Hazlitt on English Literature Part 49

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_story of the hawk_. "Decameron," Fifth Day, ninth story.

_at one proud_ [fell] _swoop_. "Macbeth," iv, 3, 219.

P. 344. _with all its giddy_ [dizzy] _raptures_. Wordsworth's "Tintern Abbey," 85.

_embalmed with odours_. "Paradise Lost," II, 843.

_the German criticism_. See p. 112.

_His form_. "Paradise Lost," I, 591.

_Falls flat_. Ibid., I, 460.

P. 345. _For Dr. Johnson's and Junius's style_. See pp. 147-9, 186, 190.

_he, like an eagle_. "Coriola.n.u.s," v, 6, 115.

_An Essay on Marriage_. "No such essay by Wordsworth is at present known to exist. It would seem either that 'Marriage' is a misprint for some other word, or that Hazlitt was mistaken in the subject of the essay referred to by Coleridge. Hazlitt is probably recalling a conversation with Coleridge in Shrops.h.i.+re at the beginning of 1798 (cf. 'My First Acquaintance with Poets'), at which time _A Letter to the Bishop of Llandaff_ (1793) was the only notable prose work which Wordsworth had published." Waller-Glover.

P. 345, n. _Is this the present earl?_ "James Maitland, eighth Earl of Lauderdale (1759-1839), succeeded his father in August, 1789."


P. 346. _worthy of all acceptation_. 1 Timothy, i, 15.

_Clarendon_. Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon (1609-1674), English statesman and author of the "History of the Rebellion" (1704-1707).

_Froissart_, Jean (1338-1410), the chronicler of the Hundred Years' War.

_Holinshed_, Ralph (d. 1580?), author of "Chronicles of England, Scotlande, and Irelande" (1578).

_Stowe_, John (1525?-1605), author of "Englysh Chronicles" (1561).

_Thucydides_ (460? B.C.-399?), the historian of the Peloponnesian War.

_Guicciardini_, Francesco (1483-1540), Italian statesman and author of a "History of Italy from 1494 to 1532."

P. 347. _The Loves of Persiles and Sigismunda_, the last work of Cervantes (translated into English in 1619) and _Galatea_, his first work (1585).

_another Yarrow_. Cf. Wordsworth's "Yarrow Revisited."

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