Yarmouth Notes Part 76

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Jan. 26th.-A meeting had been held to relieve the distress of the poor, when 289 was raised in the room.

Dr. Moxon had presided at the anniversary meeting of the "Sir Edmund Lacon" Lodge, N.I.O.F., held at the Volunteer tavern.

Feb. 23rd.-The Corporation had held a meeting for the purpose of electing two Haven Commissioners under the recently pa.s.sed Haven Act, when the voting was-

For Mr. Charles Cory (Town-clerk) 25 ,, ,, Robert Steward 24 ,, ,, E. H. L. Preston 22

Mr. Preston thus losing his seat on the Board, and that gentleman, after regretting that Mr. Youell, (the Mayor) and others should have "put such an insult upon him," stated "that he severed himself from such a disgraceful party."

Feb. 27th.-Mr. Rumbold had been unanimously elected (in the place of Harbert retired), one of the relieving officers.

March 2nd.-The Norfolk and Suffolk Building Society had held a meeting at the Oddfellows'-hall, Gorleston, when Mr. W. J. Brand presided, and addresses were delivered by Messrs. F. Palmer, L. Blake, J. F. Neave, Ling, Sacret, and W. S. Page.

On the revision of the Proxy Book, Mr. C. Diver had appeared for the Conservatives and Mr. F. Danby-Palmer for the Liberals.

Mr. Copeman, of Long Stratton, had purchased No. 4, South-quay, (the Elizabethan mansion restored by the late John Danby-Palmer, Esq.), for 1,150 and 60 for fixtures.

Eighteen hundred and sixty-seven changes had been rung on St. Nicholas'

bells on the 1st and 2nd inst., by the Parish ringers.

March 6th.-The proposal of the Government to disfranchise the Borough was the subject of general comment.

W. H. Bessey, Esq., J.P. and Town Councillor, had died in his 68th year.

March 9th.-The Town Council had adopted a pet.i.tion to Parliament deprecating the proposed disfranchis.e.m.e.nt of the Borough.

Lord Bury (accompanied by Mr. F. Danby-Palmer) was sounding the const.i.tuency of East Norfolk with a view to contesting the division upon the next vacancy.

The seat on the newly constructed Haven Board held by the s.h.i.+powners had been contested with the following result:-

For Mr. Watling 191 Mr. Scott 91

And the former was consequently elected.

March 13th.-The Conservative electors had met at the "Star" (W. Wors.h.i.+p, Esq., in the chair), and proposed, if disfranchis.e.m.e.nt could be avoided, a compromise as to the future representation of the Borough.

March 16th.-The Liberals had also held a meeting at the "Angel," when the majority of those present repudiated the suggested compromise; Mr. R.

Hammond (chairman), Mr. J. Clowes, Mr. J. Lawn, Mr. R. Barber, Mr. J.

Garratt, Mr. L. Blake, Mr. J. W. de Caux, Mr. W. Livingston, Sir Thomas Beevor, and Mr. J. Scott took part in this discussion.

April 6th.-There had been a "Magisterial field-day" for the appointment of Overseers, when the following Justices were present:-Conservatives-The Mayor and Messrs. R. Steward, C. C. Aldred, J. Fenn, B. Jay, J. C. Smith, J. C. Clark, and F. Wors.h.i.+p; and Liberals-Messrs. R. Hammond, P. Pullyn, F. Palmer, J. Owles and J. Scott. The Tory nominees were appointed after a warm altercation, in which Mr. Steward, Mr. Hammond, Mr. Palmer and Mr.

Aldred took prominent parts.

The following Guardians had been elected:-

_North Ward_: Messrs. S. Nightingale, J. T. Buston, and J. F. Neave.

_Market Ward_: Messrs. W. Laws, C. C. Aldred, and J. Rivett.

_Regent Ward_: Messrs. W. Wors.h.i.+p, R. D. Barber, and C. Diver.

