The Ascendancy Veil Part 20

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'It was trying to kill me! ' Phaeca shrieked. 'It was in my room! I woke up and it was in my room!'

Kaiku squeezed her eyes shut. The scene as it might have happened played across the darkness: Phaeca, awakening from a nightmare to find an unfamiliar creature before her, las.h.i.+ng out with her kana. She was already in a state of questionable sanity, driven to raving and feverish mutterings by the malevolence of the forest. The sight of the emyrynn must have been too much for her. Or maybe it had attacked her. Maybe she was telling the truth. It didn't matter, in the end. She had killed one of them.

'This is not your room,' she said, her voice quieter now. 'You were sleeping in its home.'

A cry of alarm went up in the camp, and those soldiers at the doorway turned back to look. 'There's something moving out in the trees!' came the shout.

'Do you know what you have done, Phaeca?' Kaiku said, her tone heavy with despondency. 'Your actions will be the death of us all.'

At that, Phaeca's face twisted into a snarl, and she launched herself at Kaiku.

Kaiku did not expect it in the least. Perhaps, had she thought on it, she would have been more careful in her words. She knew how fragile her friend was in this place. But though she had worried about Phaeca's state of mind over the past few days, she had never once thought that she might become violent. Even in the wake of what she had just discovered, she a.s.sumed the killing of the emyrynn was an accident, a reaction rather than a premeditated act. The sight of the Sister's face twisting into a contortion of such utter hatred made her quail; and then she was being carried out of the doorway of the dwelling by the weight of the attack, scattering the soldiers there, and she fell onto the blue-green gra.s.s outside with Phaeca atop her.

The savagery of Phaeca's a.s.sault stunned her; she only resisted at all because instinct drove her to.

Phaeca raked her face with her nails, slapped and punched at her head, shrieking and screaming oaths and curses in a coa.r.s.e Axekami dialect that was entirely unlike her usual mode of speech. Two of the soldiers, unable to credit what they were seeing, reached down to pull the crazed Sister from her victim; they were flung back and away by an invisible force that flattened the gra.s.s and cracked the sap wall of the emyrynn dwelling.

It was the outrush of Phaeca's kana that brought Kaiku to her senses. The wrenching of the Weave sparked an answer in her own body, a surge of energy that she fought to curtail before it broke out of her, fearful of hurting her friend.

She should not have done so. It took her too long to realise that Phaeca's kana was not only directed at the soldiers, it was also directed at her. Phaeca was attacking her in the Weave, and that made her intent lethal.

She surrendered herself to the will of her kana. Time decelerated to a crawl in the world of the five senses, while beneath its skin the Sisters clashed at blinding speed. Kaiku's fractional hesitation had afforded Phaeca an advantage. Only when she had cast aside all doubts and had realised that her friend really meant to kill her, that this was a fight for her very life, did she lend her will to the conflict and begin resisting in earnest.

But by then it was too late. Phaeca had undermined her, laid traps that foiled her attempts at constructing defences. Kaiku constructed labyrinthine tangles only to have them come apart at a single tug. She built snares to delay her opponent and watched them fall to pieces when they were sprung. By the time she had got her barriers up, Phaeca was already behind them, and Kaiku was forced to abandon them and back away further. The a.s.sault was relentless, furious; she crumbled under it. Phaeca was not as good as Cailin, but she was still better than most Weavers, sliding and shuttling like a needle.

And Kaiku had been taken totally by surprise, had still refused to believe it even when she had realised what was happening.

Phaeca burst through the holes in Kaiku's st.i.tchwork and reached into her body, grasping, encircling her heart, sewing into muscle and bone. Kaiku screamed in horror, a wordless mental anguish at the violation, the knowledge that she had no way to fight back now and that this cry would be her last.

Then the pain hit her. Phaeca was tearing her apart. She had done it to others before, and always wondered what it must have felt like, the kind of agony they would suffer in the instant before they died. Now she knew. It was as if her every vein and nerve were being pulled forcibly from her flesh, sucked out like tendrils through her skin to be cast away. The torture was incredible, overwhelming . . .

