Devlin Haskell: Bulldog Part 15

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Just a misunderstanding, well and a bunch of parking tickets.

Whats the misunderstanding?

Some petty kind of bulls.h.i.+t about me a.s.saulting a guy, its nothing.

a.s.saulting a guy?

My landlord. I didnt know it at the time, but that worthless piece of s.h.i.+t turns out to be some sort of s.h.i.+rt-tail relative of someone in the City Attorneys office. Makes the guy think he can jack me around. I sort of fell behind just a little on my rent.

How little?

Only a couple of months, I told that a.s.shole I was good for it, but he wouldnt listen, which really p.i.s.sed me off. Then, when he pad locked the door to my apartment Id had it and went downstairs to educate the man.

And did you?

Yeah, but at the time I didnt know there were witnesses. Anyway, thats sort of another reason I cant go back to my place, the cops are probably looking for me.

So, if for some reason you get stopped by the police, theyre most likely going to haul you in.

Well, yeah, but I dont plan on being stopped.

There you go then, problem solved.

Freddy nodded.

I dropped him off back at Caseys house to watch TV while I went down to the office. I got a text from Casey around noon; All well here, having a great time.

I replied with; All well up here, stay safe. Then held my breath in the event she was on one of her texting benders, thankfully she didnt reply.

I was back at Caseys house towards the end of the day. The contractors had all left and Freddy greeted me with a loud belch then said, Hey, youre out of beer and pizza, man. Once he made that statement he returned to watching some sort of reality show.

I went back out the door and purchased those two necessities. I tossed two of the pizzas Id purchased into the oven and called Freddy twenty minutes later. It was like calling a puppy. Freddy, dinner, Freddy.

He waddled into the kitchen a moment later smiling and wearing his new jeans. Hed taken the metal splint off his nose, but there were still traces of adhesive on his cheeks. His nose didnt look all that great. It was sort of a pasty gray color where it wasnt still black and blue and had taken on a sort of sagging shape like it was considering just falling off his face.

I had three slices of pizza for dinner, Freddy ate the remaining six slices from that pizza then devoured the entire second pizza all by himself.

Mmm-mmm, really good man. You got any ice cream?

I think theres some in the freezer, check it out, I said and nodded toward the refrigerator.

Freddy slid off his stool, pulled the bottom freezer drawer open and studied the contents. You got a preference, looks like vanilla or some b.u.t.ter pecan s.h.i.+t.

Ill take a pa.s.s, none for me, I said.

Suit yourself, he said, then grabbed one of the containers out of the drawer. He took a spoon from the silverware tray and sat back down. He tore the lid off and proceeded to eat directly out of the ice cream container. Hey, man, think you could give me a lift later tonight?

Yeah, I suppose, as long as its not too late.

Im thinking around ten, is that too late?

We going far?

No, maybe five, six minutes away is all. I wont need a ride back.

Yeah, I can do that, I said.

Thanks, man, I think Im gonna relax and catch some tube, he said then walked into the den with the ice cream.

Freddy called from the den a couple of hours later. Dev, can you still give me a lift?

Id been sitting at the kitchen counter and had just sent an email to Casey telling her everything was okay and to relax and enjoy the Big Easy.

Yeah, sure, let me just grab my keys, I said, then logged off and headed out the front door.

Freddy was waiting for me on the porch with a baseball bat.

Whats with that? I asked.

Got a pal on a softball team, he plays for his church, they got some league compet.i.tion or something this weekend. He wanted to borrow my bat so I told him Id get it over to him.

Chapter Thirty-Five.

I wasnt sure why we had to get Freddys softball bat over to his pal this late at night, but on the other hand if it got Freddy out of the house it was worth the effort. The ride over to his pals house was more like fifteen minutes and other than the occasional direction Freddy wasnt talking.

Thats it up there, he finally said as I came round the corner. Just drop me off behind that pickup parked on the street, thatll be perfect.

I pulled up behind a large black pickup truck. It sported one of those rebel flag rear window graphic things. Giant chrome-lined mud flaps with the silhouette of a naked woman hung behind the large, dual rear tires. Chrome letters spelled out F-350 4x4 across the rear. A black and white b.u.mper sticker read Protected by Smith and Wesson.

G.o.d, sweet ride, that babys a Diesel V8. Itll blow anyone away in seconds, Freddy said We were in the Midway district of St. Paul and the homes up and down the block looked to have been built in the 1920s. The pickup was parked in front of one of the less-attractive structures on the street. A story-and-a-half wood frame house with peeling-white clapboard siding, faded green trim, a dilapidated front porch and a sagging roof. There was an old upholstered couch sitting on the porch that looked like it had been through one too many rain storms. A dim light drifted out from the front room and through the window you could see a TV was on.

Thanks, Dev, not sure when Ill be back. Appreciate all youve done, youve been a big help.

Not a problem, Freddy, give me a call tomorrow if you need a lift.

Freddy smiled and climbed out, then closed the door and gave a quick wave as he walked across the small front yard and up the steps. He rang the doorbell then turned and faced me. I waited for a pair of headlights approaching in my side mirror to pa.s.s by before I pulled away from the curb. As the car drove past I gave a quick glance back at Freddy.

A large guy with a shaved head and a snarl on his face was just opening the front door. I watched as Freddy stabbed the end of the baseball bat into the guys solar plexus then grabbed him by his T-s.h.i.+rt and yanked him out onto the porch. He slammed the bat up into the guys chin causing his head to snap back. The poor b.a.s.t.a.r.d attempted to raise his arms in a sort of defensive position, but Freddy wound up and gave a low, full force swing into the guys knee with the bat.

