Yarmouth Notes Part 43

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May 21st.-The East Norfolk Militia had been disbanded.

A Spanish hen, the property of Mr. Josiah Stevenson, had laid an egg measuring 8 inches round, 6 inches in length, and weighing more than 3 ounces.

May 28th.-The Queen's Birthday had been celebrated, the Mayor and a number of gentlemen dining at Bird's Royal Hotel on the occasion.

The Reform a.s.sociation of Great Yarmouth had been addressed by Mr.

McCullagh in a speech of two hours' duration.

June 4th.-Experiments in "table moving" were being made at the Young Men's Inst.i.tute by the Hon. Secs., Messrs. John Fellows, S. C. Sothern, John Beattie and Barcham Sayer.

June 11th.-Sir C. Napier, K.C.B., had been appointed Vice-Admiral of the Blue.

June 26th.-The driving of the first pile of the Wellington-pier was advertised to take place on the 28th inst.

July 2nd.-A report of which event appears in this issue, when a marquee was erected near the Victoria Hotel, and at the request of Mr. Waddington (Chairman of the Company), Mr. S. C. Marsh (the Mayor), performed the ceremony. The following was the inscription:-"This, the first pile of the Wellington Pier, was driven on the 28th of June, 1853, by S. C.

Marsh, Esq., Mayor of this borough; David Waddington, Esq., M.P., Chairman of the Board of Directors; Peter Ashcroft, Esq., Engineer; Charles J. Palmer, Esq., Secretary." In the evening between 50 and 60 gentlemen dined at the Victoria Hotel, the Mayor in the chair and C. J.

Palmer, Esq., in the vice-chair.

July 9th.-At the Regatta the "Phantom," "Thought," and "Maude," yachts, contended for the prize, which was won by the former.

July 30th.-At the Water Frolic the "Shannon" (lateen), Brighten, Beccles, won the first, and the "Oberon" (cutter), Morton, Aylsham, the second prize.

The Monument was still in a dilapidated state.

Aug. 6th-The Baptist Chapel in Row 15 had been re-opened after extensive repairs.

Aug. 20th.-Mr. W. C. Nutman (clerk to Mr. J. L. Cufaude) had been elected a Relieving-officer in the place of Mr. Thomas Thornton.

Sep. 3rd.-John Mortlock Lacon, Esq., had died suddenly; he was in his 68th year.

At the general Licensing day it was moved by James Cherry, Esq., and seconded by R. Steward, Esq., "That no fresh licenses be granted."

Mr. Clinker Newson had appealed against the poor rate on the novel ground that he was rated at too low an amount.

Sep. 10th.-The "Clarissa" barque, of 335 tons register, had been launched from Mr. Chapman's yard.

Oct. 1st.-Mr. Peter Coble had died suddenly from disease of the heart before his medical adviser, Mr. C. C. Aldred, could attend him.

Oct. 8th.-The Registration Court had been held, Mr. Watson (of Norwich) and Mr. Preston appearing for the Tories, and Mr. J. Clowes and Mr. W. S.

Costerton for the Liberals, who claimed a gain of 120 on the Borough Register.

Nov. 5th.-Five hundred and fifty feet of the Wellington Pier had been opened to the public, the Corporation attending, and in the evening there was a public dinner at the Victoria Hotel in honour of the event.

At the Election in the _North Ward_, Messrs. Burroughs (L) and Jackson (L) were re-elected without opposition.

In the _Market Ward_ the polling was-

F. Wors.h.i.+p (C) 125 E. R. Aldred (C) 118 J. Owles (L) 92 J. Cobb (L) 68

In the _Regent Ward_, S. C. Marsh (C) and J. D. Chapman (L) and in the _St. George's Ward_ J. G. Plummer (C) and J. C. Smith (C) were not opposed.

In the _Nelson Ward_ there was a contest, but no numbers are given; Dr.

Dunn and Mr. W. Thurtell (Cs) opposing the re-election of Mr. George Danby-Palmer and Mr. Thomas Lettis (Ls) who were again returned, and in _St. Andrew's Ward_ the polling was-

H. Teasdel (C) 139 E. H. L. Preston (C) 134 S. Crowe (L) 41 W. Sterry (L) 7

The Conservatives, on the whole, had increased their majority by one.

The following paragraph appears in this issue:-"Among the pa.s.sengers by the "Argo" s.s. from Sydney, is Mr. Harrison, of Great Yarmouth, who brings with him 3,000 ounces of gold dust, valued at between 11,000 and 12,000."-_Morning Chronicle_.

The first Subscription Ball of the season had been held at the Town Hall, 90 persons being present, the hall had been re-painted a light green in lieu of the old salmon colour, and four beautiful statues of "Clio,"

"Erato," and "The Dancing Girls of Canova," had been placed in the niches.

Nov. 12th.-At the Council meeting, on the nomination of Mr. W. Wors.h.i.+p, seconded by Mr. C. J. Palmer, James Cherry, Esq., had been elected Mayor.

The following Whig Aldermen then went out of office;-R. Hammond, jun., E.

R. Palmer, H. Boulter, C. E. Barham, and W. Walpole with B. Fenn (C), and the following voting took place to fill these vacancies:-

Mr. T. Bunn 21 ,, T. Foreman 21 ,, W. C. Reynolds 27 ,, J. G. Rivett 26 G. S. s.h.i.+ngles 26 ,, E. P. Youell 26 ,, R. Hammond, junr. 10 ,, Boulter 6 ,, J. Brown 5 ,, E. R. Palmer 8 ,, Sir E. Tavers 1 ,, H. Wors.h.i.+p 1 ,, S. Paget 1

Nov. 26th.-Court "Buck of the Forest," A.O.F., had been opened at the Buck Inn.

One hundred and nineteen persons had been confirmed by Bishop Spencer at St. Nicholas' Church.

Dec. 3rd.-It was proposed to establish a School of Design in the town.

Captain Manby had attained his 88th year.

Dec. 24th.-A parochial Museum was being formed at the Priory.

The Local Board District Rate was signed at 1s. 4d. in the .

Dec. 31st.-Mr. C. J. Palmer had presided at the annual dinner of the subscribers of the Public Library.


Jan. 7th.-Several houses had been damaged by a "fearful" storm.

The "Seamen's a.s.sociation" had held a demonstration with a procession round the town. At a subsequent meeting held at their Club House the following toasts were given:-"The Queen," "May British Sailors weather the Storm," "England expects every man will do his duty," "The Owners and Merchants of Yarmouth," "May British Sailors never want for grog and tobacco."

Jan. 14th.-The "Eleanor Palmer," belonging to W. H. Palmer, Esq., had been "totally lost" on the coast near Athens. This was the third vessel that gentleman had lost since 1853.

Jan. 21st.-At a meeting of the Town Council it had been determined to oppose the "Waveney Valley Drainage Bill."

Captain Broadhead, R.N., was engaged at this port raising a corps of Sea Fencibles.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 43 summary

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