Yarmouth Notes Part 27

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Preston on behalf of the Justices generally, the Mayor also claiming the right personally to appoint them as theretofore.

The Church Trustees having liquidated, the church debt had become "extinct."

Both the Churchwardens had been re-elected by the Vestry, and a Church rate agreed to.

April 17th.-A s.h.i.+powner's Protection Society had been formed, the necessary funds to be raised by a subscription of 7d. per ton register.

The weather at the Fair had been cold and the business transacted of a "limited amount."

April 24th.-The new Terrace on the North Beach was to be commenced immediately by Mr. C. Cory. It was described as being "at the beach end of Regent Road on the late site of Pilch's Mill and to extend to Page's and Ansell's Buildings." Mr. Scholes was the architect.

Judge Birch had held his first Court for trials at the Tolhouse Hall, there were only three cases heard-"Lettis _v._ Dye," "Vale _v._ Fenn,"

and "Nolloth _v._ Rooke," all for the recovery of small debts.

May 1st.-The Bishop of Norwich had confirmed 383 young people, (of whom 270 belonged to Yarmouth) at S. Nicholas' Church.

It was stated at the Council that while the prisoners cost 4s. 6d., the paupers only cost 2s. 9d. per head.

May 8th.-The first stone of a new Jews' Synagogue had been laid by Mr. D.

L. Cohen.

May 15th.-Mr. Samuel Wm. Aldred had received the first prize for midwifery at St. Bartholomew's Hospital.

The annual general meeting of the Victoria Building Company had been held, B. Dowson, Esq., in the chair, when the Hon. W. R. Rous, Sir E.

Travers, R.N., J. Garnham, W. Baynes, T. F. Steward, J. C. Smith, H. V.

Wors.h.i.+p, R. Steward, A. Woods, C. J. Palmer, W. Wors.h.i.+p and W. C.

Reynolds, Esq., were present, and dividends of 2s. 6d. per share upon the original shares, and 5 per cent. upon the new shares were recommended.

The poor's rate was 1s. 10d. in the for the current quarter, being nearly double the former average.

May 22nd.-Eighty cases had been entered in the County Court.

June 5th.-Mr. Wilshere had determined to retire from the representation, and as Mr. Rumbold was not likely to be again supported by the Dissenters, it was thought possible that Col. Anson would be asked to contest the Borough.

The figures of the boy and girl had been placed in front of the Charity School, they had previously been in S. Nicholas' Church.

Messrs. C. C. Aldred and F. Palmer had complained to the Justices of the dirty state of the fish market.

There had been a plague of mice in the Fleggs, 400 combs of wheat had been destroyed in one stack by them, and when the corn was threshed the machine literally ran with their blood.

June 12th.-A rule had been granted for a writ of certiorari to remove the appointment of Overseers into the Queen's Bench.

Col. Anson had declined to stand for the Borough. It was said that Mr.

Rumbold had spent 40,000 in his contests, and that "with the blue party it seemed Yarmouth is all too _dear_ a place to contest."

Samuel Palmer, Esq., S. Cobb, Esq., and Mr. D. A. Gourlay had gone to town to find a candidate.

"Marsh _v._ Travers.-In compliance with Mr. Chancellor Evans' order on last, the defendant (Dame Anne Palmer Travers) duly performed retraction in the house of the Minister at Yarmouth."

The foundation of Britannia Terrace was progressing slowly.

June 19th.-Mr. Wynn Ellis had been suggested as a successor to Mr.

Wilshere in the "Blue" interest, while the "Reds" had held a meeting at the Fish Stall House (Mr. Thomas Paul in the chair.)

Mr. D. A. Gourlay was spoken of as Mayor for the ensuing year.

Mr. C. J. Palmer had resolved to print Mans.h.i.+p's Yarmouth, the M.S. of which was in his possession.

A Caister yawl had upset near Caister Rails, and three men, Church, Key, and Howes, drowned.

