Yarmouth Notes Part 55

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There had been a heavy gale from the S.W.

July 31st.-At the Regatta, which was held from the Wellington Pier,-umpires, Lieut.-Col. Beckham and Mr. M. Butcher; hon. secretary, Mr. Henry R. Harmer;-in the first yacht race the "Violet" (J. E. Kirby) beat the "Aretion" (J. Goodson, Esq.), and the "Silver Star" (- Mann, Esq.). The following yawls competed as under:-

Came in H. M. S.

Eclipse 54 ft. 6 0 32 Royal Standard 49 ft. 5 58 40 Queen Victoria 63 ft. 5 50 20 Lady Hume 59 ft. 5 54 30 Young Prince 47 ft. withdrew Glance 47 ft. 6 3 23

In the next race (for small yachts) the "Kestrel" (W. Butcher) beat the "Belvidere" (T. Read), "Isabella" (O. Diver), "Rover" (T. Palmer), and "Gipsy Queen" (Harcourt); there were several other races. On this occasion 1,700 persons visited the Wellington Pier, upwards of 40 was taken at the gates, and it was computed that some 12,000 persons were on the Beach; 3,000 persons visited the Victoria Gardens, where "Sam Collins" performed, and Mr. Coe had the management of the display of fireworks.

Aug. 4th.-The acting Charity Trustees, Messrs. George Danby-Palmer and Thomas Brightwen, had selected the following additional Trustees of the Town Charity Estate:-The Rev. George Hills, Sir E. H. K. Lacon, and Messrs. C. J. Palmer, J. Brightwen, B. Jay, E. H. L. Preston, C. C.

Aldred, Charles Cory, William H. Palmer, R. Hammond, W. P. Dowson, W. N.

Burroughs, and J. W. Sh.e.l.ley. Objection had been taken to the names of Sir E. H. K. Lacon and Messrs. Aldred, Cory, C. J. Palmer, E. H. L.

Preston, and W. P. Dowson, and the names of Messrs. Pullyn, C. Miller, G.

Blake and J. Fenn proposed as Trustees.

Aug. 7th.-At the Water Frolic, Mr. O. Diver acted as hon. secretary, and in the first match the following yachts competed:-

Endora (latteen) Cooke Horstead 13 feet Nautilus (cutter) - Bungay 12 ,, Clara (cutter) C. Smith Aylsham 14 ,, Fairy Queen (latteen) R. Morton ,, 13 ,, Unique (cutter) W. Teasdel Gorleston 14 ,,

The Endora won. In the second race the entries were:-

Belvidere T. Read Yarmouth 28 feet Victorine J. Fiddes ,, - Iris A. D. Stone ,, 27 Tantivy Messrs. Morgan Norwich 19 ,,

The Belvidere won. The third contest was for a cup, presented by D.

Falcke, Esq., for shrimp boats; the "Smack" won.

During the sports Mr. Gardiner (editor of the _Yarmouth Independent_) was knocked overboard by the boom of Mr. Diver's boat, but, being a swimmer, escaped with a "good ducking."

Aug. 14th.-A meeting had been held for the purpose of establis.h.i.+ng a "Beachman's Inst.i.tute." The Mayor occupied the chair, and G. Harcourt, Esq., addressed the meeting at some length; Mr. Fisher and the Rev. G.

Hills also took part in these proceedings.

A mirage had been seen off the coast, presenting the appearance of a number of s.h.i.+ps sailing between two chalk cliffs, thought by some to pourtray the Isle of Wight. Nothing of a similar kind had been seen in Yarmouth for 75 years. It was noticed the weather had been close and sultry and the tides low.

Aug. 18th.-The sum of 139 18s. 6d. had been contributed for the Beachman's Inst.i.tute.

Aug. 25th.-The Norfolk Hotel, Marine Drive, had been purchased by Messrs.

Hills and Underwood for the sum of 2,160.

Sept. 1st.-The sum of 448 had been subscribed for the restoration of the Nelson Monument.

About 100 vessels were then engaged in the North Sea herring fis.h.i.+ng, the fish realising from 12 15s. to 26 per last.

George Wells Holt, Esq., who had officiated as Magistrates' Clerk for more than 22 years, had resigned that appointment.