. . . and suddenly gone.

She was alone in the Weave. Phaeca had disappeared, with only an aching pulse of sadness left in her wake.

Her mind settled again, reorientating her senses. She left the Weave, her kana turning inwards and scouring her for damage. Her red eyes refocused and the light of dawn in the forest filtered back.

There was a weight atop her. A booted foot braced against it and shoved it off. Asara. She reached down and helped Kaiku up.

'I had no choice,' Asara said. 'It was her or you.'

She forced herself to look at Phaeca. The Sister lay face-down, her hair b.l.o.o.d.y. Shot through the neck.

'It was her or you,' Asara said again.

Asara's voice was dim and tinny in Kaiku's ears, cus.h.i.+oned by a numb blanket that had settled on her.

Her vision had narrowed, the periphery hazed. She felt fractured from her surroundings, barely aware.

Around her, gunshots and cries, denting the whine of the blood in her ears. She could not reconcile the figure lying before her with the woman she had known. The fact that this husk of flesh was here did not equate with the certainty that she would never see nor speak with Phaeca again.

'Kaiku, we have to go,' Asara was saying to her. Then, turning her so that she was looking into her eyes.

'Do you hear? We have to go now! '

She could see over Asara's shoulder, into the trees that surrounded the village. Of course, of course. The retaliation. From the foliage, white shapes were slinking, muzzles wrinkled and teeth bared. The emyrynn were coming. Their hospitality had been abused.

'Where is Lucia?' someone cried. 'Where is Lucia?'

It was that name that brought Kaiku out of her daze. With a whimper, she moved to flee into the camp and search, thinking only of the need to protect her. Asara grabbed her arm.

'She is there,' Asara said, pointing. And indeed she was, with Doja and a half-dozen soldiers cl.u.s.tered around her. Tsata and Heth were approaching, Peithre carried in Heth's arms. Kaiku saw him and motioned towards Lucia, then ran that way herself, with Asara following.

Phaeca . . .

Kaiku shoved the grief away. She could not allow herself to think on it now. There were others whose lives would depend on her. Lucia was all that mattered.

The emyrynn were coming from all around the village, but they appeared in greatest number at the point where the camp lay against the outermost edge. They sprang through the leaves, sleek and graceful, their white fur pristine. Such beautiful creatures, but their faces were sharp now, grinning in animal rictus, and there was deadly purpose in their steps. The soldiers were firing into the undergrowth, rifle b.a.l.l.s clipping purple stems and ricocheting off tree trunks with a splintering of wood.

They hit nothing. The emyrynn appeared in glimpses, and each glimpse showed them to be ever closer to their prey.

'Fall back!' Doja cried. 'Protect Lucia!'

'Which way?' Asara called, addressing Lucia, who was gazing into the middle distance. 'Lucia, which way do we go?'

'They're so angry,' she whispered.

Kaiku wiped her eyes with the back of her hand and moved Asara aside. 'Which way, Lucia?' she asked, gently. 'We have to leave.'

At the sound of her voice, Lucia's focus s.h.i.+fted to her. She trembled for a moment, then flung her arm out and pointed into the trees. 'That way.'

'Fall back!' Doja cried again to the soldiers who were retreating towards them, loosing shots into the trees. And with that, Lucia and her retinue ran, away from the village, and the forest closed around them.

The emyrynn broke cover with a harmonic cascade of piercing howls. They burst out into the open, sprinting on all fours, moving like liquid. Their curious musculature gave them a disconcerting gait, rippling them left and right in a sinuous charge towards the men who were covering Lucia's retreat.

Those who still had powder in their chambers fired off what shots they had, but all of them missed.

Some turned and took flight at the sight of the creatures; some stayed and fought. The outcome was the same. The emyrynn tore into them with surpa.s.sing savagery, gouging at faces with their small, sharp antlers, ripping at throats with their blade-like teeth. They bounded onto their prey, bore them to the ground like hunting cats, then shredded them while they were helpless. Their white fur became stained dark red, their muzzles wet with blood. They revelled in the slaughter.

