Starchild Escapes Arranged Marriage Chapter 1342: Battle God's Dance (Part 3)

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Chapter 1342: Battle G.o.d's Dance (Part 3)

Is Yun Xi afraid of pain?

Of course, no one likes pain. Humans naturally fear pain as a survival instinct.

Memories pa.s.sed down in our blood tell us what we can endure and what we should never touch.

Just like how animals instinctively avoid fire, pain helps humans stay away from danger to protect their lives.

Getting burned by fire hurts.

Getting killed means dying.

In the dark forest, Yun Xi faced the terror of a green-skinned hippo for the first time.

Being stepped on, torn apart, crushed, each death taught Yun Xi the true struggle between life and death.

One wrong step, one second too late, could lead to death.

Only by the bonfire could Yun Xi feel the happiness of still being alive.

If it weren't for the breathing techniques taught by Hua Huo, and the green-skinned hippo's behavior pattern he learned from facing death multiple times, just the first obstacle in the dark forest could make Yun Xi struggle for the rest of his life.

(Translated by Gravity Tales ?)

Unlike others, who don't have the privilege of a free bonfire resurrection, even a top tier third-level warrior facing a green-skinned hippo for the first time is facing certain death, without a chance for a second try.

"It's okay, give it your all," Yun Xi took a deep breath. Battle was Asura's specialty, and her judgments were always right.

Yun Xi chose to trust Asura, bracing himself for the pain.

"Well, now it's time to release your s.h.i.+eld, it's going to hurt a lot," Asura lacked experience fighting alongside Yun Xi and wasn't sure about his endurance.

In the past, the bodies Asura inhabited were those who had lost everything, on the brink of losing their sanity, such bodies could no longer feel pain even if pierced by swords.

The most extreme case was one who seemed to be pierced by a thousand arrows through the heart, yet remained standing.

What sustained them was an incredibly strong will, a burning desire for revenge. Only bodies like these were suitable for Asura's presence.

However, losing the ability to feel pain wasn't entirely a good thing.

Some of Asura's secret techniques can only be used by experiencing pain and facing great challenges.

Only by truly feeling pain can one unleash stronger power!

The closer to death, the more tortured, the more violent the burning power in the blood, this is Asura, a natural born warrior.

The talent of the Ten-sided Demon G.o.d Road can fully convey this pain.

"Master... is coming..."

"To catch a tiger's cub, one must enter its lair..."

"Disaster of bloodlight... wrath of the heavens..."

"Asura... demonic body!"

Beneath the desert, streaks of bloodlight roam in the sand, as if a huge beast is raging deep underground, roaring.

"Has it begun?" Casina the Battle G.o.d stood at the top of the sand dune, watching the boiling sea of sand.

Having clashed with the Shura Clan multiple times, she recognized that stance, sacrificing some of her human form to gain surpa.s.sing strength in battle.

Her fighting style almost abandoned all defense, as if she had completely unleashed her power.

That was the posture of the Four-armed Asura, the shadow of a demon wors.h.i.+pped by countless primitive tribes.

In addition to human hands, the Asura in this mode would grow another pair of arms, doubling the number of blood blades that they could control, with a fully autonomous attacking consciousness.

The entire sea of sand was boiling, the blood-red disaster flowing through the desert like ignited blood, burning, turning the whole sand sea into this glaring crimson color.

Asura h.e.l.l, this was the grand entrance of the Four-armed Asura, the world ablaze was the proclamation of the demon descending.

"Ahhhhhhh!" Roaring with even more Killing Intent than before, the Asura burst out of the ground, sent flying by Casina the Battle G.o.d, from where the faceless G.o.d emerged.

"Huh... Not the Four-armed one?" Casina the Battle G.o.d looked somewhat surprised at the faceless G.o.d completed with demon body.

The faceless G.o.d wrapped in blood light suddenly grew two pairs of b.l.o.o.d.y arms.

This is a Six-armed Asura that Casina the Battle G.o.d has never encountered before, a demonic body that only an Asura who has reached the realm of the Ten-sided Demon G.o.d Road can cultivate.

"Very good... master... you are excellent," Asura was very pleased with Yun Xi's performance.

Growing four extra arms from his own body, this was not something created by the faceless G.o.d, but flesh and blood incarnations torn directly from Yun Xi's body.

The pain was as intense as an amputation, tearing off one's own limbs, and then twisting and grafting them onto the trunk.

Moreover, this was not a one-time torment; as long as maintaining the appearance of the Six-armed Asura, one must continuously endure such pain, like being punished in h.e.l.l.

In comparison, the pain of being pierced through the heart with a sword, or having one's head blown off, is temporary; the sensation is lost within minutes, but maintaining the Six-armed Demon stance requires enduring this kind of pain constantly.

Thus, Asura would ask Yun Xi before using this move whether he was afraid of pain.

For a normal human, maintaining this state for one minute would lead to blurred consciousness, excessive blood loss, and approaching the brink of death.

Only those with strong willpower and endurance, or who have experienced this level of pain more than once, can afford the cost of this secret technique.

Yun Xi was speechless, his mind completely consumed by endless pain, as if he had returned to the time he faced the green-skinned hippo in the dark forest.

However, this time there was no bonfire checkpoint, he could only rely on his consciousness to resist this seemingly endless agony.

"Yes... that's it... embrace the pain... overcome the fear..."

"Fight... master... with me!"

Asura was completely satisfied with Yun Xi's performance, not only for his potential in the Ten-sided Demon G.o.d Road, but also for his ability to endure and embrace pain.

Asura desired a vessel like this.

Amidst bloodshed and slaughter, the indestructible body is achieved.

There is nothing left to fear.

To conquer death, you have to overcome the fear of it!

Amazing skill, activate!

The Ten-sided Demon G.o.d Road - Six-armed Demon appears!

With blood-red battle marks on the forehead spreading, Asura leaped up, wielding six blood blades in its six arms, launching a counterattack against the mighty Casina the Battle G.o.d.

Not even the countless G.o.ds and buddhas can suppress the wrath of Asura!

"Ah da da da da da da!"

Asura's hundred ghosts attack, unleas.h.!.+

This time, the attack is coming from this side, Casina the Battle G.o.d!

The sword blade storm tearing through the heavens instantly covers the entire desert sea in billions of red lines.

This move is powerful enough to shatter a part of G.o.d's Domain and make the world mourn.

Watching the countless blood blades that seemed to distort even the light, Casina the Battle G.o.d smiled slightly.

His palm facing down, gently lifted up, fingertips pointing to the sky, then dropped down, facing the sky full of blood swords with the palm of his hand.

Spin, jump!

That is - Battle G.o.d's Dance.

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Starchild Escapes Arranged Marriage Chapter 1342: Battle God's Dance (Part 3) summary

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