A meeting of electors had been convened to meet the deputation which had been in London searching for a Candidate, when nearly an hour having elapsed without George Danby Palmer, Esq., putting in an appearance as chairman, Mr. W. Johnson was called on to preside; Mr. Rumbold was accepted as a candidate, and Mr. Wynn Ellis requested to meet the electors.

June. 26th.-"A portion of the electors" had held a meeting at the "Crown and Anchor" when Mr. Lawn presided, and it was alleged that Mr. Goldsmid had been requested to come forward and that an attempt had been made "to sell the Borough."

The Dissenters also had held a meeting at which Mr. I. W. took the chair.

"At the Quarter Sessions, the Recorder sat without his wig, that appendage having been stolen."

A batch of informations had been laid against "respectable bakers" for selling short weight bread; they were fined 11s. each and cautioned.

July 3rd.-Upwards of 40 fish-owners had signed a notice stating their desire to suppress smuggling.

Another meeting of electors had been held at the "Star," and the following Committee appointed to consider the position:-Messrs. J.

Brightwen, B. Dowson, J. W., R. Hammond, Thomas Clowes, George Danby Palmer, H. V. Wors.h.i.+p, S. Cobb, C. Davie, Thomas Hammond, D. A.

Gourlay, J. Bayly, J. Jackson, J. Fish, T. Lettis, jun., W. Johnson, and J. Lawn.

The Paving Commissioners had given leave to put down posts to stop the carriage traffic past the Tolhouse during the sittings of the Council and the County Court.

The subscriptions to the Hospital "continued to decline" and then amounted to only 315 16s. per annum.

July 10th.-Gorleston Cliff had been strongly recommended "by the Faculty," and among the recent arrivals there, were the Dowager Lady Suffield and Mrs. Thurlow and family.

Mr. Wynn Ellis had declined to visit the Borough, and R. J. Bagshaw, Esq., had been requested by the Committee to come before the electors.

Another meeting had been held at the "Star" (Mr. S. Cobb in the chair) when the charge of "selling the Borough" was made against Mr. Samuel Palmer by Mr. Cufaude; this was repudiated by that gentleman, and after a warm discussion, during which Mr. B. Dowson stated "he thought there was a good deal of treachery going about the town," it was ultimately decided "to call a meeting of all electors, and a handbill had been issued convening such meeting on the Hall Plain for Thursday evening."

July 17th.-Mr. Bagshaw had arrived in Yarmouth and held a meeting at the "Star" Hotel, which was "not so fully attended as evening meetings usually were." Among those present were Messrs S. Cobb, W. Johnson, B.

Dowson, W. Wors.h.i.+p, J. W., R. Hammond, T. Hammond, D. A. Gourlay, S. Rice, Thompson, Wors.h.i.+p and S. Palmer, when a resolution was carried, inviting Mr. Bagshaw to become a candidate for the Borough.

Another meeting had also been held at the same place, present-Sir George Parker, B. Dowson, W. Briggs, William Hurry Palmer, W. Wors.h.i.+p, P.

Pullyn, C. Pearson, J. W., and others, when a resolution was carried by 19 to 6 requesting Mr. Rumbold to retire from the contest.

Mr. Goldsmid had held a public meeting at the Masonic Hall, Mr. M.

Butcher in the chair, when a resolution was pa.s.sed pledging the meeting to support that gentleman at the ensuing contest.

The Regatta had been held, when the Town Plate, value 50, was won by the "Alarm," 18 tons. G. Cooke, Esq., R.T.Y.C., and the Purse of 20 for yawls, by the "Morning Star," Star Company.

The Regatta Ball was attended by about "40 or 50 couples," amongst whom were the Dowager Lady Suffield, Lady Durrant, R. J. Bagshaw, Esq., and Mrs. Bagshaw, Miss Burton, R. Marsham, Esq., jun., B. Caldecott, Esq., Mr. and Mrs. H. Muskett and family, Capt. Pearson, RN., Capt. Ellis, R.N., Dr. Robinson, I. Preston, Esq., and Miss Preston, Mr. and Mrs. S.

Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. Walpole, Mrs. and Miss Burton, Mr. W. and Miss Wors.h.i.+p, &c.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 27 summary

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