Mr Punch's Pocket Ibsen - A Collection of Some of the Master's Best Known Dramas Part 17

Mr Punch's Pocket Ibsen - A Collection of Some of the Master's Best Known Dramas -

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[_Coming in._] I have been for a walk with Gregers; he meant well--but it was tiring. Gina, he has told me that, fifteen years ago, before I married you, you were rather a Wild Duck, so to speak. [_Severely._] Why haven't you been writhing in penitence and remorse all these years, eh?


[_Sensibly._] Why? Because I have had other things to do. _You_ wouldn't take any photographs, so I _had_ to.


All the same--it was a swamp of deceit. And where am I to find elasticity of spirit to bring out my grand invention now? I used to shut myself up in the parlour, and ponder and cry, when I thought that the effort of inventing anything would sap my vitality. [_Pathetically._] I _did_ want to leave you an inventor's widow; but I never shall now, particularly as I haven't made up my mind what to invent yet. Yes, it's all over. Rabbits are trash, and even poultry palls. And I'll wring that cursed Wild Duck's neck!


[_Coming in beaming._] Well, so you've got it over. _Wasn't_ it soothing and enn.o.bling, eh? and _ain't_ you both obliged to me?


No; it's my opinion you'd better have minded your own business.



[_In great surprise._] Bless me! Pardon my Norwegian _navete_, but this ought really to be quite a new starting-point. Why, I confidently expected to have found you both beaming!--Mrs. Ekdal, being so illiterate, may take some little time to see it--but you, Hialmar, with your deep mind, surely _you_ feel a new consecration, eh?


[_Dubiously._] Oh--er--yes. I suppose so--in a sort of way.

[HEDVIG _runs in, overjoyed._


Father, only see what Mrs. Sorby has given me for a birthday present--a beautiful deed of gift! [_Shows it._


[_Eluding her._] Ha! Mrs. Sorby, the family house-keeper. My father's sight failing! Hedvig in goggles! What vistas of heredity these astonis.h.i.+ng coincidences open up! _I_ am not short-sighted, at all events, and I see it all--all! _This_ is my answer. [_He takes the deed, and tears it across._] Now I have nothing more to do in this house.

[_Puts on overcoat._] My home has fallen in ruins about me. [_Bursts into tears._] My hat!


Oh, but you _mustn't_ go. You must be all three together, to attain the true frame of mind for self-sacrificing forgiveness, you know!


Self-sacrificing forgiveness be blowed!

[_He tears himself away, and goes out._


[_With despairing eyes._] Oh, he said it might be blowed! Now he'll _never_ come home any more!


Shall I tell you how to regain your father's confidence, and bring him home surely? Sacrifice the Wild Duck.


Do you think that will do any good?


You just _try_ it!


* * * * *


_Same Scene._ GREGERS _enters, and finds_ GINA _retouching photographs_.


[_Pleasantly._] Hialmar not come in yet, after last night, I suppose?


Not he! He's been out on the loose all night with Relling and Molvik.

Now he's snoring on their sofa.


[_Disappointed._] Dear!--dear!--when he ought to be yearning to wrestle in solitude and self-examination!


[_Rudely._] Self-examine your grandmother!

[_She goes out_; HEDVIG _comes in_.


[_To_ HEDVIG.] Ah, I see you haven't found courage to settle the Wild Duck yet!


No--it seemed such a delightful idea at first. Now it strikes me as a trifle--well, _Ibsenish_.

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Mr Punch's Pocket Ibsen - A Collection of Some of the Master's Best Known Dramas Part 17 summary

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