The Wiles of the Wicked Part 6

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"I may be," answered the voice in a strange, vague tone.


"Ah! no, that is not a fair question to ask."

"But surely, you, who were so kind to me after my accident in the street, will you desert me now?" I argued. Her failure to give me any a.s.surance that she was my friend struck me as peculiar. There was something extremely uncanny about the whole affair. I did not like it.

"I have not said that I intend to leave you. Indeed, from motives of my own I have sought and found you; but before we go further I must obtain from you a distinct and faithful promise."

"A promise--of what?"

There was a brief silence, and I heard that she drew a deep breath as those do who are driven to desperation.

"The situation is briefly this," the voice said, in a tone a trifle harsher than before. "I searched for you, and by a stroke of good fortune discovered where your unknown enemies had placed you, intending that at high tide you should be drowned, and your body carried out to sea, as others have been. From this place there is only one means of egress, and that being concealed, only death can come to you unless I a.s.sist you. You understand?"

"Perfectly. This is a trap where a man may be drowned like a rat in a hole. The place is foetid with the black mud of the Thames."

"Exactly," she answered. Then she added, "Now tell me, are you prepared to make a compact with me?"

"A compact? Of what nature?" I inquired, much surprised.

"It will, I fear, strike you as rather strange, nevertheless it is, I a.s.sure you, imperative. If I rescue you and give you back your life, it must be conditional that you accept my terms absolutely."

"And what are those terms?" I inquired, amazed at this extraordinary speech of hers.

"There are two conditions," she answered, after a slight pause. "The first is that you must undertake to make no statement whatever to the police regarding the events of last night."

She intended to secure my silence regarding the tragedy. Was it because that she herself was the actual I remembered that while I had reclined upon the silken couch in that house of mystery this startling suspicion had crossed my mind. Was that same cool, sympathetic palm that had twice soothed my brow the hand of a murderess?

"But there has been a terrible crime--a double crime committed," I protested. "Surely, the police should know!"

"No; all knowledge must be kept from them," she answered decisively. "I wish you to understand me perfectly from the outset. I have sought you here in order to rescue you from this place, because you have unwittingly fallen the victim of a most dastardly plot. You are blind, defenceless, helpless, therefore all who have not hearts of stone must have compa.s.sion upon you. Yet if I rescue you, and allow you to go forth again into the world, you may, if you make a statement to the police, be the means of bringing upon me a catastrophe, dire and complete."

Every word of hers showed that guilt was upon her. Had I not heard the swish of her skirts as she crept from the room after striking down that unknown man so swiftly and silently that he died without a word?

"And if I promise to remain mute?"

"If you promise," she said, "I will accept it only on one further condition."

"And what's that?"

"One which I know you will have some hesitation in accepting; yet, like the first, it is absolutely imperative."

Her voice showed traces of extreme anxiety, and the slim hand upon my arm trembled.

She was young, I knew, but was she beautiful? I felt instinctively that she was, and conjured up within myself a vision of a refined face, perfect in its tragic beauty, like that of Van Dyck's Madonna that I had seen in the Pitti Palace at Florence in those well-remembered days when I looked upon the world, and it had given me such pleasure.

"Your words are very puzzling," I said gravely. "Tell me what it is that you would have me do."

"It is not difficult," she answered, "yet the curious character of my request will, I feel, cause you to hold back with a natural caution. It will sound strange; nevertheless, here, before I put the suggestion before you, I give you my word of honour, as a woman who fears her G.o.d, that no undue advantage shall be taken of your promise."

"Well, explain what you mean."

"The condition I impose upon you in return for my a.s.sistance," she said, in deepest earnestness, "is that you shall promise to render a.s.sistance to a person who will ever remain unknown to you. Any requests made to you will be by letter bearing the signature A-V-E-L, and these instructions you must promise to obey without seeking to discover either motive or reason. The latter can never be made plain to you, therefore do not puzzle yourself unnecessarily over them, for it will be all to no purpose. The secret--for secret there is, of course--will be so well guarded that it can never be exposed, therefore if you consent to thus rendering me a personal a.s.sistance in return for your life, it will be necessary to act blindly and carry out to the letter whatever instructions you receive, no matter how remarkable or how illogical they may seem. Do you agree?"

"Well," I said hesitatingly, "your request is indeed a most extraordinary one. If I promise, what safeguard have I for my own interests?"

"Sometimes you may, of course, be compelled to act against your own inclinations," she admitted. "I, however, can only a.s.sure you that if you make this promise I will const.i.tute myself your protectress, and at the same time give you solemn a.s.surance that no request contained in the letters of which I have spoken will be of such a character as to cause you to commit any offence against the law."

"Then it is you yourself who will be my anonymous correspondent?" I observed quickly.

"Ah, no!" she answered. "That is, of course, the natural conclusion; but I may as well at once a.s.sure you that such will not be the case."

Then she added, "I merely ask you to accept or decline. If the former, I will ever be at your service, although we must never meet again after to-day; if the latter, then I will wish you adieu, and the terrible fate your unknown enemies have prepared for you must be allowed to take effect."

"But I should be drowned!" I exclaimed in alarm. "Surely you will not abandon me!"

"Not if you will consent to ally yourself with me."

"For evil?" I suggested very dubiously.

"No, for good," she answered. "I require your silence, and I desire that you should render a.s.sistance to one who is sorely in need of a friend."

"Financial aid?"

"No, finance has nothing to do with it. The unknown person has money and to spare. It is a devoted personal a.s.sistance and obedience that is required."

"But how can one be devoted to a person one has neither seen nor known?"

I queried, for her words had increased the mystery.

The shrewd suspicion grew upon me that this curious effort to secure my silence was because of her own guilt; that she intended to bind me to a compact in her own nefarious interests.

"I am quite well aware of the strangeness of the conditions I am imposing upon you, but they are necessary."

"And if I accept them will the mystery of to-night ever be explained?"

I inquired, eager to learn the truth.

"Of that I know not," she answered vaguely. "Your silence is required to preserve the secret."

"But tell me," I said quickly, "how many persons were there present in that house beside yourself?"

"No, no!" she e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed in a tone of horror. "Make no further inquiry.

Try and forget all--everything--as I shall try and forget. You cannot know--you will never know--therefore it is utterly useless to seek to learn the truth."

"And may I not even know your ident.i.ty?" I inquired, putting forth my hand until it rested upon her well-formed shoulder. "May I not touch your face, so as to give me an impression of your personal appearance?"

She laughed at what, of course, must have seemed to her a rather amusing request.

"Give me permission to do this," I urged. "If there is to be mutual trust between us it is only fair that I should know whether you are young or old."

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The Wiles of the Wicked Part 6 summary

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