Yarmouth Notes Part 54

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Johnson and George Hills preached in the morning and afternoon respectively.

Feb. 24th.-The cost of the maintenance of the poor of the parish had increased since the pa.s.sing of the 9th and 10th Vic. cap. 56 from about 9,000 to 10,376 per annum.

Messrs. J. Barker and P. Pullyn had qualified as Magistrates.

Feb. 27th.-The 24-pounders at the Batteries were to be replaced by 74 pound guns.

March 6th.-Records the death of Rear-Admiral Sir Eaton Travers, K.H., aged 70. The dates of his appointments were-Lieutenant 1804, Commander 1814, Captain 1829, Rear-Admiral 1855. He had seen much service, and was nominated a K.H. on 4th of February, 1834. He possessed the silver naval medal with one clasp, had a good service pension, and was a D.L. for the county. Sir Eaton married in April, 1815, Anne Palmer, eldest daughter of William Steward, Esq., by whom he had issue five sons and two daughters.

It was hoped that the Yarmouth and Haddiscoe Railway would be opened by the 1st of September next.

March 13th.-A dispute had arisen between the Local Board of Health and George Danby-Palmer, Esq., with regard to certain land at the south-end of the town, and Mr. Chamberlin, acting as Mr. Palmer's solicitor, had complained to the Bench of having been a.s.saulted by Mr. Morant (Town Surveyor), upon the "locus in quo," and what was described as a "scene"

had ensued.

March 20th.-The Naval Hospital was being fitted up for the reception of sick and wounded men from India; it was noticed that although fitted up in a similar way during the Russian war, it had never then been used.

Complaint was made of the "n.i.g.g.ardly" way in which the Southtown Road was lighted.

March 24th.-Lord Sondes had presented a pet.i.tion from the Town Council to the House of Lords on the subject of the Magisterial appointments, but after an explanation by the Lord Chancellor, who justified his action, "the subject dropped."

March 27th.-Mr. J. S. Cobb had delivered a lecture on "Chemistry."

April 3rd.-Mr. R. Steward had protested against the Senior Magistrate taking the chair in Petty Session as a matter of right.

April 7th.-Ten publicans had been fined for keeping their houses open at illegal hours.

April 10th.-At the appointment of Overseers, Mr. E. H. L. Preston moved the appointment of Messrs. William Green, James Borking, John Clayton, and William Harbord; and Mr. Owles proposed Mr. James H. Harrison in the place of Mr. Green. Upon the votes being taken, there appeared: For Mr.

Preston's list-The Mayor and Messrs. William Danby-Palmer, E. H. L.

Preston, J. C. Smith, W. Yetts, W. Thurtell, B. Jay, W. H. Bessey, J.

Fenn, William Hurry Palmer, J. Cherry, R. Steward, C. C. Aldred, J. G.

Plummer, and B. Fenn; and for Mr. Owles' list-Messrs. Geo. Danby-Palmer, J. W. Sh.e.l.ley, W. Johnson, R. Hammond, P. Pullyn, D. A. Gourlay, Frederick Palmer, W. T. Clarke, J. Barker, and J. Owles.

April 17th.-From 3,000 to 4,000 persons had witnessed the launch of the "Froderica," of 600 tons burthen, from Mr. Branford's yard.

April 24th.-St. John's Church had been consecrated by the Lord Bishop of Norwich.

H.M.S. "Edinburgh," 74 tons, and two gun-boats had pa.s.sed through the Roads.

April 28th.-Mr. John Clowes had been returned as a Councillor for the Nelson Ward without opposition in the place of Mr. Samuel V. Moore, deceased.

May 1st.-Ninety ladies and gentlemen had attended a ball at the Town Hall.

The sum of 137 had been collected at the Consecration Services at St.

John's Church. The Communion plate and stone pulpit in this church had been paid for from the proceeds arising from the sale of the second edition of the "Story of John Brock."

May 5th.-Reference is made to the drowning of the only son of Captain Ellis, R.N., at Southwold.

