Starchild Escapes Arranged Marriage Chapter 1313: The Witch's Mission (Part 1)

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Chapter 1313: The Witch's Mission (Part 1)

Yun Xi had never heard such a singing voice before.

In the colors of dusk, a girl wearing a burning red wedding gown, stepping on flamelike high heels, and wearing a magnificent crown.

There was no trace of humanity left, only ruins filled with darkness, decay, and the stench of death.

The extremely strong contrast, along with the girl's song that moves the rhythm of the world, created an incredible beauty.

Compared to the magnificent creation of the sun and the arrangement of planets in a quantum computer group, Flora displayed a more heartfelt and real tragedy.

Every building, every detail, and even every crack on the ground in this world in ruins exist concretely, representing the last scenery of Flora's homeland in her heart.

The war was a victory for the witches, as Great Crow was bound within Flora and gave birth to the Dusk Witch.

However, the cost of this victory was so huge.

The devastated world before her eyes is the ruins left by the war, where Flora's past homeland can never be returned to.

Flora used to think of herself as someone who wouldn't care about the scenery around her.

Because she possessed the highest level of witch talent, everyone believed she would become a great witch in the future, including herself.

Through diligent studying, delving into the mysteries of magic, and constantly improving her magical power, she not only surpa.s.sed all her peers but also surpa.s.sed the hundreds of years old elder witches one by one.

This is a genius, the genius among geniuses!

Her talent has great potential to become a Great Witch!

Flora, you will be the pride of everyone!

Since childhood, Flora has lived amidst these praises and jealous glances.

And she has never let her teachers down, especially in forbidden spells, particularly those related to spatial abilities. She has surpa.s.sed her own teachers in mastery.

If everything goes according to plan, in a few centuries, she may acc.u.mulate enough knowledge and mystery to start working towards achieving the legend-ranked in the [Field].

It is a barrier that all wise beings, apart from the fantasy species favored by heaven and earth, find difficult to overcome.

The step from hero-ranked to the legend-ranked is not simply about acc.u.mulating magic or increasing life points; every legend-ranked is a living legend, a celebrated miracle.

Throughout the history of the Witch G.o.d’s Domain, many witches with exceptional talent have appeared, but only a few have truly become Great Witches.

Every advancement to the legend-ranked is unique and there is no common path for it in the whole Endless G.o.d's Domain.

Finding one's own path is the first step towards the legend-ranked, and it is a foundation. Just this step alone can defeat 99% of the hero-ranked strong individuals and make those at the sixth rank peak of hero-ranked despair.

After finding the suitable path, one must walk it all the way to the end and see that door.

After reaching the end of each path, different doors will appear.

Is it about seeking the strongest power, crus.h.i.+ng everything with immense physical strength?

Is it about mastering divine skills through constant battles?

Is it about choosing to merge with a certain G.o.d Weapon, abandoning one's own body, and becoming a weapon?

Each door corresponds to different choices of paths and there is no fixed way to open them.

Constantly honing one's body, ultimately surpa.s.sing the limits of the flesh, is possible.

Join Battle G.o.d's Grand Martial Arts Tournament, defeat all opponents, achieve an unbeatable legend, possible.

Transform your body into a sword, let the sword be your spirit, achieve eternity, also possible.

The legend-ranked corresponds to a rule, a [Field] that the hero rank and symbolizes immortality.

So, the birth of a legend-ranked, even for Witch G.o.d's Domain, which has a long history and profound heritage, is an extraordinary event.

The birth of any legend-ranked is an exceptional miracle for the entire Endless G.o.d's Domain.

Flora has planned her own path, the path of "Dimension Witch," and at a young age, she has already begun to try to touch the door to the "Dimensional Shuttle" route.

Why did she choose this path?

Maybe it was the dimensional rift she accidentally touched that sparked her interest in the ever-changing world of Endless G.o.d's Domain.

In the current Endless G.o.d's Domain, the explored areas of known civilizations are only a small part, with more than 99 percent of the area still completely unknown.

The spell called Dimensional Shuttle is the best way to explore the unknown Star Domain magic.

Even if the Star Domain's information is unknown, as long as there is no powerful Creator Rank Field, it is possible to travel and observe. When faced with a formidable opponent, one can also quickly retreat.

Flora's wish is to fully understand the forbidden spell of Dimensional Shuttle and be able to see the unseen scenery, and write a witch's diary that can be recorded in the history of the Endless G.o.d's Domain.

Therefore, she wants to become a Great Witch and possess the eternal concept.

Without reaching this level, one is not qualified to leave their own G.o.d's Domain and explore the endless starry sea.

Currently, over 90% of the territory of the Endless G.o.d's Domain is explored and expanded by strong individuals of the legend-ranked.

The vastness of the starry sky is such that even with eternal and immortal legend-ranked status, it would take millions of years to explore just a small part. Just establis.h.i.+ng a star bridge system that covers the entire Endless G.o.d's Domain is already the limit of the civilization system of the current Endless G.o.d's Domain.

Flora yearns to do something that n.o.body else can do, to draw more star maps than any legend-ranked, which is why she chose the path of a Dimension Witch.

At that time, Flora was innocent and kind, just like a pure witch on a blank canvas.

Her teacher knew about her wish, and they had a meaningful conversation:

"Flora, do you want to have the power of the Dimensional Shuttle? It's not something that a witch with your abilities can control."

"Even a witch of the legend-ranked probably can't do such a thing. The const.i.tution required to travel between dimensions doesn't exist in the known witch bloodlines."

Flora at that time responded to her teacher like this:

"Then, I will be the first witch who can Dimensional Shuttle."

"No matter if it takes a thousand years or ten thousand years, I will complete this task."

"I believe that I can achieve all of this, no matter the cost."

Flora still remembers, to this day, the smile on her teacher's face when she heard her response - a smile filled with antic.i.p.ation, joy, and determination:

"Very well, this is my Flora."

I will help make your wish come true.

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Starchild Escapes Arranged Marriage Chapter 1313: The Witch's Mission (Part 1) summary

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