Yarmouth Notes Part 28

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July 24th.-About 50 or 60 Nonconformist electors had held a meeting at the Congregational Schoolroom, when the pledges of Mr. Bagshaw were considered satisfactory to the meeting.

A public meeting of the friends of Mr. Rumbold had been held at the Masonic Hall, (William H. Palmer, Esq., in the chair) when a resolution that Mr. Rumbold was a fit and proper person to represent the Borough was carried.

Lord Arthur Lennox and O. E. Coope, Esq., had been met by their friends at the "Greyhound Inn," Gorleston, and escorted into the town, the "procession" consisting of one private carriage, followed at a long distance by flag bearers and about half-a-dozen gentlemen on horseback preceding a carriage containing the candidates and their friends. On arriving at the Market Place at nine o'clock these gentlemen mounted a balcony, when R. Ferrier, in a few words, amidst tumultuous cheering introduced Lord A. Lennox; I. Preston, Esq., did the like service for Mr.

Coope, and the candidates having addressed the meeting, which was also addressed by Messrs. Harvey, Charles Cory, and R. Ferrier, jun., dispersed.

Mr. Goldsmid had also addressed the electors at the "King's Head."

The Mayor and Corporation had attended the Water Frolic (Mr. Fiddes acting as Admiral). Mr. Bagshaw was of the party, but Mr. Goldsmid, although expected, did not put in an appearance.

The Mayor's bespeak at the Theatre for the benefit of the Hospital had raised 25 6s. 6d.

July 31st.-Mr. D. A. Gourlay had been toasted at the Water Frolic by Mr.

S. Palmer, as Mayor elect.

The following was the return of the polling:-

Rumbold. Goldsmid. Lennox. Coope.

At 9 a.m. 174 175 140 140 ,, 10 ,, 334 330 326 323 ,, 11 ,, 469 461 502 493 ,, 12 ,, 579 561 601 587 ,, 1 p.m. 639 617 687 674 ,, 2 ,, 672 643 754 737 ,, 3 ,, 709 671 788 772 ,, 4 ,, (close) 729 698 844 813

Aug. 14th.-It was reported that from 200 to 300 freemen had been bribed to vote for Lord Lennox and Mr. Coope, and it was "confidently antic.i.p.ated" that those gentlemen would resign their seats to avoid exposure.

Aug. 21st.-The races had been held on the 17th and 18th (Stewards: Lord Suffield, Viscount Anson, The Hon. Capt. Rous, and George Danby Palmer, Esq.) when Mr. O. E. Coope's "Bit Nibble" won the Members' Plate. Lord A. Lennox had attended the Race Ordinary and suggested a course of action under which better entries were likely to be obtained.

Aug. 28th.-Mrs. Coope (mother of the M.P.) had given 50 to the Church restoration, 50 to the Town Charities, and 10 to the Hospital.

Lodgers had experienced a difficulty in finding accommodation in the town.

It was antic.i.p.ated that Britannia-terrace would be completed in three weeks' time.

Sept. 4th-The new Synagogue in Row 42 had been consecrated, the Rev. B.

Levy, of Brighton, conducting the service. Among the list of donors towards the building fund where the Mayor, Baron Rothschild, M.P., Sir Moses Montefiore, Sir S. L. Goldsmid, and F. H. Goldsmid, Esq.

Sept. 11th.-The British School had been repaired and re-opened by Mr. D.

Tomkins (from the British and Foreign School Society, City road, London.)

Mr. Goldsmid had had a bespeak at the Theatre which was "very fully attended," and he had given subscriptions to most of the local charities.

Sept. 18th.-Complaints were again being made as to Sunday trading.

Mr. Goldsmid's friends entertained no doubt as to the success of his pet.i.tion. He had entertained twenty gentlemen at the Royal-hotel.

Oct. 2nd.-It was considered likely that Mr. Gourlay would decline the Mayoralty, and that Dawson Turner, Esq., would accept that office.

Oct. 16th.-Mr. Dixon, of Norwich, had fitted up the tracing of the easternmost window of St. Nicholas' Church with stained gla.s.s, and the circular columns which had been removed when the Fishermen's gallery was built, were being restored.

Oct. 25th.-The Liberals claimed a gain of 37 at the Revision Court.

On Sunday a very large party of gentlemen and tradesmen had accompanied the Mayor to Church, it being the day appointed for the National thanksgiving for the harvest. Afterwards His Wors.h.i.+p entertained them at the Town Hall, upwards of 400 invitations had been sent out for this luncheon.

The increase of buildings was proceeding on the Denes very rapidly.

Coals were very scarce. On the previous a vessel had arrived and sold her cargo at 21s. per ton.

Nov. 6th.-A vessel of 400 tons was about to be launched from Mr. Barber's dock.

A herring had been caught off Yarmouth, measuring 15 inches in length and weighing above 15 ozs.

The following had been the result of the election:-

_North Ward_.-The Mayor (W. N. Burroughs) and R. Hammond re-elected.

_Market Ward_.-No return given.

_Regent Ward_.-Samuel Charles Marsh (re-elected) with Dawson Turner (vice Tomlinson resigned).

_St. George's Ward_.

J. C. Smith (Con.) 112 J. G. Plummer (Con.) 121 T. Lettis, jun. (Lib.) 103 M. Butcher, jun. (Lib.) 82 _Nelson Ward_.

George Danby Palmer (Lib.) 186 William Chambers (Lib.) 133 Henry Jay (Con.) 113 _St. Andrew's Ward_.

E. H. L. Preston (Con.) 148 William Hammond (Con.) 141 Samuel Crow (Lib.) 96 T. Hammond (Lib.) 91

Messrs. T. Lettis, T. Hammond, and S. Crow, who were old members of that body, thus losing their seats in the Council.

Nov. 13th.-Mr. D. Turner had resigned his office as Borough Treasurer and had been re-elected for the Regent Ward.

The "Cordelia" (400 tons) had been launched from Mr. Barber's yard.

At the Town Council meeting on the 9th, Mr. Geo. Danby Palmer moved and Mr. R. Hammond seconded, Philip Pullyn, Esq., for Mayor.

And Mr. Ferrier proposed and Mr. E. H. L. Preston seconded, the re-election of the Mayor (Mr. Burroughs).

The following was the voting on this:-

For Mr. Pullyn-Messrs. Cobb, Pike, Fellows, Barker, R. Hammond, H. D.

Palmer, P. White, Owles, Lawn, D. A. Gourlay, Marsh, Fish, F. Palmer, S.

Palmer, J. D. Chapman, Lettis, G. D. Palmer, Chambers, Symonds, Cannell, and Clarke.-21.

For Mr. Burroughs-Messrs. Bessey, Wors.h.i.+p, C. Miller, Ferrier, Jay, Plummer, Smith, W. H. Palmer, John Hammond, Rivett, Preston, W. Hammond, and Rivett.-13.

The retiring Aldermen were Messrs. John Brightwen, C. S. D. Steward, A.

Steward, W. Walpole, C. Pearson, and S. Cobb. Nine gentlemen, were nominated to fill their places, and the following was the result of the voting:-


For C. Pearson 24 ,, S. Cobb 27 ,, Geo. Bateman 12 ,, C. J. Palmer 15 W. Walpole 22 ,, Edmund R. Palmer 24 ,, R. Hammond 25 H. Boulter 19 ,, A. Steward 1

In the evening about fifty gentlemen dined with the Mayor at the Star.

Nov. 20th.-A new gas holder, which had been "dignified" by being named after the Queen, had been erected.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 28 summary

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