Mr. W. Holt (son of the late Clerk), Mr. H. R. Harmer and Mr. Costerton were candidates for the office.

Sept. 8th.-The following Magistrates attended on the appointment being filled up:-F. Wors.h.i.+p, Esq., (Mayor), R. Hammond, B. Fenn, J. G. Plummer, W. Johnson, P. Pullyn, F. Palmer, R. Steward, D. A. Gourlay, W. T.

Clarke, J. Fenn, E. H. L. Preston, B. Jay, W. H. Palmer, W. Yetts, C. C.

Aldred, W. H. Bessey, G. D. Palmer, W. Thurtell, T. Brightwen, J. Owles, and J. C. Smith, Esqs., and on the motion of Mr. Hammond, seconded by Mr.

Steward, Mr. William Holt was unanimously elected.

The emoluments of the office were then about 375 per annum.

Messrs. Mellor and Young, the M.P's. for the town, had arrived, the former at the Norfolk, and the latter at the Royal Hotel.

The Artillery Militia had a.s.sembled for 21 days' drill.

There had been further disturbances between the Fermanagh Militia and the townspeople, which had led to a conference between the Magistrates and the officer commanding that Regiment, since which the soldiers had not been allowed to enter the town after 6.30 p.m., and a picket had been stationed on the Bridge.

A fancy fair in aid of the Sailors' Inst.i.tute was being held in three marquees fronting the Norfolk Hotel.

H.M.S. "Pembroke," 60 guns, had sailed for Harwich, after remaining in the Roads 14 days. During her stay 40 volunteers had been entered upon her books.

The King of Prussia's yacht "Grille" had arrived in the Harbour; she was of 400 tons, and rigged as a three-masted schooner. The officers on board were Captain baron Bothwell, Lieutenants Baron St. Paul, Baron Dobenack, and Count Moate.

Sept. 15th.-The Fermanagh Militia had left Yarmouth for Bradford, and were to be succeeded by the Louth Rifles.

The comet (visible with the naked eye) was getting brighter every night.

Sept. 22nd.-One of a recently-arrived advance party of the Louth Rifles named John Carret had been found drowned in the Yare.

Sept. 25th.-Herring were selling at from 3 to 4 per last for manure.

Sept. 29th.-The subscriptions to the Races amounted to only 289 18s.

6d., leaving the balance to be raised by sale of race-cards, &c.

Mr. Colley was acting as House Surgeon at the Hospital.

Oct. 2nd.-The East Norfolk Militia had been inspected by Colonel Lewis prior to being disbanded.

The Louth Rifles, 500 strong, had arrived, and marched into the Southtown Barracks. The officers were Colonel Lord Bellew, Lieut.-Colonel Sir J.

Robinson, Bart.; Major Taaffe, Adjutant Bellingham, Surgeon Dixon, Quarter-Master Edward Burke, Paymaster J. Burke, Captains O'Reiley, Smith, Singleton, and Murray, Lieutenants Evans, Osborne, Townley, Murphy, and Cormack, and Ensigns Mason, Lindsay, Standidge, O'Donald and Twentyman.

Oct. 6th.-The mortality in the town was then 23 in 1,000 persons.

Oct. 9th.-The fis.h.i.+ng had improved, and herring was selling at from 19 5s. to 22 per last.

William Holt, Esq., had given a dinner at the Crown and Anchor to the officials connected with the Police Court.

Mr. S. J. F. Stafford had been elected Surgeon for the North District.

Oct. 16th.-The County Revision had been held before Mr. R. Couch at the Tolhouse, Mr. Clowes appearing for the Liberals and Mr. Cufaude for the Tories; also for the Borough, when Mr. Costerton appeared for the Liberals, and Mr. Cufaude for the Tories. The Liberals claimed gains on both these registers.

Oct. 20th.-It was understood that R. Steward, Esq., would be Mayor for the ensuing year.

The Mayor (with Messrs. Pilgrim and Cooper as a.s.sessors) had held the Revision, Mr. Costerton appearing for the Liberals and Mr.

Cufaude for the Conservatives; the former claimed a gain of 73 on the proceedings.

Oct. 27th.-Lieutenant Mends, R.N., had been presented with a handsome gold pencil-case by the crew of H.M.S. "Dolphin," (Revenue cruiser on this station), on his resigning his command.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 55 summary

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