Cultivation Chat Group Chapter 2714: Before the Tribulation Transcender Node, Everyone is Equal

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Chapter 2714: Before the Tribulation Transcender Node, Everyone is Equal

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Dying at a point that everyone can predict isn’t really a skill. Showing off at an unexpected moment—that’s the mark of a true master.

Young White and Song Shuhang continued to collaborate. After changing their coordinates, they began drilling holes in the void of the Tribulation

Transcender Realm once more.

The new coordinates weren’t far off. Song Shuhang and Young White had the same idea; they planned to squeeze all members of the Nine Provinces Number One Group into the same area. Naturally, the primordial spirits of a group needed to be placed together to make them seem unified.

While Song Shuhang was hard at work, Sage Monarch Spirit b.u.t.terfly slowly awoke in Dog Songs kennel.

The powers of Senior Spirit b.u.t.terfly and Sage Monarch Seventh Cultivator of True Virtue were nearly identical, and their awakening times were very close.

Upon waking, Sage Monarch Spirit b.u.t.terfly spread out his ‘divine sense’ and soon found that Young White was forming a sword technique, while little friend Song Shuhang had transformed into a drill and was spinning wildly in the void.

What was going on here? A punishment game?

“It looks like we’ve successfully reached the Tribulation Transcender Void. Fellow Daoist White, did Shuhang make a mistake again? Isn’t the intensity of this rotation a bit too strong? If he made any mistakes…” Senior Spirit b.u.t.terfly paused slightly, then teased, “Fellow Daoist White, you don’t have to spare my feelings. Just keep spinning vigorously.”

“Senior Spirit b.u.t.terfly, you’ll lose me if you continue like this,” Song Shuhang transmitted back.

Young White turned his head and explained, “Shuhang and I are drilling a ‘Tribulation Transcender node’ for Fellow Daoist Spirit b.u.t.terfly. We’ll bury you in it shortly.”

Sage Monarch Spirit b.u.t.terfly was speechless.

Opening a Tribulation Transcender node and entrusting one’s primordial spirit should have been a joyous occasion. Why did it sound like he was about to die and be buried when Sage White described it?

“Shuhang, thank you for your hard work,” Sage Monarch Spirit b.u.t.terfly paused before speaking up.

In fact, apart from being a bit nitpicky, Senior Spirit b.u.t.terfly was perfect in every other way—handsome, wealthy, charismatic, powerful, with a beautiful dao partner and daughter, and flouris.h.i.+ng in both career and love.

“Senior Spirit b.u.t.terfly, I’m not used to you thanking me so seriously,” Song Shuhang replied as he spun.

After getting to know the seniors of the Nine Provinces Number One Group, his demeanor had s.h.i.+fted, and he seldom thanked anyone so formally. Senior Spirit b.u.t.terfly smiled slightly and closed his eyes to think.

After a moment.

“Little friend Shuhang, has Soft Feather been with you these past few days?” Senior Spirit b.u.t.terfly suddenly asked.

“That’s not the case. Hasn’t Soft Feather been staying on Spirit b.u.t.terfly Island?” Song Shuhang cleverly responded.

“The one staying on Spirit b.u.t.terfly Island isn’t Soft Feather,” Senior Spirit b.u.t.terfly slowly opened his eyes and said. “She punched me so hard that I’ve been unconscious until now. Even now, my physical body is still in a coma.” Song Shuhang was speechless.

Celestial Thearch, you’ve gone too far ~

It was as if she had sensed Song Shuhangs inner voice.

[Din% Your ‘scoundrel friend’ Celestial Thearch has remotely sent you a drop of energy. P.S.: Senior Song, here’s today’s energy share]

Song Shuhang was speechless.

For some reason, he suddenly felt like he was being kept by the Celestial Thearch.

Moreover, he keenly sensed that the energy sent by the Celestial Thearch this time was quite different from before. This drop of energy was purer and no longer carried the scent of the ancient Heavenly Court, but it did have a familiar scent of Soft Feather.

“Senior Spirit b.u.t.terfly, you are mistaken,” After receiving a drop of energy from the Heavenly Emperor, Song Shuhang mentally prepared his response and said, “Actually, that is indeed your daughter Soft Feather. You can consider her a special clone of Soft Feather. Eventually, when her special attributes fade, you’ll be able to meet Soft Feather No. 2, no, No. 3.” No. 2 Soft Feather was Black Panther.

The Heavenly Emperor had already abandoned the Path of the Ancient Heavenly Court and let go of the past… Eventually, she would need to recover her physical body and would no longer occupy Soft Feather’s ghost spirit forever.

