Yarmouth Notes Part 56

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Oct. 30th.-The Bishop of Norwich had confirmed 115 persons at St.

Nicholas' Church.

Nov. 3rd.-The following Councillors had been elected without opposition:-_North Ward_: Messrs. W. Wors.h.i.+p and J. B. Hylton. _Market Ward_: Messrs. E. R. Aldred and D. A. Gourlay. _Regent Ward_: Messrs. R.

D. Barber and R. R. B. Norman. _St. George's Ward_: Messrs. R. Ferrier and B. Jay. _Nelson Ward_: Messrs. Charles J. Palmer and Charles Woolverton. _St. Andrew's Ward_: Messrs. Robert Steward and William T.


Captain Ryder, R.N., Government Inspector, had examined 42 pupils at the School of Navigation.

Nov. 6th.-It was "confidently reported" that the Vicar (the Rev. G.

Hills) had been appointed Bishop of British Columbia.

Nov. 10th-A claim had been made by a person whose father had served in the army from 1802 to 1816, to sell excisable articles without a license, under the 56 George III. cap. 67.

Nov. 13th.-At the Council meeting held on the 9th, Mr. William H. Palmer proposed, and Mr. Hylton seconded, Robert Steward, Esq., as Mayor for the ensuing year, and he was declared unanimously elected, but as "the late Mayor was about to invest him with the chain of office, His Wors.h.i.+p rather prematurely took hold of the chain and placed it on the seat."

A complimentary dinner had been given by the Council to the ex-Mayor, at which C. J. Palmer, Esq., presided.

Nov. 17th.-The Mayor had dispensed with the formality of being preceded by the maces and other insignia of the Corporation in attending divine service and taking his seat on the Bench. He had also declined wearing the gold chain on the same occasions.

Nov. 20th.-Attention was directed to the "Wonders of the Microscope, published by Mr. Harmer, the photographist of Great Yarmouth."

Dec. 4th.-The Royal National Lifeboat Inst.i.tution had sent one of its 30 foot single-banked boats to this station.

The Mayor had issued invitations for a dinner at the Town Hall to 170 gentlemen connected with the town and district.

The Rev. R. H. Nevill had been appointed to the Vicarage, which was supposed to be worth some 350 per annum.

Dec. 11th.-Mr. J. H. Harrison had lent the St. George's Hall to the tradesmen, who were getting up a concert for the benefit of the Hospital.

Dec. 15th.-The Mayor, Sir John Robinson, Bart., S. C. Marsh and C. J.

Palmer, Esqs., had acted as Stewards of the first Subscription Ball, and there were also present-the Mayoress, Captain Winyard, R.N., Captain O'Reiley, Dr. Dixon, Captain Smith, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Harcourt, Mrs. and Miss Gwynne, Mrs. C. J. Palmer, Mr. Cubitt and family, Mr. and Mrs.

Ferrier, Mr. W. Travers, Mr. E. and Miss Preston, Mrs. S. C. Marsh and family, Mr. H. Lacon, Mr. and Mrs. Barber and family, Mr. Jolly, Mr. F.

Danby-Palmer, Mr. Bullock, Mrs. A. Thompson, Mr., Mrs. and Miss Venning, Mrs. and Miss Pearson, Dr. b.u.t.ton, Mr. and Mrs. Biddulph, Mrs. R.

Steward, Rev. Mr. Gott and family, Mr. Harmer, &c.

Mr. J. Petts had been promoted to be Chief Coastguard Officer at Yarmouth.

Dec. 11th.-It was proposed to present Bishop Hills with a silver Communion Service.


Jan. 5th.-A meeting had been held (C. J. Palmer, Esq., in the chair) for the purpose of raising a fund with a view to presenting a testimonial to the Rev. George Hills. Sir E. H. K. Lacon, and Messrs. R. Hammond, T.

Brightwen, C. C. Aldred, E. H. L. Preston, C. S. D. Steward, and C. Cory, took part in the proceedings, and 145 was raised in the room.

The Mayor (R. Steward, Esq.), had given away 300 cwts. of coal to poor persons.

Jan. 12th.-It was reported that 20 missionary clergymen would accompany the Rev. G. Hills to his new mission, and that Mr. Lupson, Scripture Reader, should be ordained and go as one of these.

Jan. 15th.-The members of the s.h.i.+p Insurance Society, to the number of 30, had held their annual dinner at the "Crown and Anchor"; Mr. D. A.

Gourlay occupied the chair, and Mr. D. B. Palmer the vice-chair.

Jan. 22nd.-The East Suffolk Railway was to be opened on the 1st March.

Jan. 29th.-The Rev. G. Hills had preached his farewell sermon.

The Mayor had given a Juvenile Ball to 130 children at the Town Hall.

Among those present were members of the following families:-Reynolds, Youell, Harcourt, Cufaude, Marsh, Impey, Tompson, Clarke, Donald, Norman, Bond, Aldred, Lettis, Woolverton, Butcher, Barnby, Ayers, Reeve, Laws, Bayly, Chamberlin, Dashwood, Bracey, Palmer, Shuckford, Smith, Smyth, Plummer, Barber, &c.

Bro. John Cobb had been installed W.M. of Lodge "Friends.h.i.+p" by Bros. O.

Diver and J. W. Bunn, and he had appointed the following officers:-Bros.

W. Wright, S.W.; G. Harley, J.W.; C. L. Chipperfield, S.D.; J. H. Bly, J.D.; and George Knox, I.G.

Feb. 5th.-The ladies had presented plate to the value of 50 guineas to the Rev. G. Hills.

Mrs. Gray had given a "ball and reception" at the Town Hall.

Feb. 9th.-About 100 Foresters had attended the funeral of Bro. Hatch, at Gorleston, on Sunday, which proceeding had been objected to by the Vicar.

Feb. 12th.-A "Reform" Meeting had been held, Mr. Livingston in the chair.

Feb. 16th.-Mr. Boning, of Cambridge, had accidentally injured himself while shooting on the Caister Marshes. Dr. Smyth, Mr. F. Palmer, Mr.

Skinner and Mr. Colley (Hospital) were attending the sufferer.

Feb. 19th.-Mr. Nevill, the new Inc.u.mbent, had arrived, and was going "to read himself in" on the next Sunday.

Feb. 23rd.-This ceremony had been duly performed by him.

A Reading-room had been established in connection with the Subscription Library on the Quay.

Mr. J. C. Smith had presided at Mrs. Sizeland's annual dinner at the Royal Hotel.

A high tide had washed over the Beach up to the Marine Drive wall.

Feb. 26th.-The Foresters had held a dinner at the Corn Hall; 100 brethren attended. The Chief Ranger (Bro. Franklin) presided, and Bros. Steele, Horne, E. Stagg, Dr. Smyth, Dumbleton and Thompson took part in the proceedings.

March 2nd.-Dr. Hills had been consecrated Bishop of British Columbia at Westminster Abbey.

The first train from Yarmouth had run over the East Suffolk line.

March 5th.-A search for treasure had been made at the "Stone Cairn" on the North Denes, it seems from the report, without effect.

The old Jetty was to be repaired.

The officers of the Louth Rifles had given a Ball at the Town Hall, for which about 180 invitations were issued.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 56 summary

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