I couldnt hear the crack, but it looked like the knee completely snapped. He half rolled and attempted to crawl off the porch as Freddy stepped over him and with all his three-hundred-and-fifty-plus pounds stomped on the guys back then held him in place with his foot. He slammed the bat into the guys right hand then adjusted his swing and nailed the left hand to the porch floor. As the guy lifted his head to scream Freddy kicked him so hard in the side of the head that he rolled over.

I was in the process of getting out of my car as Freddy reached down and tore the front pocket of the guys shorts open, then stood up and triumphantly brandished a set of keys. He stepped over the motionless figure lying on the porch floor and walked back toward me. The entire a.s.sault couldnt have taken more than fifteen seconds.

What the h.e.l.l do you think your doing? Are you insane?

Meet Dallas, Freddy said thrusting a thumb over his shoulder. He hurried past me and tossed the baseball bat into the back of the pickup truck. I told you, once they screwed with black beauty they were gonna pay.

But, Jesus Christ, did you kill him?

No, unfortunately, but he aint gonna be chasing me or anyone else for that matter, probably ever again. Appreciate you doing this for me, Dev. Ill be in touch, he said then pushed a b.u.t.ton on the keys and the pickups lights blinked. Always nice talking to you, Dallas, he called, then climbed into the pickup and drove away.

I started across the lawn toward the figure lying halfway down the front steps. Suddenly the porch light came on next door, curtains on a side window twitched as a woman stared out and the front door began to open. I panicked and hurried back into my car and quickly pulled away with my lights off. I screeched around the first right turn, flicked on my lights and slowed down. I took the long way back to Caseys and constantly checked for someone following me, I never spotted anyone.

I parked in Caseys garage then hurried to the back door, looking left and right across her backyard with every other step. I quickly closed the door behind me, locked it then proceeded to turn all the lights on throughout the first floor. I double checked to make sure both the front and back doors were locked then pulled a bottle of Jameson down from the cupboard and poured a healthy amount into a gla.s.s. I didnt waste any time getting an ice cube.

I drifted off to sleep well after midnight, or did I just pa.s.s out? The following morning I was aware of the contractors working for a good while before I crawled off the couch. The Jameson bottle was empty and lay on its side underneath the coffee table. My empty gla.s.s sat on the end table next to the .38. The ceiling light and both lamps were still on in the den. I tucked the .38 in my belt, pulled my T-s.h.i.+rt out to cover the gun and made my way to the bathroom.

Even though it was a cloudy day I was wearing on my way to work. I bought a newspaper from the machine on the corner then climbed upstairs to the office. Louie was at his desk.

Out till the wee hours were we? Louie asked as I threw the newspaper on my desk and made my way to the coffee pot.

No, I never left the house. Stayed in all night doing some research on the internet, I said, then hurried back to my desk without looking at him.

I opened the paper and read the headlines on the front page then quickly paged through the entire paper, scanning page after page looking for an a.s.sault report or worse, a murder. I couldnt find anything.

I was aware Louie would look up and study me from time to time, then go back to the files spread out across his picnic table. Finally he said, Dev, is everything all right?

Yeah, sure, just fine. Why?

I dont know you just seem sort of jumpy or something.

No, no, everythings just fine. No problems.

Youre sure.

Yeah, Im sure.

Okay, cause if there was something wrong you could tell me, you know.

Louie, relax everythings fine, just thinking some stuff through is all, no problem.

Okay. Casey all right?

Yeah, Ive gotten a couple of text messages from her, sounds great. I sent her an email late last night, told her to have a good time and just relax. I can only hope sh.e.l.l take that advice to heart.

Louie nodded and studied me for a long moment then said, Im sure she will.

Id calmed down by mid-afternoon. I was taking my time driving home and listening to the news reports on a couple of different stations. I didnt pick up anything regarding Freddys a.s.sault on Dallas. It looked like we were in the clear.

Chapter Thirty-Six.

Haskell Investigations, I said. I was fumbling with the backdoor key trying to get it into the lock while at the same time juggling a new bottle of Jameson and my cellphone.

The audible snap of a wad of gum coming through my phone launched my heart up into my throat. Haskell, Detective Manning, how are you?

Just fine, thanks, I said, then got the door unlocked and stepped inside. I locked the door again as soon as it closed then glanced out the window just to make sure Manning wasnt lurking in the bushes.

Say, your name came up this afternoon, Manning said.

Was the chief suggesting me as your replacement?

Dont get your hopes up. No, seems there was a spot of trouble last night over in the Midway district, an a.s.sault, pretty brutal.

Sorry to disappoint, Detective, but I wouldnt know a thing about something like that. As a matter of fact, I was home all night working on my computer. I think I was online until close to ten, sent a final email off then I had a nightcap and crawled into bed.

Amazing, you sound like the picture of responsibility.

That would be me.

You sent that email on your computer I suppose.

No, Manning, I used smoke signals, its so much more fun. Yeah, I sent it on my computer. I was thinking tech probably wasnt Mannings strong suit.

What OS are you on? he asked.

OS? I thought he was making a joke about some new kind of street drug.

OS, it stands for operating system, Haskell its the working brains of your computer. What is it Windows XP? G.o.d it couldnt be, probably more like 7, 8 or 8.1.

Im not sure.

You a MAC guy, MAC 10 ring any bells?

I dont actually know. To tell you the truth, I just turn the thing on and most of the time it works.

And you were on last night around ten?

Yeah, I was looking at some stuff then sent an email to a friend down in New Orleans.

I wonder if youd consider bringing that in here so we could maybe take a look.

Take a look at my computer?

Yes, it wouldnt take us but a couple of minutes to verify the time of your activity and then you could be on your way.

I suppose, if you really want me to, what time would you like me down there?

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Devlin Haskell: Bulldog Part 15 summary

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