Yarmouth Notes Part 75

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July 29th.-The Regatta had, owing to the exertions of F. Harmer, Esq., been very successfully conducted.

A Swimming a.s.sociation had been formed in the town, and Mr. George Archard had won the 1,000 yards match.

Sir John Walsham had opened an inquiry at the Tolhouse as to the election of Messrs. I. Shuckford, W. J. Foreman, and C. Diver, (Guardians for the parish), whose seats were claimed by Messrs. J. F. Neave, C. Steward, and J. Clowes (grocer), respectively.

Mr. J. Clowes, (solicitor), appeared for the appellants, and Mr. C.

Diver, for the respondents.

Aug. 26th.-The Race Ball had been numerously attended, and amongst those present were Lord Suffield, the Hon. Mrs. Harbord and party, Major and Mrs. Orde and party, Mrs. Cubitt and party, Mr. E. H. L. Preston, Miss Preston, Mr. E. S. Preston, Mr. I. Preston, Mr. F. Danby-Palmer and Miss Palmer, Captain and Mrs. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. W. Danby-Palmer, Mr. T. M.

Baker, Mr. T. Burton Steward, Mr. E. Frere, Mr. and Mrs. F. Ferrier, Mr.

C. J. Palmer, Mr. Tompson, Mr. Penrice, Mr. Trafford, &c.

Aug. 30th.-The Rifle Volunteers were competing for prizes.

Sept. 6th.-The Volunteer Rifle Corps had mustered 230 strong when inspected by Colonel Deshon.

Mr. Shales, of the Star-hotel, had been thrown from his horse on the Drive, and fractured his collar-bone.

Sept. 9th.-The Band of the Coldstream Guards had been performing at the Victoria Gardens, and on the Wellington Pier.

Sept. 20th.-The Haven Commissioners had drafted certain clauses to be inserted in the New Haven Bill.

Owing to the high prices of provision, strikes were threatened by the working men.

Sept. 23rd.-The Band of the 13th Hussars had given two concerts at the Victoria Gardens.

Sept. 30th.-Herring was selling at from 23 to 25 per last.

Oct. 7th.-Mr. W. J. Foreman had been declared a duly elected Guardian for the St. George's Ward, but nothing had yet transpired as to the result of the pet.i.tions against Messrs. Shuckford and Diver.

A ball in honour of the French and English steamers now in the port, had been given in the a.s.sembly Rooms. Among those present were the Mayor, Mayoress and Miss Steward, Major and Mrs. Orde and party, Captain and Mrs. Cubitt, the Misses Cubitt, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Palmer and Miss Tapp, Mrs. Gott, the Misses Gott and party, Miss Maitland, Mrs. and Miss Seppings, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. L. Preston, Miss Preston, the Misses Larkman, Mr. and Mrs. Gosnall, Miss Pearson, Miss Poole, Mr. and Mrs. J.

Brown, Mr. F. Danby and Miss Palmer, the officers of the English and French s.h.i.+ps, Mr. A. Steward, Mr. T. M. Baker, Mr. E. S. Preston, Mr.

Frere, Mr. W. Danby-Palmer, Mr. M. Waters, Mr. T. B. Steward, &c.

A large ferry boat, while delivering ice to a smack in the roads, had been upset, but fortunately none of the men in her had been drowned.

Oct. 1st.-Albert Hensman had been killed by Henrich Erenschinsen at the City of London tavern.

Oct. 21st.-The Poor Law Inquiry had been resumed, and was proceeding at the Tolhouse before Sir J. Walsham.

Prime herring was fetching 35 per last.

Oct. 25th.-There had been a heavy gale from the N.E.

Oct. 28th.-One hundred and thirty young persons had been confirmed by the Bishop of Norwich.

Nov. 1st.-It was reported that 21 lives had been lost in the recent gale.

Nov. 4th.-There had only been contests in the Nelson Ward, where Mr. de Caux opposed the re-election of Messrs. Bartram and Barber (Libs.), and in the St. Andrew's Ward, where Mr. Downing opposed the re-election of Messrs. Preston and Teasdel (Cons.), but in both cases the "opposition proved fruitless."

Sixteen and a half lasts of fish delivered from the "Ethelbert," (Messrs.

Smith and Son) had realised 377 14s., and 8 lasts from the "Secret" had made 182 15s. 3d.

Nov. 11th.-At the Council Meeting on the 9th, Mr. F. Wors.h.i.+p proposed, and Mr. C. Woolverton seconded, Mr. C. C. Aldred as Mayor, who upon his election left the Court with Mr. Steward in order to be invested with the robe and chain, when "considerable surprise was manifested" at Mr.

Steward declining to return to the Council Chamber with the newly-elected Mayor.

Nov. 18th.-The demand for herring continued very great, and prices ranged up to 28 per last.

Mr. Neave had been declared to be elected a Guardian (in the place of Mr.

Shuckford) by the Poor Law Board.

Nov. 25th.-The Rifle Volunteer Shooting prizes had been presented (the Mayor presiding) at the Town Hall.

The Ladies' Challenge Cup was on this occasion handed over to Private Pestell.

B. Fenn, Esq., (one of the Justices, and formerly an Alderman of the Borough) had died at the age of 73 years.

Dec. 6th.-J. T. Birch, Esq., had presided for the last time as Judge of the Yarmouth County Court, having exchanged that appointment with J.

Worlledge, Esq. (the Judge of the Suffolk Courts), for part of his district.

Dec. 13th.-The cattle plague had attacked the cows in Mr. Fox's and Mr.

Thacker's dairies.

Dec. 20th.-It had been determined to lodge a pet.i.tion against the return of Sir E. H. K. Lacon and Mr. Goodson on the ground of "gross bribery and corruption."

Dec. 23rd.-An Art Exhibition was being held at the Town Hall, where J.

Owles, Esq's. china was much admired.

Dec. 30th.-There had been a meeting of farmers to consider a proposed Cattle Plague Rate of 2d. in the .

_N.B.-The file for the Year_ 1866 _is missing_.


Jan. 2nd.-An attack had been made upon the Recorder (N. Palmer, Esq.), whose ill-health had caused his absence from the Quarter Sessions, by Messrs. R. Steward and C. C. Aldred, and the Mayor (Mr. E. P. Youell) by his casting vote, gave effect to this action.

David Falcke, Esq., had died; his widow had sent 5 for the poor of the town.

Jan. 12th.-The "South-end Mission," which had been erected at a cost of 500, had been opened: the Corporation attended this ceremony.

Jan. 16th.-The attempt to deprive Mr. Palmer of the Recorders.h.i.+p was "strongly condemned," and it was believed that the Secretary of State would not entertain the Magistrates' application.

Jan. 19th.-This proved to be true, and the Mayor (Mr. E. P. Youell) had been considerably snubbed by that official in his reply to the letter forwarded by him.

There had been heavy gales; much damage sustained by the s.h.i.+pping; the Railway traffic had been impeded by the snowdrifts.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 75 summary

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