Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches Volume Iv Part 23

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His attempts at fairy imagery.

His incomparable reasonings in verse.

His art of producing rich effects by familiar words.

Catholicity of his literary creed.

Causes of the exaggeration which disfigure his panegyrics.

Character of his Hind and Panther.

And of his Absalom and Achitophel.

Compared with Juvenal.

What he would probably have accomplished in an epic poem.

Compared with Milton.

Dubois, Cardinal, his mode of dealing with public pet.i.tions.

Dumont, M., review of his Souvenirs sur Mirabeau.

Services rendered by him to society.

His interpretation of Bentham's works.

His view of the French Revolution.

His efforts to instruct the French in political knowledge.

Sketch of the character of Mirabeau.

Of Sieyes and Talleyrand.

And of his own character.

Dumourier, his Girondist sympathies.

His defection.

Dundas, Henry, Lord Advocate, commencement of his friends.h.i.+p with Pitt.

Dunning, Mr, joins the Whig opposition.

Duroc, General, his letter to Barere.

Eady, Dr, his advertis.e.m.e.nts.

Edinburgh Election, speech at.

Education, Speech on.

Education, the, of the Athenians.

Defects of their conversational education.

Egotism, the pest of conversation.

Zest given by it to writing.

Eleusinian mysteries, the.

Ellenborough, Lord, his Carmagnoles.

Ellis, Welbore.

England, revolution in the poetry of.

Mr Mill's remarks on the British Const.i.tution.

His view of the const.i.tution of the English Government.

Mr Sadler's statement of the law of population in England.

The English Revolution compared with the French.

Mildness of the revolution caused by the Reform Bill.

Makes war against France.

Epistles, Petrarch's.

Epitaph on Henry Martyn.

Epitaph on Lord William Bentinck.

Epitaph on Sir Benjamin Heath Malkin.

Epitaph on Lord Metcalfe.

Euphuism in England.

Euripides, mother of.

His jesuitical morality.

How regarded by Quintillian.

Evil, question of the origin of, in the world.

Exclusion of Judges from the House of Commons, Speech on.

Federalism, the new crime of, in France.

Federalism as entertained by Barere.

Fenelon, his principles of good government, as shown in his Telemachus.

Fluxions, discovery of the method of.

Fortune, remedies for Good and Evil, Petrarch's.

Fowler, Edward, John Bunyan's answer to.

Fox, Charles James, his character.

His great political error.

The King's detestation of him.

Becomes Secretary of State under the Duke of Portland.

His India Bill.

His speeches.

Fragments of a Roman Tale.

France, character of the poetry of.

Characteristics of the personifications of the drama of.

Spirit excited in France at the time of the Revolution by some of the ancient historians.

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Miscellaneous Writings and Speeches Volume Iv Part 23 summary

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