Yarmouth Notes Part 65

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N.B.-This was the first attempt by a Vicar to take action of this sort, (the right of election of both Churchwardens being vested in the Vestry of the parish.)

The following gentlemen had been elected Guardians:-

_North Ward_-S. Nightingale, E. H. L. Preston, and J. B. Hylton.

_Market Ward_-C. C. Aldred, W. Laws, and J. Fenn.

_Regent Ward_-W. Wors.h.i.+p, R. D. Barber, and D. A. Gourlay.

_St. George's Ward_-J. G. Plummer, C. E. Bartram, and C. Miller.

_Nelson Ward_-T. Brightwen, C. Woolverton, W. C. Reynolds, and J. Clarke.

It was stated that only 7s. 6d. had been subscribed by the lodging-house keepers to the Race Fund.

April 10th.-It was understood that the Chairman and a majority of the Board of Guardians were favourable to the admission of Reporters to the Board meetings.

"Great reductions" had been made upon the Poor's Rate appeals.

April 13th.-Captain Holmes had been appointed Adjutant to the Rifle Volunteers.

Sir J. Walsham had held an inquiry as to the allegations with regard to the parish accounts, which had been alluded to in the recent action of "Cufaude _v._ Cory." Mr. Hotson attended it on behalf of Mr. Cory.

April 17th.-Two batteries of Royal Artillery had arrived in the town.

April 20th.-A gunboat, with the men of the Revenue cutter on board, had run into the pier-head.

An illuminated clock had been placed at the Sailors' Home.

A rule "nisi" had been granted in the action of "Cufaude _v._ Cory" on the ground of excessive damages.

April 27th.-The "Harmony," missionary s.h.i.+p, had been launched from Messrs. Fellows' yard.

There had been "numerous" arrivals of invalids from India at the R.N.


May 1st.-Solomon Levy, a converted Jew, had been baptised at St. Peter's Church, F. Wors.h.i.+p, Esq., standing "as witness to the Baptism."

Afterwards the Rev. Bowyer Vaux preached from t.i.tus iii, 5.

May 4th.-The Rifle Volunteers had held a "Mess" at the Star Hotel, when Host Diver catered for them.

May 8th.-The following "Census" returns had been made for the parish:-

Males. Females. Total. Excess of Females.

North Ward 3620 4330 7950 710 Market Ward 2211 2706 4917 485 Regent Ward 1553 2382 3935 829 St. George's 1777 2419 4196 632 Ward Nelson Ward 3873 4885 8758 1002 Total 13,034 16,722 29,756 3658 Workhouse 173 159 332 13,207 16,881 30,088 Estimate Gorleston & Southtown & afloat 6,000 36,088

The Rifle Volunteers, 200 strong, had attended St. Nicholas' Church. The leading fish-merchants proposed to purchase two fast steamers as carriers to the London markets.

May 11th.-Mr. Evans was sitting at the Town Hall to take evidence on the claims of the Ormesby and Scratby people to exemption from payment of Market Tolls at Yarmouth.

May 18th.-So few mackerel had been brought in, that they were selling at 1s. each.

May 22nd.-A very old house (formerly part of the Convent) had fallen down in Friars' lane.

There had been two military rows between the Royal Artillery and the E.N.


May 25th.-The Mayor and Magistrates had met Major Martin (E.N.M.) and Colonel Bruce (R.A.) on this subject, and steps had been taken to prevent the men meeting again.

May 29th.-"Mace," the local pugilist, (being known in the neighbourhood) was being heavily "backed" for the fight for the champions.h.i.+p.

June 1st.-Sergeant Seeley (E.N.M.) had died from the effects of choking himself by swallowing a piece of meat.

A "handsome new schooner" had been launched by Mr. Brandford.

A "considerable number" of new fis.h.i.+ng and pleasure boats were being built at the port.

Shops were being opened in Regent Street, under the Board of Health Act, which had overruled the old local act under which the houses there, were not to be so used.

June 8th.-The mackerel voyage had been very unsuccessful.

A "Turkish" bath was to be opened in a few week's time.

June 15th-Mr. Frederick Danby-Palmer had pa.s.sed the legal examination (in honors.)

A case of alleged "Witchcraft" at Gorleston had occupied the Bench.

June 19th.-At a meeting of the Ratepayers Mr. J. Clowes proposed, and Mr.

Burroughs seconded, Mr. S. B. Cory as a proper person to fill the office of Vestry Clerk. Mr. Livingstone, Mr. Neave and Mr. Royal also took part in these proceedings.

June 22nd.-At the Vestry meeting, held for the election of that officer, Mr. George Danby-Palmer proposed and Mr. Livingstone seconded Mr. S. B.

Cory, and Mr. Charles Cory proposed, and Mr. G. A. Clarke seconded, Mr.

C. H. Chamberlin. The proceedings were of a most disorderly character, terminating "in a talk of many tongues, which accused each other of being 'liars' and so on."

June 24th.-At 12 o'clock the poll stood-

Cory 270 Chamberlin 194 And closed- Cory 366 Chamberlin 269 June 25th.-it closed- Cory 701 Chamberlin 512 June 26th.-It finally closed- Cory 848 Chamberlin 620 Majority for Cory 228

Mr. Cory and Mr. George Danby-Palmer then addressed the electors, and votes of thanks to the Vicar (Rev. H. Nevill) and his a.s.sessor (Mr. C. J.

Palmer) terminated the proceedings.

June 29th.-The election for, and meeting of, the "Eastern Counties Asylum of Idiots" had taken place at the Town Hall. The Mayor presided, and there were also present, Sir Thomas Beevor, Bart., Rev. T. Bailey, Rev.

R. M. Bingley, Rev. Thos. Quintin, Rev. E. Postle, and Messrs. W.

Wors.h.i.+p, T. Brightwen, F. Palmer, John Crisp (Mayor of Beccles), J. H.

Bly, &c.

July 3rd.-M. Desfongerais had been appointed Consul for the French Government at Yarmouth, and had appeared for a French vessel in an adjudication case, held before F. Wors.h.i.+p and F. Palmer, Esqs.

July 10th.-Mr. S. B. Cory had commenced his duties of Vestry Clerk.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 65 summary

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