Yarmouth Notes Part 42

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The Tories had sent the bellman round the town to announce this fact.

Captain Fisher, R.N., had been appointed to the command of the "Magician," 16 gun steam frigate, 400 horse-power.

It was proposed to start a "Conservative Land Society" at Yarmouth.

Dec. 11th.-Messrs. George Danby-Palmer, W. N. Burroughs, John W. and R. Hammond, junr., had pet.i.tioned the House of Commons for redress as regarded the action of the Examiner as to the Election pet.i.tion.

Dec. 18th.-A public meeting had been held to consider the construction of "a Marine Parade and Drive." About 300 or 400 persons were present; the Mayor presided, and was supported by Charles Pearson, Esq., R.N., C. E.

Bartram, C. Aldred, J. Jackson, J. Chapman, E. Aldred, C. J. Palmer, F.

Palmer, R. Dowson, C. Miller, E. Preston, J. C. Smith, R. Ferrier, H. D.

Palmer, R. Steward, J. Cherry, W. C. Reynolds, F. Wors.h.i.+p, W. Wors.h.i.+p, &c. Mr. C. J. Palmer moved, and Mr. D. R. Fowler seconded a resolution in favour of the proposal; and Mr. Amis moved, and Mr. J. Cobb seconded as an amendment "That those who wanted a Parade should pay for it," which amendment the Mayor declared, amid some confusion, to be carried.

Dec. 25th.-A "wholesale robbery" of fish had taken place at Mr. Charles Cannell's office.

The Government had been defeated upon the Budget, Sir E. H. K. Lacon voting with, and Mr. C. E. Rumbold against, them.


Jan. 8th.-A meeting of Liberal electors had been addressed by Mr.

McCullagh relative to the rejection on technical grounds of the pet.i.tion against the return of the M.Ps. George Danby-Palmer, Esq., occupied the chair, and Messrs. F. S. Costerton, P. Pullyn, R. Hammond, J. Clowes, C.

E. Bartram, J. Jackson, J. Bayly, W. N. Burroughs, J. D. Chapman, J.

Cobb, W. Livingstone, S. Parker, J. Mainprice, D. R. Fowler, P. White and others were present.

It was rumoured that Mr. Rumbold would not again offer himself for the Borough, owing to his having voted against the Government, which had angered his Tory supporters.

Jan. 15th.-An election had been held for a Councillor in the Gorleston Ward, owing to the death of Mr. S. Miller. The numbers polled were-

For Mr. William Hammond 132 ,, Henry Danby-Palmer, Esq. 88 Majority 44

The Tories gave "their usual breakfast. Many of the electors on both sides did not poll."

The Rev. Bowyer Vaux had presided at the Annual Public Library Meeting.

Jan. 22nd.-At the "Great Metropolitan Poultry Show," E. H. L. Preston, Esq., Mr. E. Hughes and Mr. Henry Turrell had won prizes.

One hundred and thirty persons had attended the first Subscription Ball at the Town Hall.

Jan. 29th.-Considerable progress was being made with the new Bridge works.

Bro. Oswald Diver had been installed Master of Lodge Friends.h.i.+p at the Duke's Head.

Feb. 5th.-The return of paupers showed-In-door, 331: out-door, 1,289; cost of out-relief, 83 15s. 11d. for the week.

Feb. 12th.-The Wellington Pier Bill was reported as having complied with standing orders.

Mr. James W. Crowe had been appointed Medical Officer for the North District in the place of Mr. b.u.t.ton appointed to a similar office for the Workhouse.

Feb. 19th.-Mr. C. J. Palmer brought to the notice of the Council the dilapidated state of the Nelson Monument, and Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Mr.

Palmer, Mr. Burroughs, Mr. Ferrier, Captain Pearson, and Mr. Steward were appointed a Committee to consider the subject.

Mr. Palmer also called attention to the state of the town's muniments, and it was agreed that Mr. Harrod should be engaged to arrange same at a fee of 20.

Mr. Chamberlin (Coroner) required the Council to seal his appointment: this had been neglected in 1848 when he was appointed to that office.

Feb. 26th.-The Yarmouth Water Works Bill had been read a second time in the House of Commons.

March 12th.-Mr. Jarvis, jeweller, Broad Row, had been committed for trial on the charge of attempting to defraud an Insurance Company by setting fire to his premises.

March 19th.-The House of Commons Committee had decided that the preamble of the Water Works Bill was proved. Mr. Webster appeared for the promoters, and Mr. Lynde for certain landowners who pet.i.tioned against it. Evidence was given in support of the measure by Messrs. R. Ferrier, Charles Cory, W. Rising, and Spelman.

April 2nd.-At the Vestry Meeting, Messrs. Steward and Aldred had been re-elected Churchwardens, and a Church rate of 1d. in the voted.

The retiring Guardians had been re-elected.

Sir Charles Napier, K.C.B., had visited the town and called on several of his more active supporters at the recent contest.

April 9th.-Messrs. Borking, Green, Wright, and Bradbeer had been elected Overseers.

The Wellington Pier and Water Works Bills had pa.s.sed the Commons.

The East Norfolk Militia were to meet for training on April 19th.

April 16th.-The Town Council had proceeded to elect a Surveyor, when the voting was-

For Mr. Laing 22 ,, Mr. Parker 15

And Mr. Laing was consequently appointed to that post.

April 23rd.-The East Norfolk Militia had a.s.sembled and paraded in the Lunatic Asylum yard.

April 30th.-At a meeting of the Wellington Pier Company (S. C. Marsh, Esq., in the chair), it was determined to proceed with the erection of that structure at once.

May 7th.-The second Subscription Ball had been attended by upwards of 170 of the inhabitants of the town and neighbourhood, including the Mayor, Mrs. Marsh and party, Captain, Mrs. and Miss Pearson, Mr. and Mrs.

Caldecott, Misses Caldecott (2) and Miss Leathes, Rev. F. Steward, Mrs.

and Miss Steward, Mr., Mrs., and Miss Brown (Thrigby), Mr. and Mrs.

Harcourt (Burgh Castle), Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Palmer, Rev. S. T. Preston and Miss Preston, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. L. Preston and Miss H. Preston, Mr.

and Mrs. C. S. Sharpe, Mr. and Mrs. H. Reeve (Lowestoft), Mr. and Mrs. A.

Steward and party, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Reynolds and Miss Pellew, Rev. E.

B. Frere, Mrs. Frere and party, Mr. and Mrs. R. Ferrier, Mr. and Mrs. J.

Steward and Miss Stephens. Captain and Miss Money, Colonel Mason and officers of the East Norfolk Militia, Captain Adsbrighton and the officers of the 4th Light Dragoons, &c.

May 14th.-Colonel Mason and the officers of the East Norfolk Militia had been entertained at a Ball at the Town Hall give by some of the inhabitants.

G. W. Haggard, Esq., had delivered a lecture on "The Militia."

E. H. L. Preston, Esq., had been offered 31 10s. for seven chickens, hatched in February, the off-set of his prize white Cochin China fowls.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 42 summary

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