Yarmouth Notes Part 9

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Feb. 23rd.-Mr. Kay, a.s.sistant Poor Law Commissioner, had been down with a view to bringing the Town under the Poor Law Amendment Act.

March 23rd.-The "Export Merchants" had given a dinner to their friends at the Star Hotel, when George Danby Palmer, Esq., presided.

March 30th.-At the Vestry meeting the paris.h.i.+oners claimed and exercised the right of electing both Churchwardens.

April 6th.-The nomination for the first Board of Guardians (N. Palmer, Esq., acting as Returning Officer) had been sent in. The following gentlemen were elected:-Messrs. John Brightwen, H. V. Wors.h.i.+p, S. V.

Moore, S. Miller, jun., E. N. Clowes, W. Chambers, J. Fish, G. Harley, S.

Cobb, R. P. Kemp, S. Palmer, and W. Grave.

April 20th.-The following officers were elected by the Board:-R. P. Kemp, Chairman; S. Cobb, Vice-Chairman; J. L. Cufaude, Clerk; D. Turner, Treasurer; B. L. Love, Auditor; Harry Wors.h.i.+p and Joseph Bayly, Registrars; Charles Bell and Henry Palmer, Joint Superintendent Registrars; and - Kemp, Governor of the Workhouse.

May 4th.-The Guardians had fixed the site for the new Workhouse on the North Denes.

May 11th.-Mr. Harry Wors.h.i.+p and Mr. J. Bayly had been elected parish surgeons.

May 18th.-Mackerel were selling at 2 14s. per hundred.

May 25th.-The inhabitants had voted an address to the Princess Victoria.

June 22nd.-The paper appears in mourning for the King. It contained a notice that "The proclamation of Her Majesty the Queen was to be made to-morrow" (_i.e._, on 21st June.)

June 29th.-Mr. Baring had given 25 to the Methodist Chapel.

The Queen had been proclaimed by the Mayor "in front of the Hall" and at other places in the town.

Kerrison Kerrison, Esq., son of M. Kerrison, Esq., of Ranworth, had been drowned while bathing from the beach.

July 13th.-S. Palmer, Esq., had called a meeting at his own house to consider the question of selecting candidates for the representation of the Borough, when Mr. Rumbold and Mr. Wilts.h.i.+re were introduced to the electors.

July 29th.-The election is reported, when Mr. Baring was proposed and seconded by Messrs. Ambrose Palmer and Richard Ferrier; Mr. Rumbold by Sir George Parker and Mr. Brightwen; Mr. Gambier by Mr. J. Penrice and Mr. J. E. Lacon; and Mr. Wilshere by Mr. Robert Palmer Kemp and Mr. B. U.


The poll closed-

Rumbold 790 Wilshere 779 Baring 699 Gambier 685

August 24th.-The Races had been held, Mr. Wilshere, M.P., staying with Mr. S. Palmer, while Mr. Rumbold, M.P., was at the Mayor's house.

Sept. 7th.-First meeting of the "Reform" Magistrates for the purpose of granting licences; present-The Mayor, Dr. Penrice, G. Danby Palmer, S.

Cobb, Charles Nicholls, and William Hammond, Esqs., and "the first step taken towards breaking up the monopoly which had hitherto been enjoyed by brewers and spirit merchants."

Sept. 14th.-The "Foxhound" (Captain Betts), belonging to G. Danby Palmer, Esq., had sailed with 1,250 barrels of herrings for Venice.

The schooner "Wilshere" had been launched from Messrs. Fellows' yard for Messrs. Barker and Stone, who entertained their friends on the occasion at the Star Hotel.

Sept. 21st.-21 had been voted for pulling down the Pudding Gates.

Sept. 28th.-The Lord Bishop had held a confirmation, and received an address from the Corporation at the Guild Hall.

Oct. 5th.-The Reformers claimed a gain of 56 at the Revision Court.

The "Parroch Hall," a fine s.h.i.+p of 450 tons, had been launched from Mr.

I. Preston's yard.

Oct. 26th.-Joseph Bonaparte, ex-King of Spain, had visited the town.

The "Tantivy," schooner had been launched from Messrs. Fellows' yard.

Nov. 2nd.-The Liberal candidates had been re-elected in all the Wards without opposition.

Nov. 9th.-Dr. Penrice was elected Mayor, after a ballot, by 20 votes, as against 14 votes given for Mr. S. Cobb; Samuel Jay, Esq., was elected an Alderman in the place of Mr. Wall.

Nov. 23rd.-Mr. Joseph Fiddes, James N. Sherrington, and James Raven had been elected Commissioners of the Borough Court of Requests.

The "Harlequin," 350 tons burthen, had been launched from Mr. L Preston's yard.

Dec. 7th.-The Tories had pet.i.tioned against the return of the sitting members, but had suggested a compromise, which had been "rejected with the ridicule it deserved."

Mr. Joseph Bayly had been elected a Councillor for St. George's Ward.

Dec. 21st.-Mr. William Danby Palmer had been elected a Councillor for St.

Andrew's Ward, in the place of Mr. Dowson, deceased.

Dee. 28th.-A Temperance sermon had been preached by the Rev. T. Clowes from I. Cor., viii., 8, 13.

The weather had been remarkably mild, warmer than it was often in May and June.


April 19th.-Winter had come again, and the frost had blocked up several pumps. The nights were extremely dark, and great complaints had been made by inhabitants of the total absence of lights in the streets.

Coaches had been engaged to take up the Tory witnesses for the hearing of the election pet.i.tion, while the Whigs were going to London by the "Ailsa Craig" steam packet.

April 26th.-The following Committee had been struck for the hearing of such pet.i.tion:-The Hon. E. Grimshaw, Charles Rushout, H. Thomas, E.

Baker, W. C. Brodie, J. C. Holmes, and J. Bailey (Tories), and J. E.

Vivian, R. W. Hunt Lord M. Hill, and the Hon. George Byng (Whigs).

May 3rd.-This Committee had come to the resolution-That C. E. Rumbold and W. Wilshere, Esqs., are duly elected, but that the pet.i.tion was not frivolous or vexatious.

May 10th.-This decision appears to have been the result of an arrangement made by a few gentlemen of the Whig and Tory parties, that one of the members (it is believed Mr. Wilshere) would accept the Chiltern Hundreds at the end of the present Session of Parliament. It was believed in that event Mr. Baring would be opposed. It is stated that "of late our members have not reposed on a bed of roses."

May 17th.-The schooner "Stamboul" had been launched from Messrs. A.

Palmer and Son's yard.

May 24th.-A suggestion appears to found a Dispensary in Yarmouth and that the Council fund should be applied towards this end. This fund then consisted of 2,500, and was formed by the contributions of each Alderman of 10 and each Common Councilman 5 on his election.

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Yarmouth Notes Part 9 summary

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