Yarmouth Notes Part 72

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Aug. 1st.-At the Regatta the "Gipsy Queen," of Winterton, had won the yawl race, and the "Little Yankee" (Captain Cholmondley) and the "Belvidere" (T. M. Read, Esq.,) the small yacht races.

And at the Water Frolic, the "Red Rover" (S. Nightingale, Esq.,) had beaten the "Wanderer" (R. Harvey, Esq.,) and the "Little Yankee" (Captain Cholmondley).

The Regatta Dinner had been held at the Norfolk Hotel, (Winder, proprietor).

80 had been realised at the Bazaar.

Aug. 5th.-The Volunteers had been inspected on the South Denes by Colonel Ibbetson.

Aug. 8th.-A ring bearing the inscription "Maria Costerton, obit 18, October, 1788, aged 14 years," had been dredged up on Breydon, and claimed by John Fisher Costerton, Esq., who had lost it some 60 years previously at a water party.

Aug. 12th.-It was noted that the two drinking fountains were not used by the public.

Aug. 19th-Bishop Hills had preached at St. Nicholas' Church in aid of the Columbia Mission.

The Mayor had refused the Bishop the use of the Town-hall for a meeting on the same subject, and it consequently had been held at the Priory-hall. 90 was thus raised for the Fund.

The Artillery Volunteers (170 strong) had been inspected by Colonel Knox.

Aug. 22nd.-One thousand excursionists had arrived from Newmarket and Bury.

The Town Clerk stated in Council that the costs of the Corporation in opposing the Gas Bill would amount to 800.

The "Sir Edmund Lacon" Lodge, N.I.U.O.F., had been opened at the Volunteer Tavern, when Sir E. Lacon and H. R. Harmer, Esq., were invested with the respective offices of P.S.F. and P.G. and speeches delivered by those gentlemen and Dr. Stephenson.

Aug. 26th.-Sir John Walsham was holding an inquiry as to the Guardians'

election for the North Ward, where Mr. J. F. Neave claimed Mr. Hylton's seat; there appeared to be grave irregularities in the Proxy List of Voters.

Aug. 29th.-The memorial stone of the new Baptist Chapel on the Denes had been laid by J. J. Colman, Esq.

Sept. 2nd.-Records the death of Samuel C. Marsh, Esq., "after a prolonged and grievous affliction."

Sept. 5th.-Mr. Falcke was suggested as a candidate for the Regent Ward to fill the late Mr. Marsh's place in the Council.

Sept. 9th.-The "Justice Roll" could not be found, and there was a "scene"

on the Bench in consequence.

Sept. 16th.-On Licensing Day there had been the usual "drum up" of Justices, who were cla.s.sed as follows by the editor:-

Regular Attendants-The Mayor, J. Fenn, J. Owles, B. Fenn, J. C. Smith, F.

Palmer, E. Preston, P. Pullyn, R. Hammond, and J. Barker, Esqs.

Occasional but useful attendants-J. Costerton, C. C. Aldred, W. Bessey, W. Thurtell, E. Youell, B. Jay, J. Clark, F. Wors.h.i.+p and T. Brightwen, Esqs.

Three hundred lasts of herring had been landed in one day, "but proving of inferior quality," had scarcely realised 10 per last.

Sept. 19th.-The alterations at the Naval Asylum, amounting to some 2,000 or 3,000, had been entrusted to Mr. George Tyrell, of this town.

At the Registration Court, Mr. Clowes appeared for the Liberals, and Mr.

W. C. Reynolds for the Tories.

The Elocution Society (Mr. Lovewell Blake, Secretary) had held its annual meeting and reunion at the Corn-hall, when 200 members sat down to tea.

Sept. 23rd.-The Churchwardens (Messrs. Steward and Aldred) had been presented with silver tea services, as testimonials of the esteem and regard in which they were held by the paris.h.i.+oners.

Mr. Falcke not being qualified to be elected a Councillor, Mr.

Livingston, (Liberal) and Mr. Stagg (Tory) were before the electors in the Regent Ward.

Sep. 26th.-The following n.o.blemen and gentlemen had acted as Stewards of the Races:-Lord William Powlett, Lord Hastings, Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., Edward Howes, Esq., M.P., Lieut.-Colonel the Hon. W. C. W., M.P., and Colonel Shafto Adair, A.D.C. Mr. J. F. Clarke, as usual, officiated as Judge, and Mr. Samuel Clarke as Starter.

The Regent Ward Election had terminated-

For Stagg 83 ,, Livingston 57

Sept. 30th.-James Scott and William Briggs, Esqs., had qualified as Justices.

Oct. 3rd.-Corporal H. H. Baker had won the Champion Medal at the Artillery Volunteer Prize Shooting.

Oct. 7th.-The Market had been "glutted" with fish, and the prices consequently remained very low.

Oct. 17th.-The Mayor (R. Steward, Esq.,) had given his third banquet at the Town Hall, the Members for the Borough (Sir E. Lacon and Sir H.

Stracey), the Recorder (N. Palmer, Esq.), and many others being present.

Oct. 21st.-Mr. Newcomb had been appointed Postmaster.

Oct. 24th.-At a dinner, given by Sir E. Lacon, to the members of the Conservative party, it had been determined to again offer the Mayoralty to R. Steward, Esq.

The Bishop had confirmed 180 young persons at St. Nicholas' Church.

The prospects of the fis.h.i.+ng were "of a most gloomy character." Two vessels, the "Leda" and "Isis" had left for Ancona, the former with 2,900 and the latter with 2,550 barrels of fish, and several thousand barrels had been despatched by steams.h.i.+ps trading with the Italian ports.

Oct. 28th.-Three hundred lasts of herring had been landed on the Quay on Sunday, which had caused a great disturbance there, and the Magistrates proposed to take steps to prevent a recurrence of such scenes on the Lord's day.

Nov. 4th.-The following had been the result of the Election:-

_North Ward_.

Messrs. Bessey and Nightingale (Cons.) not opposed.

_Regent Ward_.

Messrs. W. C. Reynolds and W. Wright (Cons.) not opposed.

_St. George's Ward_.

Messrs. Palmer and Foreman (Cons.) not opposed.

_Nelson Ward_.

J. H. Harrison (politics doubtful) 148 J. Clark (Con.) 129 J. Clowes (Lib.) 81 _Market Ward_.

J. Barnby (Con.) 121 C. Nuthall (Con.) 121 J. Bivett (Lib.) 82 G. W. Clowes (Lib.) 70 _St. Andrew's Ward_.

Richmond (Con.) 251 Gooda(Con.) 220 Rivett (Lib.) 100

There had been a very heavy gale from the N.N.W.

Messrs. Savage and de Caux had been proceeded against for placing swills on the South Quay, and Mr. Savage fined 40s. and costs, but the case against Mr. de Caux was not proceeded with.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 72 summary

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