Lucia and Kaiku hurried into the forest, the centre of a stumbling cl.u.s.ter of soldiers who fought to protect them from every side. There were perhaps ten soldiers left now including Doja; also with them went the three Tkiurathi and Asara. Kaiku's eyes were blurring with tears that fell from her lashes with the jolting of her feet on the ground, but she did not notice. She was seeing past them. The forest could not obscure her vision; it had turned to a transparent ma.s.s of golden sinews, and within it she saw the emyrynn stalking. Hundreds of them, converging on the village.

'Kaiku, can you see them?' The voice was Asara's.


'Are they coming after us?'

Kaiku looked. She had dared to hope that vacating the village might curb their wrath, that the emyrynn merely wanted their unwelcome visitors gone. But now she saw, as the last of the soldiers who had stayed behind were killed, that some of the emyrynn had set off in pursuit, following the trail Lucia and the others had left.

'Yes,' she said.

There were scattered emyrynn ahead of them and to either side as well. Some were moving away, either ignorant of their presence or uninterested. Others lay in wait in hollows or in the branches of trees, plainly hoping for their victims to come near. Though some of the creatures seemed content to leave them be now that they were driven off, others had decided to hunt them. There was no way they would be able to escape without further bloodshed.

'Can you speak to them, Lucia?' Kaiku asked. 'Can you explain?'

Lucia did not hear her. She was sobbing and panting, propelled along by Doja's strong arm, tripping on branches and roots. She seemed seized by some fear that she could not identify, gazing around wildly like a madwoman, fleeing without hope of escape.

Kaiku breathed a curse. They had no choice but to go where Lucia led them, and abandoning the village had robbed them of any place to make a stand, however futile. The low, slanting light of Nuki's eye forced its way dimly through the canopy, but the trees were too dense here to see far, and only Kaiku could spot the emyrynn as they darted nimbly through the trees. The forest still resounded with the fading echoes of their comrades' screams, and the only other sound was the of twigs, the thump of boots and the rush of exhaled breath as they raced away from the emyrynn village. That, and the endless, monotonous tapping in the distance that had plagued them for days.

G.o.ds, what were they hoping for, anyway? That the emyrynn would turn around and give up? That was a slim chance indeed. They would run, they would fight, and after that they would die. The odds were impossible. But there was nothing else left to do.

'There are two of them, ahead and to our left,' Kaiku called, as she sensed their approach. The soldiers s.h.i.+fted their blades, ready to receive the creatures; but Kaiku got to them first. Though there was something of the spirit world in them, they were not as hard as demons or Weavers to over-match; but they were awkward and unfamiliar, and it took time to engage them, longer than she would have liked.

She would be unable to deal with more than a few at a time.

She used her kana to reach inside their minds and stun them into unconsciousness. She was reluctant to kill them if she could help it.

'They have been dealt with,' she said.

'Any more?' Asara asked, as they scrambled up an incline thick with bluish bracken, shepherding Lucia awkwardly onward.

'Three from behind,' Kaiku said. Her heart sank as she saw them arrowing through the forest. 'They will catch us in a few moments. Three from the right. Two ahead.' She grimaced. 'I cannot protect you from all of them.'

'Then you take the ones that are following,' Doja said tersely. 'We'll handle the rest.'

The soldiers had slung their rifles back over their shoulders and drawn swords by now, for ranged weapons were useless in the confines of thick undergrowth. Despite Kaiku's warning, they were still not prepared for the emyrynn when they attacked. They expected to be able to hear the stirring of leaves, the rustle of bracken as their enemies neared; but the emyrynn were like ghosts, and made no sound at all. They sprang as if from nowhere, took down two of the soldiers, ripped out their throats in a single bite and were gone before anyone could lay a blade to them.

