Yarmouth Notes Part 86

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Mr. John Garratt (L) 418 Mr. Tyrrell (C) 168 Majority 250

The marriage of Miss Watling (only daughter of Robert S. Watling, Esq.) and Mr. Samuel Nightingale (nephew of Samuel Nightingale, Esq.) had been celebrated "amid great rejoicing."

July 6th.-The late Mr. E. Fyson had left legacies of 250 each to the Sailors' Home and the Hospital.

The new organ at St. Mary's, Southtown, was estimated to cost 250.

Mural paintings had been discovered in Gorleston Church.

July 13th.-A ghost was reported to be frequenting the Churchyard; upwards of 1,000 persons attended at one time to see it.

July 20th.-It was stated that in the year 1871, 19,781 lasts of fish, weighing 39,562 tons, had been conveyed by rail from Yarmouth.

Coal had advanced to 32s. per ton.

Mr. Palmer had returned from his cruise along the Dutch coast in the yacht "Oasis."

July 31st.-The men at Lacon's Brewery had struck for and obtained an advance of 3s. a week in their wages.

Aug. 10th.-The observance of the Bank Holiday Act had resulted in an "enormous influx" of excursionists.

Aug. 17th.-Messrs. Fellows, Dendy, and Spelman had been appointed Borough Justices.

The following had been the result of the polling for a Guardian to supply the place of the late Mr. Scott in St. George's Ward:-

Mr. T. Green (L) 401 Mr. S. K. Smith (C) 281 Mr. T. C. Foreman (N) 126

Aug. 21st.-The Mayor (E. H. L. Preston, Esq.,) had died in the 66th year of his age.

Aug. 31st.-Mr. C. Woolverton had, on the motion of Mr. Wors.h.i.+p, seconded by Mr. Bunn, been elected Mayor for the residue of the year of office in the place of the late Mr. Preston deceased.

Aug. 31st.-The Channel Fleet-consisting of the "Achilles," flags.h.i.+p of Rear-Admiral Randolph, C.B., (Captain Hamilton), 6,121 tons, 1,250 horse power, 26 guns; "Hector," (Captain Cochran), 4,019 tons, 800 horse power, 18 guns; "Penelope," (Captain Wake), 3,096 tons, 600 horse power, 11 guns; "Audacious," (Captain Hope), 3,774 tons, 800 horse power, 14 guns; "Vanguard," (Captain Spain), 3,774 tons, 800 horse power, 14 guns; "Black Prince," (Captain Lacey), 6,109 tons, 1,125 horse power, 28 guns; "Resistance" (Captain Montgomery), 3,710 tons, 600 horse power, 16 guns; "Favorite," (Captain Ross), 2,094 tons, 400 horse power, 10 guns-had arrived in the Roads. The Artillery Volunteers fired a salute of 13 guns from the South Battery in honour of the Fleet, and the Mayor, accompanied by Messrs. J. E. Barnby, W. Mabson, H. Teasdel, T. W. Attwood, C. Diver, R. Dumbleton, T. Todd, Major Orde, F. Danby-Palmer, F. Ferrier, Admiral Smyth, C. E. Nuthall, J. Tomlinson, J. Bracey, W. Laws, H. Hammond, Geo.

Watson, and E. H. H. Combe, had visited the flags.h.i.+p.

Sept. 4th.-Records the departure of the Fleet.

Sept. 11th.-The first Election under the Ballot Act had been held. This took place in the North Ward, upon the decease of the Mayor, and resulted in the return of the Conservative candidate, the numbers being for

Mr. Skoulding (C.) 434 Mr. H. Blyth (L.). 190

Thus, upon a register of some 1,300 voters, only 629 persons polled.

Sept. 14th.-Mr. Bunn had been elected a Haven Commissioner by the Council in the place of the late Mr. Preston.

Gas had been increased from 4s. to 5s. per 1000 feet "owing to the increased cost of coal and labour."

Oct. 5th.-Mr. Leach's oil and lamp shop and warehouse in the Market Place had been destroyed by fire. Mr. Leach's stock alone thus burnt was valued at 1,000; the house belonging to Mrs. Ellis; both these items were, however, covered by insurance.

Oct. 12th.-The fish merchants were urging their grievances against the Railway Company.