_St. George's Ward_: Messrs. W. T. Foreman, C. Moore, and E. Stagg.

_Nelson Ward_: Messrs. G. W. Moore, J. Clowes, C. Woolverton, and H. H.


The following tenders had been accepted for the new Fish Wharves:-Bricklaying. Norfor, 533; masonry, Bartram, 1,780; paviour, Chappel, 1,866 7s. 1d.; slater, Dawber, 530; carpenter, Norfor, 1,820; smith, Barnes, 700; plumber, Wright, 600; total, 7,899 7s. 1d.

April 24th.-Messrs. Spence, Everard, Moore, Fenner, Veale, Neave, Harrison, Douglas and Silvers had been upset on Ormesby Broad and narrowly escaped drowning.

April 27th.-The bell-ringers had "struck," owing to their not being allowed to ring a peal on the occasion of a marriage which took place in Pa.s.sion week.

May 4th.-The East Norfolk Militia had been inspected by Colonel Ross, and the Officers had given a ball at the Town Hall.

May 11th.-Some Races, called "The Spring Meeting," had been held on the Denes under the management of Messrs. D. R. Fowler, E. Stagg, A. Watling, C. Steward, J. T. Savage, and H. Crowe, Mr. Cufaude acting as judge and Mr W. Crowe as starter.

May 22nd.-Mr. Edmond Beales had attended a Reform Demonstration held on the Hall Quay, when the Rev. Sh.e.l.ley occupied the chair.

May 29th.-The first stone of the Volunteer Drill Hall (Ensign F.

Danby-Palmer, hon. secretary) had been laid by the Mayor (Captain Youell), after the Rev. B. Vaux had offered up a prayer. Major Orde and Lord Suffield then addressed the corps, which fired several volleys, the band playing "G.o.d Save the Queen."

The Ringers being still "on strike," the Church bells were silent on this occasion.

June 5th.-The House of Commons had pa.s.sed the clause disfranchising the Borough.

A halibut had been caught by one of the fis.h.i.+ng craft, measuring 6 feet long, 30 inches broad, and weighing 161 lbs.

June 8th.-The marriage of Joseph Tomlinson, Esq., to Miss Ellen Larkman, had been celebrated, with much rejoicing, at Belton Church.

June 12th.-There had been an alarming fire on Mr. Barnes' and Mr. Gooda's premises at Southtown.

June 29th.-And another fire at Gorleston on Mr. Kemp's premises, where the damage was estimated at from 1,200 to 1,500.

Captain Smyth, R.N. (Pier Master) had been granted a Greenwich Hospital out-pension of 65 a year.

July 6th.-Bro. William Danby-Palmer had been installed W.M. of Lodge "United Friends" 313, and during the subsequent banquet at the Star Hotel, the band of the Rifle Volunteers had performed on the "leads."

E. H. L. Preston, Esq., had been nominated a Knight of the Belgian Order of Leopold.

July 13th.-The "Hermit" (smack) had been launched for Mr. H. K. Swann, from Mr. Ambrose J. Palmer's yard.

July 24th.-Mr. I. Preston, jun., acted as secretary at the "Water Frolic"

(vice Tomlinson resigned), when the following yachts competed:-"Spray," 8 tons, F. Foster, Esq.; "Iris," 7, Messrs. Harrison and Veale; "Fleur-de-Lis," 5, P. Gandy, Esq.; "Fleetwing," 9, Messrs. Hart and Asker; "Warrior," 9, H. K. Thompson, Esq.; "Blue Bell," 6, J. E. Preston, Esq.; "Syren," 4, Press Bros.; "Vixen," 10, P. S. Millard, Esq.; and "Enchantress," 10, H. H. Barber, Esq. The "Blue Bell" won.

Aug. 3rd.-At the Regatta, the "Red Rover" declined to try conclusions with the "Satanella" and the "Eva," the former of which yachts won the prize.

Only three yawls competed with the following results:-

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Yarmouth Notes Part 76 summary

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