Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches Volume Iv Part 22

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Cowley, Mr Abraham, and Mr John Milton, conversation between, touching the great Civil War.

Criticism, verbal.

Improvement of the science of criticism.

The critical and poetical faculty distinct and incompatible.

Cyrus, Xenophon's Life of, its character.

Dante, criticism on.

His first adventure in the popular tongue.

Influences of the times in which he lived upon his works.

His love of Beatrice.

His despair of happiness on earth.

Close connection between his intellectual and moral character.

Compared with Milton.

His metaphors and comparisons.

Little impression made by the forms of the external world upon him.

Fascination revolting and nauseous images had for his mind.

His use of ancient mythology in his poems.

His idolatry of Virgil.

Excellence of his style.

Remarks upon the translations of the Divine Comedy.

His veneration for writers inferior to himself.

How regarded by the Italians of the fourteenth century.

Danton, character of.

His death.

David, M. d'Angers, the sculptor, his part in the Memoirs of Bertrand Barere.

De Foe, effect of his Robinson Crusoe on the imagination of the child and the judgment of the man.

Demerville, the Jacobin, betrayed by his friend Barere.

Democracy, a pure.

Mr Mill's view of a pure and direct.

Demosthenes, compared by Mr Mitford to Aeschines.

His irresistible eloquence.

Denham, Sir John, character of his poetry.

Denis, St, Abbey of, laid waste by Barere.

"Dennis, St, and St George, in the Water, some Account of the Lawsuit between the Parishes of."

Deserted Village of Oliver Goldsmith.

Desmoulins, Camille, his attack on the Reign of Terror.

Reply of Barere.

Desmoulins, Mrs, in Dr Johnson's house.

Despotic rulers.

Theory of a despotic government.

Dies Irae.

Dionysius, his criticisms.

Diplomatic language used by the French Convention.

Directory, the Executive, of France, formation of.

Dissenters, persecution of the, by the Cavaliers.

Relieved by Charles II.

Prosecutions consequent on the enterprise of Monmouth.

The Dissenters courted by the government of James II.

Dissenters' Chapels Bill, Speech on.

Divine Comedy of Dante, the great source of the power of the.

Remarks on the translations of the.

Djezzar Pasha, his cruelty.

Doddington, Bubb, his kindness to Samuel Johnson.

Don Quixote, delight with which it is read.

Dorset, Earl of, his poetry.

Drama, the old English.

Compared with that of Athens and France.

Causes of the excellence of the English drama.

Superiority of dramatic to other works of imagination.

Extinction of the drama by the Puritans.

The drama of the time of Charles II.

Dryden's plays.

Dryden, John, place a.s.signed to him as a poet.

His merits and defects.

Influence exercised by him on his age.

Two parts into which his life divides itself.

His small pieces presented to patrons.

Character of his Annus Mirabilis.

His rhyming plays.

His impossible men and women.

His tendency to bombast.

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Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches Volume Iv Part 22 summary

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