The Poor's rate was 1s. 4d. in the .

The Summer excursion trains had commenced running, and had brought many visitors from Norwich.

May 8th.-Seventy invalids from Colchester camp were under treatment at the Naval Hospital. The officers in charge were Captain Jervois, Commandant; Captain Naylor, Pay-master; Staff-Surgeons, Bradford and Joy, and Mr. Rippon, Purveyor.

May 15th.-Disturbances had taken place between some of the Fermanagh Militia and townsmen at Southtown, and the conduct of the Mayor was impugned with regard to his desire to repress the report of this, when Mr. de Caux vindicated the reports sent by him to the newspapers he represented.

May 22nd.-The mackerel fleet (about 100 sail) were nearly all at sea, and prices had varied from 35s. to 45s. per hundred.

The "Nil Desperandum" (500 tons) had been launched from Mr. Rust's yard.

June 12th.-Records the death of Sir E. N. Buxton, Bart., one of the M.P's. for East Norfolk.

June 16th.-Sir Henry Stracey, a candidate for the seat thus vacant, had met the Conservative electors at the Angel-hotel, when Mr. E. H. L.

Preston occupied the chair. It was stated that "Sir Henry is a favourite in Yarmouth from the interest he has taken in all that relates to the interest of the town."

June 19th.-The Liberals had met at the Star Hotel, Mr. B. Dowson in the chair, when a resolution accepting the Hon. Wenman Clarence Walpole as the candidate in the Whig interest had been adopted.

John Berry had committed suicide by shooting himself on the South Denes.

June 26th.-Mr. Falcke (a gentleman whose father formerly lived in the town) had given subscriptions to the Hospital and the Ragged and British Schools.

June 30th.-At the County election, Mr. E. Fellowes, M.P., proposed, and Colonel Fitzroy seconded Sir H. J. Stracey, Bart., and Mr. Bulwer proposed, and Mr. Upcher seconded the Hon. Wenman C. W.; the show of hands was in favour of Sir H. J. Stracey, whereupon Mr. Bulwer demanded a poll on behalf of the Hon. Mr.

July 3rd.-The poll had been declared as follows:-

The Hon. W. C. W. 2933 Sir H. J. Stracey 2720 Majority 213

An a.n.a.lysis of the polling at Yarmouth showed- Stracey.

Yarmouth Voters 288 301 E&W. Flegg ,, 150 195 Out ,, 36 58 Gorleston ,, 6 4 Southtown ,, 14 14

Mr. Isaac Shuckford had been elected an Alderman in the place of Alderman T. Foreman deceased.

A fight had taken place on the North Denes between Plumb (of Bungay) and Swash (of Yarmouth) for 10 a side. It lasted 1 h. and 35 min., and 93 rounds were fought. Ultimately Swash was beaten.

July 10th.-The "Minstrel" had been launched from Mr. Symonds' and the "Success" from Mr. Chapman's yard.

July 14th.-"Frequent collisions" were taking place between the Irish Militia and the inhabitants.

July 17th.-Britannia Pier had been opened. The Mayor attended with the "civic authorities;" on his arrival two rockets were let off and cannon were discharged. At the "dejeuner" subsequently held, C. C. Aldred and C. Cory, Esqs., presided at the tables, faced by D. A. Gourlay, and G. B.

Palmer, Esqs.

A "Marine Horticultural Fete" had been held on this pier.

July 21st.-A Provincial Grand Lodge of Norfolk Freemasons had been held at the Priory Hall, which 150 brethren attended. Subsequently a banquet was held at the Town Hall, when P.G.M. Bro. B. Bond Cabbell presided, Bros. Sir H. J. Stracey and C. H. Chamberlin occupying the vice-chairs.

July 24th.-Fifty-seven sick and wounded soldiers, mostly Indian sufferers, had arrived at the Royal Naval Hospital.

July 28th.-It was computed that there were between 8,000 and 9,000 visitors then in the town.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 54 summary

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