Yarmouth Notes Part 78

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April 22nd.-Large numbers of codling, plaice, and whiting were being taken in the near the Acle New Road. It was supposed that these salt-water fish were left there by the floods of the previous December, when the Breydon Wall had been broken.

May 2nd.-The "Everette" had foundered at her anchors in the Roads.

The Fish Wharf was to be extended 1,100 feet, for which work Mr.

Parmenter's tender of 1,375 had been accepted.

May 23rd.-The property "without the Walls" had been for the first time a.s.sessed to the land tax.

May 27th.-The Queen's Birthday had been observed as a general holiday, and a salute of 21 guns fired from the South Battery by the Norfolk Artillery Militia, under the command of Colonel Lord Suffield.

May 30th,-That Regiment had been inspected by Colonel Knox.

June 6th.-Mr. Shuckford, Master of the Workhouse, had died.

June 10th.-A meeting, convened by Messrs. O. Diver and H. Brand, had been held for the purpose of organising an opposition Steam-packet Service.

June 27th.-The following had taken part in an Amateur performance at the Regent Hall for the benefit of the Hospital:-Miss Lawes, Miss T. Lawes, Messrs. Colley, Meadows, Lawes, Cattermole, Fenn, Watson, G.o.dfrey, Cooke, Spence, H. Baker, J. Franklin, and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Young.

July 4th.-Mr. and Mrs. Blyth had been elected Master and Matron of the Workhouse.

The British Medical a.s.sociation had held a meeting at the Town Hall, Dr.

Vores in the chair; the following Yarmouth medical men were also present:-Dr. Macleod, R.N., Dr. Smyth, and Messrs. J. C. Smith, Frederick Palmer, Charles Palmer, D. Meadows, T. Moxon, R. R. B. Norman, Bately and C. B. Rose.

July 11th.-Fifty thousand mackerel had been landed in one day and sold at from 10s. to 12s. per 120.

July 22nd.-Messrs. E. R. Wodehouse and R. T. Gurdon had been accepted as Liberal, and Sir E. H. K. Lacon and Major Walpole as Tory, candidates for the then newly-const.i.tuted division of North Norfolk.

Messrs. C. Woolverton, E. R. Aldred, C. E. Bartram, and R. D. Barber had been "secretly" appointed Justices by the Lord Chancellor.

July 30th.-Contains the following as to the coming contest:-"The Liberal candidates are announced to address the electors at the Angel Hotel, Market Place, on Wednesday evening next. Mr. Wodehouse arrived on last, and there is little doubt of both the candidates receiving an enthusiastic welcome on their first public appearance before the Liberal portion of the const.i.tuency. The selection of Messrs. Wodehouse and Gurdon for the Northern Division of the County has been regarded with general satisfaction here, even among Liberals of the more advanced school of politics, and the coming contest promises to see the Liberal party of this borough thoroughly united and more than usually perfect in its electoral organisation."

Aug. 1st.-The Liberal electors had been addressed by their candidates in the Long Room, Angel Hotel, J. Clowes, Esq., presiding, and among those present were Sir T. Beevor, Bart., Messrs. J. Scott, F. Palmer, P.

Pullyn, C. E. Bartram, H. Brand, W. T. Fisher, Revs. Sh.e.l.ley, Tritton, &c.

Mr. Simmons had made a successful balloon ascent from the Victoria Gardens.

Aug. 5th.-The Tories had held a meeting at the "Star," E. H. L. Preston, Esq., in the chair, and amongst those present were Messrs. T. Brightwen, I. Preston, W. Holt, E. H. H. Combe, C. Diver, Captain Dods, J. C. Smith, W. J. Foreman, G. S. s.h.i.+ngles, R. Gorell, T. George, B. Dumbleton, J. T.

Bracey, J. Bracey, F. Ferrier, H. Cowl, B. Jay, C. Preston, E. Stagg, T.

Todd, T. W. Doughty, J. Bunn, J. Cooper, J. Buston, J. G. Ellis, G. Beck, E. Boult, W. Mabson, J. H. Bly, T. C. Foreman, Burgess, &c., &c.

Aug. 8th.-At the Regatta the "Ariel" (T. M. Read), won the prize for schooner yachts, and the "Red Rover" (Nightingale) and the "Belvidere"

(H. Teasdel), the other yacht prizes. Mr. I. Preston acted as secretary, Messrs. J. Clowes and Petts as umpires, Mr. F. Harmer as starter, and Mr.

J. Cobb as time-keeper on this occasion.

Aug. 19th.-Gorleston had been made one of the polling places for East Suffolk.

