Larry Dexter's Great Search Part 28

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"Yet if that was so, I can't see how Mr. Potter could write in the letter, as he did, that I was getting too close to him? Yes, there's something very strange in all this, but maybe it will soon be cleared up."

Thus Larry hoped, but he was doomed to disappointment. For, when he inquired at the hotel desk for Mr. Retto, and said he would like to see him, the clerk replied:

"Mr. Retto left early this morning. He gave up his room. I don't know where he went."

"I've got it all to do over again," the young reporter thought as he strolled out into the street. "I'll never have such luck again. If he watches the house after this he'll do it in a way that won't give me a chance to catch him. Well, I've got to go back and tell Grace I made a fizzle of it. Too bad, when they're hoping so much on the result of this visit!"

Larry purchased a morning paper from a newsboy on the street, and glanced at it idly, as he strolled along. His eye lighted on the column devoted to s.h.i.+pping news, and, almost unconsciously, he saw among the "arrivals," the _Turtle_, of an Italian line. At once a train of thought was started in his mind.

"The _Turtle_," he mused. "That's the freight s.h.i.+p that Captain Tantrella, formerly of the _Olivia_, commands. That's the captain Retto was inquiring about the day Grace and I made the tour of the steamer offices. He wanted to meet him. Well, Captain Tantrella is in now. I wonder if Retto could have left the hotel to go and see him?"

Larry puzzled over it for a few minutes. Several ideas came to him, but they were confused, and he did not know which line to follow.

"Why should Retto want to see Captain Tantrella?" he asked himself.

"Is it possible that Retto is a criminal and had to escape from the sinking s.h.i.+p? It looks so. But if he has done something that would necessitate him keeping out of the way, how can he aid Mr. Potter?

It's too deep for me. But I know what I'll do. I'll go and see Captain Tantrella. He'll remember me, for I interviewed him about the wreck.

"I'll ask him who Retto is. He'll know him, for he was probably one of the first-cabin pa.s.sengers. That's what I'll do. I think I'm on the right track now."



Larry's slow walk was suddenly changed to a quick one as a plan of action was unfolded in his mind. He hurried to the elevated station and was soon on his way downtown to the office of the steams.h.i.+p line to which the _Turtle_ belonged.

"Guess I'd better stop and telephone to Mr. Emberg about Retto skipping out again," thought the young reporter. "He can add it to the story. Then I can tell him of my present plan."

The city editor was soon informed of what Larry intended to do, and said he thought it was a good idea.

"But keep in touch with us, Larry," cautioned Mr. Emberg. "We want all the news we can get on this thing. There's a rumor that the _Scorcher_ is going to spring something to-day on the Potter story."

"Probably something Sullivan has given out to offset the story he knows I'll have about him," commented Larry. "But I'll be on the lookout and let you know what happens."

Larry was soon at the steams.h.i.+p office, and inquired whether the _Turtle_ had docked yet.

"She is making fast now," replied the clerk.

"May I go aboard her?"

The clerk hesitated. Then Larry announced who he was, and said he wanted to have a talk with Captain Tantrella.

"Oh, you're the reporter who wrote up the wreck of the _Olivia_,"

the clerk replied, with a smile. "I've heard about you. Yes, I guess you can go aboard. I'll write you out a pa.s.s."

With the necessary paper as a, Larry walked down the long, covered dock, alongside of which the freight steamer was being warped into place. There was no bustling crowd of pa.s.sengers, eager to get ash.o.r.e to welcome and be welcomed by even more eager relatives and friends. But there was a small army of men ready to swarm aboard the _Turtle_ and hurry the freight out of her holds, in order that more might be placed in to be sent abroad. There was a confusion of wagons and trucks, and the puffing of donkey engines, seemingly anxious to begin lifting big boxes and bales from the dark interior of the s.h.i.+p.

Larry was among the first to go up the gang plank when it was run ash.o.r.e. A s.h.i.+p's officer stopped him, but allowed him to proceed when he saw the pa.s.s.

Larry found Captain Tantrella in his cabin, arranging his papers, for there is considerable formality about a s.h.i.+p that comes from one country to another, and much red tape is used.

"Ah, it is my newspaper friend!" exclaimed the commander when he saw Larry. "Have you interviewed any more captains who have been wrecked?"

Though he spoke with an air of gayety Larry could see the captain was sad at heart, for, though it was not his fault that the _Olivia_ had gone ash.o.r.e, Captain Tantrella had been more or less blamed, and had been reduced in rank. Pa.s.sengers do not, as a rule, care to sail in a s.h.i.+p under the command of one whose vessel has been lost. So poor Captain Tantrella was now only in charge of a freighter, and he felt his disgrace keenly.

"Do you remember a pa.s.senger named Mah Retto, who sailed with you on the _Olivia_?" the reporter asked.

"I remember him; yes. A queer sort of man. He said but little on the whole voyage. But was he not lost? I remember we could not find him when we had all been landed from the wreck."

"He came ash.o.r.e first of all," replied Larry. "A fisherman and I helped save him from a life-raft," and he told the circ.u.mstances.

"Queer," murmured the captain. "I have often thought of that man. He seemed to have some mystery about him."

Larry gave a brief account of the case he was working on.

"What I want to discover," he added, "is whether you know of any reason why Retto should be anxious to see you?"

"To see me?"

"Yes. He was at the steams.h.i.+p office a few days ago inquiring when your s.h.i.+p would come in, and when he saw me he hurried away. Since then I have not been able to catch him."

"Ah! I know!" exclaimed the captain suddenly. "I just thought of it.

I have a package belonging to him."

"A package?"

"Yes. He came to me when we were a few days out and said he wanted me to keep a package for him until we got to New York. I took it and put it with my papers."

"Then I suppose it was lost with the _Olivia_?"

"No; I brought it ash.o.r.e with me when I saved my doc.u.ments and a few valuables from the wreck. I have it at my hotel. That is why he is anxious to see me. He wants to get his package back. I am glad I have it."

"Do you know anything about the man?" asked Larry.

"Hardly anything. I met him for the first time when he was a pa.s.senger on my s.h.i.+p. But now, if you have no objections, we will go ash.o.r.e. I must file my reports. After that I will be glad to see you at my hotel, and answer any questions you care to ask."

"Well, I guess you've told me all you can," said Larry, feeling a little disappointed at the result of his interview. "I'm much obliged to you."

"If you want to get into communication with this man, I have a plan," suggested the captain.

"What?" asked Larry, eagerly.

"He will probably call at my hotel to claim his package. When he comes you could be on hand."

"But there is no telling when he will come."

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Larry Dexter's Great Search Part 28 summary

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