General Gatacre Part 32

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Baird, Captain A. McD.: killed during siege of Chitral, 1895, 141

Bannu: letter written from, by W.F.G. while on tour, 1887, 67

Barnardiston, Col. N. W., M.V.O., adjutant to 77th Regt.: recollections of, 55-9

Battye, Col. L. R., 5th Goorkhas, killed near Oghi, 1888, 73

Beluohistan. See Quetta, Fort Sandeman, etc.

Bengough, Maj.-Gen. Sir Harcourt, K.C.B., late Middles.e.x Regt.: recollections of, 15

Bethulie Bridge: saved by scouts of Third Division, 241 removal of explosives by W. F. G. and Lieut. Grant, R. E., March, 1900, 241

Black Mountain Expedition, or Hazara Field Force, 1888, 72-81 Tribes: historical sketch of, 71-2

Bloemfontein, O.F.S.: occupied by F.-M. Lord Roberts, March, 1900, 240 garrison of, April 1900, 249 W. F. G. proceeds to, for interview of, April 2, 1900, 254

Bolan-Mushkaf Railroad: first mail train Nov. 30, 1896, 160

Bombay: W. F. G. commands mil. district, 1894-7, 110-26 testimonials by citizens of, 182

Boots: unsatisfactory nature of, Egypt, 1898, 190

Brabant, Maj.-Gen. Sir E. Y., K.C.B., commanding Colonial Corps, South Africa, 1899-1900, 240 headquarters of, at Aliwal North, 244 his detachment at Wepener to be reinforced, March 1900, 250 sends waggons to meet infantry detachments, 258

Broadwood, Maj.-Gen. R. G., C.B., A.D.C.: operations near Thaba' Nchu, 252 at Sannah's Post, 253

Brooke, Bt.-Lieut.-Col. R. G., D.S.O.: Orderly Officer Third Brigade, Chitral Relief Force, 1895, 142 A.D.C. to W. F. G. in Egypt, 1898, 188

Brooke, Robert, of Madeley Court: effigy of, in Claverley Church, 4

Browne, Col. H. L., late 77th Regt, : recollections of, 29

Buffs, the, 1st Batt. East Kent Regt.: form part of Third Brigade Chitral Relief Force, 1895, 129

Buller, Gen. Sir Redvers, V.C., G.C.B., etc: sent to the Cape in command of Army Corps, Oct. 1899, 220 dispositions made on arrival, 221 telegrams sent for W. F. G.'s guidance, 223 suggests night attack, 227 approves unsuccessful attempt on Stormberg, 237 anxious position of, Dec. 1899, 239 relieves Ladysmith, March 1900, 240

Bullets: unsatisfactory nature of, Egypt 1898, 191

Burma, Lower: historical sketch of, 43-4 Upper: under Mindon-min and King Theebaw, 44 annexed by Proclamation, Jan. 1, 1886, 84

Cambridge, H.R.H. the Duke of, K.G., G.C.B., etc.: Memorial Service to, March 22, 1905, 276

Cameron Highlanders: 1st batt. in Egypt, 1898, 187 march on Reddersburg, April 1900, 255

Camp of Exercise, at Bangalore, 1884, 53 at Delhi, 1885-6, 63-4

Cape Colony: W. F. G. sent to rea.s.sure eastern portion of, Oct. 1899, 221 invasion by Boers, Nov. 1899, 224

Channer, Lt.-Gen., V.C., C.B.; commanding No. 1 Column, Hazara Field Force, 1888, 75 occupies Thakot, 80

Chapman, Gen. Sir Edward, K.C.B.: Q.M.G. India, 1885-9, 64

Chermside, Hon. Lt.-Gen. Sir H. C., G.C.M.G., K.C.B., takes over command, of Third Division, South Africa Field Force, 1900, 259

Chitral Relief Force: See Chapter IX., 127-44 W. F. G. to command Third Brigade, March 1895, 128 advance over the Lowari Pa.s.s, 134-40 reaches Chitral Fort, 141

Churchill, the Right Hon. Winston Spencer, author of _The River War_, cited, 202, 209

Clarke, Gen. Sir Charles Mansfield, G.C.B., G.C.V.O.: Director of manoeuvres on Salisbury Plain, 1899, 218

Claverley: church of, ancient tombs therein, 4 Manor of, mentioned in Domesday Book, 1

Clements, Maj.-Gen. R. A. P., C.B., D.S.O.: commanding brigade on Salisbury Plain, 1899, 218 orders given to, _re_ Norval's Pont Bridge, 242

Colchester: headquarters of Eastern District; W. F. G. takes up command, Dec. 1898, 216 departs for South Africa, Oct. 1899, 219 resumes command, May 1900, 262 hands over, Dec. 1903, 271

Colenso: battle of, Dec. 1899, compared with attempt on Stormberg, 236

Colville, Maj.-Gen. Sir Henry, K.C.B., 253

Connaught, H.R.H. the Duke of, K.G., G.C.B., etc.; at Aldershot, 1874, 34

Crosthwaite, Sir Charles, K.C.S.I.: Chief Commissioner, Burma, 1887-90, 87 report on administration by, cited, 90

Dacoity: difficulties of suppression, 85

Decorations worn by W. F. G.: D.S.O., 1889 C.B., 1895 Jubilee, 1897 K.C.B., 1898 Order of the Medjidieh, 2nd cla.s.s, 1898 Kaiser-i-Hind Gold Medal, 1900 Coronation Medal, 1902 War Medals: Indian Frontier, 2 clasps.

Chitral 1895, 1 clasp.

British Soudan.

South Africa, Queen's medal, 2 clasps.

Egyptian Soudan, 2 clasps.

Delhi: Camp of Exercise at, 1884-5, 63-4

Deputy a.s.sistant Quartermaster-General, Aldershot, 1879-80. See Staff Services.

Deputy Quartermaster-General, India, 1885-9. See Staff Services

Derbys.h.i.+re Regt.: with Third Division in South Africa, 1900, 237 called up to headquarters, 245

Dewetsdorp: telegram regarding occupation of, March 1900, 246 geographical position of, 247 party of occupation strengthened, 248 arrival of detachment, 251 anxiety about safety of detachment, 255

Dimmock, Col. H. P., M.D., I.M.S.: recollections of, 1897, 167

Dufferin and Ava, First Marquess of, Viceroy of India, 1885, 63 receives Freedom of the City of Edinburgh, 1898, 215

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General Gatacre Part 32 summary

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