Aug. 29th.-The Races had been held, the Stewards being the Mayor (W.

Wors.h.i.+p, Esq.), Lord Hastings, Baron Rothschild, J. Goodson, Esq., M.P., and F. Barne, Esq.

Sep. 5th.-A number of persons had been victimized by the advertis.e.m.e.nt of a "Trip to Cromer by Steamer," which was to call for them at the Jetty; no steamboat, however, appeared, and the promoters ran off with the pa.s.sengers' fares.

Sep. 12th.-Messrs. Wodehouse and Gurdon, with Mr. McCullagh Torrens, M.P., had addressed the electors from the Angel Hotel; amongst those present were Sir Thomas Beevor, Bart., and Messrs. J. J. Colman, R.

Hammond, Bircham, Rev. Sh.e.l.ley, J. Scott, J. Clowes, C. E. Bartram, F.

Palmer, F. Danby-Palmer, J. Mainprice, G. Blake, L. Blake, S. C. Blake, J. Fellows, A. Davie, W. T. Fisher, S. Page, J. Humphries, D. R. Fowler, W. J. Brand, W. Livingston, &c., &c.

Sep. 19th.-Dr. Abdy had held the County Revision Court at the Tolhouse, when Mr. I. O. Howard Taylor and Mr. F. Danby-Palmer appeared for the Liberals and Mr. C. Diver for the Conservatives.

Sept. 23rd.-The Liberals claimed a gain of 81 on the revision, and it was stated "that great credit was due to the Liberal agents, Messrs. I. O.

Taylor (Norwich) and F. Danby-Palmer (Yarmouth) for the care bestowed in preparing the claim and objection lists."

Sept. 26th.-The B Battery of the C Brigade, R.H.A., under Colonel Bishop, had arrived at the Southtown Barracks; it was composed of 180 men, with 140 horses, and six nine-pound Armstrong guns.

The "Sultana" (brig of 301 tons) had been launched from Messrs. Fellows'

yard for Messrs. Stone and Company.

Oct. 7th.-The Mayor, with Messrs. W. T. Fisher and R. B. Ellis as a.s.sessors, had held the Revision Court at the Tolhouse, when Mr. F. Danby-Palmer appeared for the Liberals and Mr. C. Diver for the Conservatives.

Oct. 10th.-The following were the retiring Councillors:-North Ward: Messrs. J. Mainprice and J. H. Bly. Market Ward: Messrs. F. Wors.h.i.+p and C. C. Aldred. Regent Ward: Messrs. C. B. Rose and E. Stagg. St.

George's Ward: Messrs. J. C. Smith and J. Scott. Nelson Ward: Messrs. C.

E. Bartram and H. H. Barber. St. Andrew's Ward: Messrs. E. H. L. Preston and H. Teasdel.

Oct. 17th.-A vestry meeting had been held with a view to the removal of the organ from the west end of St. Nicholas' Church, the Rev. H. Nevill presided, and Messrs. E. H. Preston, W. Mabson, C. S. D. Steward, R.

Hammond, and C. Cory took part in the proceedings.

There was a glut of herring, and prices "ruled low."

Oct. 21st.-This state of affairs continued, and prices only averaged from 7 to 8 per last.

Oct. 28th.-There had been heavy gales, with loss of life at sea, which had interrupted the fis.h.i.+ng.

Nov. 4th.-James Coleby had escaped from the Borough Gaol.

The polling in the contested Wards had terminated as follows:-

_Regent Ward_.

E. Stagg (Con.) 177 J. Burton (Con) 128 T. Todd (Ind.) 92 _Market Ward_.

C. C. Aldred (Con.) 174 E. Fyson (Con.) 158 J. F. Neave (Lib.) 133 J. G. Overend (Lib.) 119 _St. Andrew's Ward_.

J. P. Baumgartner (Lib.) 276 F. Dendy (Lib.) 274 H. Teasdel (Con.) 173 R. Dumbleton (Con.) 176

The Liberals thus gaining two seats at Gorleston.

Nov. 7th.-Mr. Lane (Rate Collector) and Mr. R. Page (Bill poster), had been before the Justices in consequence of a row arising out of the election.

Nov. 14th.-At the Council meeting, S. Nightingale, Esq., had been on the motion of Mr. C. C. Aldred, seconded by Mr. Woolverton, elected Mayor.

And Mr. H. Teasdel (the recently defeated candidate at Southtown) was appointed an Alderman in the place of Mr. John Brown.

Nov. 18th.-There had been heavy gales from the N.N.W., and a schooner had been driven through the Britannia Pier.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 78 summary

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