'Keep going!' Doja cried, as some of the soldiers faltered. The wounded men were still flailing, gurgling out their last. 'We cannot stand here!'

In the forest behind them, three bright blooms of fire ignited. Kaiku turned back to Doja, her eyes hard.

Now that they had shown their intentions beyond all doubt, she would not be merciful to these creatures any longer.

The five remaining emyrynn attacked all at once. The soldiers had a few seconds to prepare at Kaiku's cry, and then the enemy were among them in a blur of white and a flurry of teeth. Asara, faster than most, ducked under the leap of one of them and divided it neatly in half along its midriff; Kaiku incinerated another. Between them, the soldiers took down a third, but as the remaining two disappeared they left behind one man dead and another with a stump for an arm, spewing blood. There was a scramble to get a tourniquet on the wound, during which the group's onward motion collapsed: they would not leave one of their wounded behind when there was still a chance of saving them.

'More! All around us!' Kaiku barely had time to shout before the emyrynn were among them. They had seemed to appear out of nowhere, even to her Weave-sight, a dozen of the creatures flitting suddenly into existence. She saw Tsata slas.h.i.+ng with his gutting-hooks, darting between the emyrynn's antlers, protecting Heth and his burden Peithre. She saw Asara dodging and slas.h.i.+ng, her movements fluid, honed by ninety years of practice and a perfect metabolism. And she saw the soldiers fighting, and Doja being savaged, and Lucia fallen to the ground where another of the creatures was about to pounce on her . . .

Kaiku was about to obliterate the threat to Lucia when she was knocked aside, cras.h.i.+ng into a tree trunk with the weight of an emyrynn, its teeth fastened in her shoulder at the collar. Too many of them; she hadn't seen it coming. She screamed with the pain. Blood pumped between her attacker's teeth as it bit deeper into her flesh. Then her kana reacted, seizing the creature and flinging it away from her with enough force to break its back against a thick bough. She clutched her torn shoulder, blood pulsing through her fingers. Her body was already repairing itself, but it was sapping vital resources she needed to protect others, and she was already looking to Lucia, a terrible fear gripping her heart. She would be too late, too late to save her from the emyrynn now.

But then a new sensation bore down on her, a terrible, crus.h.i.+ng presence that drove her to her knees with its fury. She looked up, and blanched as she saw it.

The beast. The vast shadow that she had met a few nights ago was back, its colossal bulk swelling up to the treetops. Its bellow, midway between a roar and a screech, shook the earth and blasted a hurricane through the forest, sending men and women and emyrynn alike tumbling and scrambling. The trees hissed and rattled as the wind wailed through their branches. Kaiku was blown back into the base of a tree, the breath squeezed from her lungs, her hair whipping around her face. She gritted her teeth against the agony from her shoulder, eyes shut tight, fighting down the urge to shriek. The creature was a black wall of rage in the Weave, a power that Kaiku could not hope to match. Her kana recoiled from it, retreating, curling up inside her.

Silence. The hurricane died all at once, faint skirling gusts chasing away through the trees to nothingness. Leaves drifted slowly earthward, spiralling clumsily.

Kaiku opened her eyes. The site of the ambush was strewn with bodies, men and emyrynn alike. b.l.o.o.d.y swatches of white fur lay alongside torn corpses. She saw Asara getting to her feet, her blade hanging loose in her hand. Tsata and Heth crouched protectively together over the Peithre. A few soldiers were stirring, but not many. The emyrynn were gone.

At the edge of the carnage stood Lucia, staring up into the face of the beast. Its shape was hidden from sight by the trees, and by the darkness that it exuded like smoke, but it was still possible to make out its size. Small, glittering eyes regarded her. She was a tiny morsel to it, minute and insignificant; yet she stood there alone, and it glared down on her, the heavy soughing of its breath faintly audible, as slow and ma.s.sive as waves on a beach.