“Is it really the Heavenly Emperor?” Lord Spirit b.u.t.terfly confirmed his suspicion.

At that moment, Sage Monarch Spirit b.u.t.terfly felt deeply conflicted. He didn’t know how to face the Heavenly Emperor, Soft Feather.

“Senior Spirit b.u.t.terfly, don’t worry anymore. Leave the troubles of the past behind and save the troubles of the future for later. What we must face now is the present. Come, the Tribulation Transcender Void Node has already opened. Don’t waste this opportunity,” Song Shuhang declared boldly.

Just like last time, he used the (Blade Nurturing Technique> and the pseudo-immortal realm to support the Tribulation Transcender’s void node.

“Go ahead, Fellow Daoist Spirit b.u.t.terfly,” Young White gently tapped Sage Monarch Spirit b.u.t.terfly’s body, and Senior Spirit b.u.t.terfly whooshed into the Tribulation Transcender node ahead of Song Shuhang.

Even the most handsome senior would be stretched into thin noodles when facing the Tribulation Transcender’s void node, then slurped into it.

And regardless of their stature—tall, short, thin, or stout—everyone would be compressed and elongated into noodles of the same size.

Before the Tribulation Transcender node, everyone was equal.

-Except for Tyrannical Song, who was preparing to cut himself into pieces. “Shuhang, prepare to retreat,” Young White reminded.

“Alright,” Song Shuhang extended his hand and once again produced a

‘Primordial Spirit Pillar-Nail Pillar,’ inserting it into the Tribulation

Transcender node where Sage Monarch Spirit b.u.t.terfly was. After a sequence of (Saber Nurturing Technique) moves, he gracefully retreated.

Inside the Tribulation Transcender node, Sage Monarch Spirit b.u.t.terfly’s primordial spirit shrank into a small point, transforming into a mere dot and line.

Song Shuhangs Primordial Spirit Pillar turned into another line and followed behind Sage Monarch Spirit b.u.t.terfly, silently monitoring his condition.

Under the observation of the Primordial Spirit Pillar, Sage Monarch Spirit

b.u.t.terflys primordial spirit also began to merge with the entire Tribulation Transcender void node, entering the stage of entrusting the primordial spirit.

However, unlike Senior Seventh Cultivator of True Virtue, Sage Monarch Spirit b.u.t.terflys primordial spirit seemed to have something else attached to it.

‘Is it the blessing from before?’ Song Shuhangs heart stirred.

Sage Monarch Spirit b.u.t.terfly’s primordial spirit appeared to have the blessing of Soft Feather’s mother.

Leveraging the special state of the ‘Tribulation Transcender Node s.p.a.ce,’ Song

Shuhang’s Primordial Spirit Pillar discreetly observed the ‘blessing.’

Soon, an image was transmitted back to Song Shuhangs consciousness.

He saw a G.o.ddess with long, silky hair floating gently behind Sage Monarch Spirit b.u.t.terfly, gently embracing him.

Yi Xi noted that her appearance was somewhat similar to Soft Feather’s. Soft Feather’s iconic long legs must have been inherited from her mother.

However, Song Shuhang subconsciously felt that this G.o.ddess’s condition was somewhat special.

This was because he had encountered similar beings.

For instance, the Virtuous Lamia, Fairy Creation, the black-skinned Soft Feather, and even his own ghost fairy…

First of all, excluding beings like the Virtuous Lamia and the black-skinned Soft Feather—at least in their current state—it was impossible for them to conceive and give birth.

Yet Soft Feather’s mother had genuinely given birth to Soft Feather through pregnancy, although the pregnancy seemed to have lasted a very long time.

Could it be an existence similar to Fairy Creation’s, or was it a ghost spirit with special properties?

In principle, ghost spirits can’t bear children, but exceptions like Cheng

Goudan can’t be ruled out.

Song Shuhang concluded in his mind.

A ghost spirit especially adept at giving birth, looking very much like Soft

Feather, with symbolic long legs, far more powerful than Sage Monarch Spirit b.u.t.terfly, shrouded in mystery, and having never appeared on Spirit b.u.t.terfly Island before…

Adding up these conditions, an absurd guess popped into Song Shuhangs mind.

“Senior White, have you ever seen Soft Feather’s mother?” Song Shuhang asked.

“Mom? Mom?” Young White tilted his head. His ponytail bounced..

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Cultivation Chat Group Chapter 2714: Before the Tribulation Transcender Node, Everyone is Equal summary

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