Oct. 16th.-The first rail of the tramway on the Southtown Road had been laid and fixed by Sir E. H. K. Lacon, Bart., M.P.

In the evening a dinner had been given at the Town Hall in connection with the ceremony. Jas. Goodson, Esq., presided, and there were also present-the Mayor, the Recorder, the Mayor of Beccles, Captain Penrice, C.B., Mr. Garnham and Mr. Cotching (Directors of the Tramway Company) and Messrs. E. P. Youell, E. H. H. Combe, W. H. Chambers, R. H. Harmer, H. B.

Rathbone, Browne, F. Danby-Palmer, J. Hudspith, Jewson, Fox, Underwood, Geard, Brooks, Harrison, G. Billington, Davidson, Cooke, J. H. Bly, Bales, Light, C. J. Palmer, H. Martin, H. Fenn, d.i.c.kson, Brown, junr., J.

W. c.o.c.krill, May, Filby, J. Thomas, Leathes, A. Nelson, H. Catton, s.h.i.+pley, &c.

The town had been visited by a heavy gale from the S.W.

Oct. 26th.-Coal was reduced in price from 34s. to 27s. per ton.

Prices for herring had ruled from 7 to 13 for salted, and from 8 to 20 for fresh fish; 3,454 lasts had been landed.

Nov. 2nd.-Mr. J. Owles' collection of china had been sold in 1,800 lots.

Nov. 6th.-The Election had resulted as follows:-

_North Ward_.

Nightingale, (C) 558 Skoulding, (C) 503 Livingston, (L) 240 Woodger, (L) 200 Foreman, (N) 18 _Market Ward_.

Barnby, (C) 258 Martins, (C) 216 Reeder, (L) 99 Lawn, (L) 53 Tyrrell, (C) 53 _Regent Ward_.

Burton, (L) 213 Blake, (L) 186 George, (C) 181 Wright, (C) 173 _St. George's Ward_.

Foreman, (C) 276 de Caux, (L) 257 Wilts.h.i.+re, (C) 241 Green, (L) 220 _Nelson Ward_.

Bracey, (C) 613 Veale, (C) 538 Palmer, (L) 375 Clowes, (L) 306 _St. Andrew's Ward_.

Gooda, (C), and Attwood, (L), unopposed.

Subsequently a meeting of Liberals was held in the Regent-ward to congratulate Messrs. Burton and Blake upon their "victory" there. Mr.

Lovewell Blake (chairman), and Messrs. F. Palmer, J. Woodger, J. F.

Neave, T. Green, Frank Burton, and J. H. Norman took part in this proceeding.

Nov. 10th.-Upon the motion of Mr. E. P. Youell, seconded by Mr J. T.

Bracey, Mr. C. Woolverton had been elected Mayor of the Borough. The following were at that time the Ward Aldermen:-North, William Mabson; Market, W. Laws; Regent, William Danby-Palmer; St. George's, G. S.

s.h.i.+ngles; Nelson, H. R. Harmer; St. Andrews', R. Purdy.

Nov. 16th.-Mr. William Wors.h.i.+p had been injured in an accident which had happened on the Great Eastern line near Kelvedon.

Nov. 30th.-Mr. A. E. Cowl had pa.s.sed the Legal Examination.

Dec. 4th.-A Mrs. Harvey had died at Rollesby at the age of 104 years.

A very heavy gale, almost rivalling that of 1860, had visited this coast.

The following Income Tax Commissioners had been nominated:-The Mayor, and Messrs. S. C. Burton, E. P. Youell, W. Mabson, F. Danby-Palmer, J. W. de Caux, and J. T. Bracey.

Dec. 18th.-Garson Blake, Esq. had been appointed Belgian Consul in succession to the late Mr. Preston.

Dec. 28th.-The following gentlemen then held commissions in the Rifle Volunteers:-Major, James Henry Orde; Captains, William Holt, W. P. P.

Matthews, A. J. Palmer, and G. W. Moore; Lieutenants, S. Aldred, C.

Diver, B. Wilson, W. H. Palmer, and H. E. Buxton; Ensigns, F.

Danby-Palmer, J. T. Clarke, W. Brown, and R. Stanier; Adjutant, F. A.

Cubitt; Surgeon, W. E. Wyllys; Chaplain, H. R. Nevill; Quarter-Master, T.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 86 summary

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