Gradually, the survivors of the ma.s.sacre rose, their gazes pinned to the monster. All except the Tkiurathi. Kaiku stumbled over towards Lucia, her hand clutching her shoulder where her wound was sealing itself, but as she neared Tsata he looked up at her, and his eyes were wet. The shock of that stopped her for a moment. She had never seen him weep before. Then she glanced down at Peithre, and saw that she was dead. They had protected her from the emyrynn, but in her weakened state the exertion of being carried so violently had proved too much. Heth was bent over her, his shoulders shaking. Kaiku met Tsata's gaze once again, but her eyes were bleak and she had nothing to give him; then she staggered away, towards Lucia.

Lucia was swaying slightly as Kaiku came to stand near her. She did not dare get too close, afraid of breaking whatever spell held the beast in check. Lucia's eyes were rolled up in her head and flickering with movement.

'G.o.ds, what has happened here?' she whispered, though she said it more to herself than to anyone else, and expected no response.

Lucia surprised her. 'It is an emissary,' she said, the words barely formed as if she spoke them in a dream.

Kaiku thought for a moment. 'Of the Xhiang Xhi?' she asked.

'Leave our dead,' Lucia murmured, 'and follow.'

Kaiku closed her eyes. She had been sure to memorise the names of each and every man and woman in the party before they set off into the forest, for she had believed that many would not live to leave it and they would need to be commended to Noctu after their deaths. As long as she had their names, the place where their bodies lay meant little.

She raised her head and met the expectant faces of the survivors, Doja was among the fallen, and those who believed in leaders looked to her now.

'We leave our dead,' she said, her voice almost breaking as she spoke. 'We leave our dead and follow.'

It was several hours later that they came across the entrance to the Xhiang Xhi's lair.

Kaiku remembered little of the intervening time. She trudged dazedly through the forest with the rest of them, in something like a state of shock. The beast led them, always ahead, a colossal shadow that was never quite seen, a fraction too distant to make out in detail.

She wept as she went, mainly for Phaeca but also for the other men who lay behind them and Peithre, whose body Heth carried and refused to leave. She had kept herself at a distance from the soldiers, out of habit she was a Sister, and she could no longer easily mix as she had in the past but the suddenness of their deaths, the frightening savagery of the emyrynn, had shaken her badly. She knew enough of war and killing, but she was not inured to it entirely.

Other thoughts had briefly intruded on her misery. Thoughts of the beast that they followed, and how it had not been attacking her that day but that it had for some reason been protecting her from the spirit that had taken Lucia's shape. It had prevented her from being lured away; her, and her only, for the other soldiers had been left to their fate. Why was that? Why had she been treated differently?

Then there were the memories of the moment she had shared with Tsata, and her argument with Asara.

Both were decisions she had to face, matters of huge importance to her; and yet for now she could not bring herself to care about them. All she wanted to do was to get away from this G.o.ds-cursed forest and never look back.

But there was one more challenge yet, and it was Lucia who had to face it.

They would have known when they came to the boundary of the Xhiang Xhi's domain even if Lucia had not told them. The air was thick with the presence of the great spirit, a charge in the air that made the fine hairs on their bodies stand on end. It came from a tunnel mouth sunk into a hillock, on either side of which stood twisted old trees like pillars. The beast crouched atop the hillock, obscured by undergrowth, sapping the day's light from the air.

'You can go no further,' Lucia said to them all. She appeared sharper now, her mind clear. 'It is up to me now.'

n.o.body argued, not even Kaiku. She knew it would come to this. Lucia made no ceremony about it, merely looked over her shoulder at the seven ragged figures that remained of the twenty-four that had followed her into the forest. Her eyes lingered on Kaiku's for a moment, and she tried a smile; but it felt false, and it faltered, so she turned away and walked into the tunnel. They watched as the darkness consumed her, and then she was gone.

At first they were listless, unsure what to do or what to say. Then they began to settle themselves to wait: the three surviving soldiers together, Tsata and Heth with their burden, Kaiku and Asara both sitting alone.

After a time, Kaiku got to her feet and joined the Tkiurathi.


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The Ascendancy Veil Part 20 summary

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