General Gatacre Part 34

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Leach, Col. H. P., C.B., D.S.O.: Mil. Sec. to C.-in-C., Bombay; in railway accident, 1891, 106 with Sir John Hudson, 1893, 107

Leeuwberg Kopje, O.F.S.: batt. of infantry called up to, 1900, 250

Leir-Carleton, Maj.-Gen. R. L.: Master of Staff College Draghounds, 1873-4, 35

Lincolns.h.i.+re Regt., 1st Batt.: in Egypt, 1898, 193

Lorelai, Beluchistan: official visit to, 150 display by 15th Bengal Lancers, 1896, 151 of Col. Gaisford, 152

Low, Gen. Sir Robert, G.C.B.: commanding Chitral Relief Force, 1895, 128 dispatches quoted, 131-2 parade at Chitral, 141

Lowari Pa.s.s: description of, 135

Lyttelton, Gen. Sir Neville, G.C.B., in Egypt, 1898, 208

Magersfontein, battle of: compared with attack on Stormberg, 1899, 236

Mahmoud, Dervish Emir: advance of, 1898, 197 defeat and capture of, 202

Malakand Pa.s.s: action during advance on Chitral, 1895, 128

Mamugai: action during advance on Chitral, 1896, 131

Mandalay: visited by W. F. G. in 1882, 46 W. F. G. officiates in command of brigade, 1889-90, 86-97

Manser, Surgeon-Major Robert: died of plague, 1897, 163

Marris: outrage at Sunari Station, 1896, 155

Maymyo, Upper Burma: W. F. G. makes flying visit to, 1890, 89-90

McQueen, Lieut.-Gen. Sir John, G.C.B.: commanding Hazara Field Force, 1888, 74

Memour Mehined Riad Effendi: Egyptian officer at Gambela, 1906, 280 holds court of inquiry there, 281

Methuen, Gen. Lord, G.C.B., etc.: marches to the relief of Kimberley, 221

Middles.e.x Regt. See Seventy-seventh.

Military Secretary: W.F.G. as. See Staff Services

Nairne, Gen. Sir Charles, G.C.B.: C.-in-C. Bombay Army, 1893-7, 109 telegram of congratulation from, 1896, 148

Napier, Gen. Sir Robert, G.C.B., etc.: Mil. Member of Council, 1862: story of French Eagle, 14

Northumberland Fusiliers: at Stormberg, 1899, 232 M.I. Company sent to Dewetsdorp, 1900, 248

Norval's Pont Bridge: telegram regarding tenure of, 1900, 242

Norwich: Royal visit to, 1900, 265

_Official History of the War in South Africa_, 1899-1902: quoted as under: account of attack on Stormberg, Dec. 1899, 231-3 justification for ditto, 236 _re_ deliberation of Gatacre's movements, 242 telegram ordering occupation of Smithfield, 244 telegram regarding occupation of Dewetsdorp, 246 marginal note _re_ above cited, 247 telegram _re_ movements of units of the Third Division, 248 arrival of detachment at Dewetsdorp, 251 results of action at Sannah's Post, March 31, 1900, 253 cautionary telegram to W. F. G., 256 situation subsequent to Sannah's Post, 259

Omdurman: capture of, Sept. 2, 1898, 209 letter describing same, 209-12

Panjkora River: rescue of Private Hall, 1895, 131

Pembroke Dock: W. F. G. with Depot Batt. there, 1868, 29

Pig-sticking: while Mil. Sec., 1881, 41-2 near Cutch-Bhuj, 1896, 146-8

Pilcher, Maj.-Gen. T. D., C.B.: operations round Ladybrand, 1900, 252

Plague, bubonic, at Bombay, 1897: See Chapter XI., 161-83 total mortality from, 161 cause of Surgeon-Major Manser's death, 163 subject of two anonymous articles by W. F. G., 164 appointment of Plague Committee, 166 policy inst.i.tuted by above, 168 incidents of house-to-house visitation, 171-5 opposition of Sunni Mahommedans, 177 President of Poona Committee shot, 181

Pole-Carew, Lt.-Gen. Sir Reginald, K.C.B., C.V.O.: movements and recommendations of, March 1900, 242

Poona: W. F. G. as Adjutant-General there, 1890-4. See Chapter VII., 98-109 outrage after Queen's birthday dinner, 1897, 181-3

Prendergast, Gen. Sir H. N. D., V.C., G.C.B.: commanding Burmese Division, 1882, 43 commanding Second Division Bangalore Camp of Exercise, 1884, 53 asks for W. F. G. as Special Service Officer, 1885, 61 account of his expedition to Mandalay, 1885, 82-4

Promotions: William Forbes Gatacre: gazetted Ensign 77th Foot, Feb. 18, 1862 Lieutenant 77th Foot, Dec. 23, 1864 Captain 77th Foot, Dec. 7, 1870 Major Middles.e.x Regt., March 23, 1881 Lieut.-Col. Middles.e.x Regt., April 23, 1884 Colonel, April 29, 1886 Colonel substantive, Nov. 25, 1890 Major-General, June 25, 1898 retired March, 1904

Punjab Infantry, 25th Regt.: part of Third Brigade Chitral Relief Force, 1895, 129

Putter's Kraal, C.C.: W. F. G. advances to, Nov. 1899, 225

Quetta: visits while on tour as D.Q.M.G., 1887, 66 W. F. G. officiates in command of District, 1896, 145-60

Rangoon: history of occupation of, 43-4 W. F. G. quartered there as A.Q.M.G., 1882, 43

Reddersburg, O.F.S.: surrender near, April 1900, 257

Remount Department: W. F. G. temporarily works for, 1903-4, 273-6

_River War, The_: by the Right Hon. W. S. Churchill, quoted as under: _re_ efficiency of British Brigade Egypt, 1898, 190 _re_ a.s.sault of zariba by above, 202 _re_ position of G. O. C., cited, 202

Roberts, Field-Marshal Earl, V.C., K.P., G.C.B., etc.; visits W. F. G. in camp at Bangalore, 54 becomes C.-in-C. India, 1885, 63 his covering letter to Dispatches (pubd. March 1900), cited, 235 reaches Capetown as C.-in-C. South African Field Force, 239 telegram to W.O. _re_ Proclamation, 243 orders occupation of Smithfield, 244 orders occupation of Wepener, 245 telegram _re_ occupation of Dewetsdorp, 246 summons W. F. G. to Bloemfontein, and forecasts his plans for the advance, 254 expresses anxiety about the detachment at Dewetsdorp, 255 sends 5 cos. Cameron Highlanders to Bethanie, 255 orders the return of the Relief Column from Reddersburg, 257 sends official letter instructing W. F. G. to proceed to England, April 1900, 259 quotation from private letter _re_ recall, 263 his official visit to the Eastern District, 1903, 270

Robertson, Sir George Scott, K.C.S.I., M.P.: defended the Fort at Chitral, 129

Royal Irish Rifles, 2nd Batt.: reaches Queenstown, C.C., 222 quotation from officers' reports _re_ Stormberg, 233, 235 sent to Smithfield, O.F.S., 245 2 cos. pushed on to Dewetsdorp, 248 the O.C. directed to retire on Reddersburg, 251 column surrenders at Mostert's Hoek, 257 splendid marching by detachments from Smithfield, Helvetia, and Rouxville, 258

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General Gatacre Part 34 summary

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