we'll soon see if we can't find it."

Next morning the _Giant_ got up cruelly early, and strode off to the wood; but he was hardly out of the house before _Boots_ and the _Princess_ set to work to look under the door-sill for his heart; but the more they dug, and the more they hunted, the more they couldn't find it.

"He has baulked us this time," said the _Princess_, "but we'll try him once more."

So she picked all the prettiest flowers she could find, and strewed them over the door-sill, which they had laid in its right place again; and when the time came for the _Giant_ to come home again, _Boots_ crept under the bed. Just as he was well under, back came the _Giant_.

Snuff--snuff, went the _Giant's_ nose. "My eyes and limbs, what a smell of Christian blood there is in here," said he.

"I know there is," said the _Princess_, "for there came a magpie flying with a man's bone in his bill, and let it fall down the chimney. I made as much haste as I could to get it out, but I daresay it's that you smell."

So the _Giant_ held his peace, and said no more about it. A little while after, he asked who it was that had strewed flowers about the door-sill.

"Oh, I, of course," said the _Princess_.

"And, pray, what's the meaning of all this?" said the _Giant_.

"Ah!" said the _Princess_, "I'm so fond of you that I couldn't help strewing them, when I knew that your heart lay under there."

"You don't say so," said the _Giant_; "but after all it doesn't lie there at all."

So when they went to bed again in the evening, the _Princess_ asked the _Giant_ again where his heart was, for she said she would so like to know.

"Well," said the _Giant_, "if you must know, it lies away yonder in the cupboard against the wall."

"So, so!" thought _Boots_ and the _Princess_; "then we'll soon try to find it."

Next morning the _Giant_ was away early, and strode off to the wood, and so soon as he was gone _Boots_ and the _Princess_ were in the cupboard hunting for his heart, but the more they sought for it, the less they found it.

"Well," said the _Princess_, "we'll just try him once more."

So she decked out the cupboard with flowers and garlands, and when the time came for the _Giant_ to come home, _Boots_ crept under the bed again.

Then back came the _Giant_.

Snuff--snuff! "My eyes and limbs, what a smell of Christian blood there is in here!"

"I know there is," said the _Princess_; "for a little while since there came a magpie flying with a man's bone in his bill, and let it fall down the chimney. I made all the haste I could to get it out of the house again; but after all my pains, I daresay it's that you smell."

When the _Giant_ heard that, he said no more about it; but a little while after, he saw how the cupboard was all decked about with flowers and garlands; so he asked who it was that had done that? Who could it be but the _Princess_?

"And, pray, what's the meaning of all this tomfoolery?" asked the _Giant_.

"Oh, I'm so fond of you, I couldn't help doing it when I knew that your heart lay there," said the _Princess_.

"How can you be so silly as to believe any such thing?" said the _Giant_.

"Oh yes; how can I help believing it, when you say it?" said the _Princess_.

"You're a goose," said the _Giant_; "where my heart is, you will never come."

"Well," said the _Princess_; "but for all that, 'twould be such a pleasure to know where it really lies."

Then the poor _Giant_ could hold out no longer, but was forced to say:

[Ill.u.s.tration: "On that island stands a church; in that church is a well; in that well swims a duck."]

"Far, far away in a lake lies an island; on that island stands a church; in that church is a well; in that well swims a duck; in that duck there is an egg, and in that egg there lies my heart,--you darling!"

In the morning early, while it was still grey dawn, the _Giant_ strode off to the wood.

[Ill.u.s.tration: He took a long, long farewell of the Princess, and when he got out of the Giant's door, there stood the Wolf waiting for him.]

"Yes! now I must set off too," said _Boots_; "if I only knew how to find the way." He took a long, long farewell of the _Princess_, and when he got out of the _Giant's_ door, there stood the _Wolf_ waiting for him. So _Boots_ told him all that had happened inside the house, and said now he wished to ride to the well in the church, if he only knew the way. So the _Wolf_ bade him jump on his back, he'd soon find the way; and away they went, till the wind whistled after them, over hedge and field, over hill and dale. After they had travelled many, many days, they came at last to the lake. Then the _Prince_ did not know how to get over it, but the _Wolf_ bade him only not be afraid, but stick on, and so he jumped into the lake with the _Prince_ on his back, and swam over to the island. So they came to the church; but the church keys hung high, high up on the top of the tower, and at first the _Prince_ did not know how to get them down.

"You must call on the raven," said the _Wolf_.

So the _Prince_ called on the raven, and in a trice the raven came, and flew up and fetched the keys, and so the _Prince_ got into the church. But when he came to the well, there lay the duck, and swam about backwards and forwards, just as the _Giant_ had said. So the _Prince_ stood and coaxed it, till it came to him, and he grasped it in his hand; but just as he lifted it up from the water the duck dropped the egg into the well, and then _Boots_ was beside himself to know how to get it out again.

"Well, now you must call on the salmon to be sure," said the _Wolf_; and the king's son called on the salmon, and the salmon came and fetched up the egg from the bottom of the well.

Then the _Wolf_ told him to squeeze the egg, and as soon as ever he squeezed it the _Giant_ screamed out.

"Squeeze it again," said the _Wolf_; and when the _Prince_ did so, the _Giant_ screamed still more piteously, and begged and prayed so prettily to be spared, saying he would do all that the _Prince_ wished if he would only not squeeze his heart in two.

"Tell him, if he will restore to life again your six brothers and their brides, whom he has turned to stone, you will spare his life,"

said the _Wolf_. Yes, the _Giant_ was ready to do that, and he turned the six brothers into king's sons again, and their brides into king's daughters.

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East of the Sun and West of the Moon Part 11 summary

You're reading East of the Sun and West of the Moon. This manga has been translated by Updating. Author(s): Peter Christen Asbjornsen and Jorgen Engebretsen Moe. Already has 526 views.

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