Legends and Lyrics Volume I Part 12

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Why turn each cool grey shadow Into a world of fears?

Why say the winds are wailing?

Why call the dewdrops tears?

The voices of happy nature, And the Heaven's sunny gleam, Reprove thy sick heart's fancies, Upbraid thy foolish dream.

Listen, and I will tell thee The song Creation sings, From the humming of bees in the heather, To the flutter of angels' wings.

An echo rings for ever, The sound can never cease; It speaks to G.o.d of glory, It speaks to Earth of peace.

Not alone did angels sing it To the poor shepherds' ear; But the sphered Heavens chant it, While listening ages hear.

Above thy peevish wailing Rises that holy song; Above Earth's foolish clamour, Above the voice of wrong.

No creature of G.o.d's too lowly To murmur peace and praise: When the starry nights grow silent, Then speak the sunny days.

So leave thy sick heart's fancies, And lend thy little voice To the silver song of glory That bids the world rejoice.


See the rivers flowing Downwards to the sea, Pouring all their treasures Bountiful and free-- Yet to help their giving Hidden springs arise; Or, if need be, showers Feed them from the skies!

Watch the princely flowers Their rich fragrance spread, Load the air with perfumes, From their beauty shed-- Yet their lavish spending Leaves them not in dearth, With fresh life replenished By their mother earth!

Give thy heart's best treasures-- From fair Nature learn; Give thy love--and ask not, Wait not a return!

And the more thou spendest From thy little store, With a double bounty, G.o.d will give thee more.


It is a dreary evening; The shadows rise and fall: With strange and ghostly changes, They flicker on the wall.

Make the charred logs burn brighter; I will show you, by their blaze, The half-forgotten record Of bygone things and days.

Bring here the ancient volume; The clasp is old and worn, The gold is dim and tarnished, And the faded leaves are torn.

The dust has gathered on it-- There are so few who care To read what Time has written Of joy and sorrow there.

Look at the first fair pages; Yes--I remember all: The joys now seem so trivial, The griefs so poor and small.

Let us read the dreams of glory That childish fancy made; Turn to the next few pages, And see how soon they fade.

Here, where still waiting, dreaming, For some ideal Life, The young heart all unconscious Had entered on the strife.

See how this page is blotted: What--could those tears be mine?

How coolly I can read you, Each blurred and trembling line.

Now I can reason calmly, And, looking back again, Can see divinest meaning Threading each separate pain.

Here strong resolve--how broken; Rash hope, and foolish fear, And prayers, which G.o.d in pity Refused to grant or hear.

Nay--I will turn the pages To where the tale is told Of how a dawn diviner Flushed the dark clouds with gold.

And see, that light has gilded The story--nor shall set; And, though in mist and shadow, You know I see it yet.

Here--well, it does not matter, I promised to read all; I know not why I falter, Or why my tears should fall;

You see each grief is noted; Yet it was better so-- I can rejoice to-day--the pain Was over, long ago.

I read--my voice is failing, But you can understand How the heart beat that guided This weak and trembling hand.

Pa.s.s over that long struggle, Read where the comfort came, Where the first time is written Within the book your name.

Again it comes, and oftener, Linked, as it now must be, With all the joy or sorrow That Life may bring to me.

So all the rest--you know it: Now shut the clasp again, And put aside the record Of bygone hours of pain.

The dust shall gather on it, I will not read it more: Give me your hand--what was it We were talking of before?

I know not why--but tell me Of something gay and bright.

It is strange--my heart is heavy, And my eyes are dim to-night.


The bond that links our souls together; Will it last through stormy weather?

Will it moulder and decay As the long hours pa.s.s away?

Will it stretch if Fate divide us, When dark and weary hours have tried us?

Oh, if it look too poor and slight Let us break the links to-night!

It was not forged by mortal hands, Or clasped with golden bars and bands; Save thine and mine, no other eyes The slender link can recognise: In the bright light it seems to fade-- And it is hidden in the shade; While Heaven nor Earth have never heard, Or solemn vow, or plighted word.

Yet what no mortal hand could make, No mortal power can ever break: What words or vows could never do, No words or vows can make untrue; And if to other hearts unknown The dearer and the more our own, Because too sacred and divine For other eyes, save thine and mine.

And see, though slender, it is made Of Love and Trust, and can they fade?

While, if too slight it seem, to bear The breathings of the summer air, We know that it could bear the weight Of a most heavy heart of late, And as each day and hour flew The stronger for its burthen grew.

And, too, we know and feel again It has been sanctified by pain, For what G.o.d deigns to try with sorrow He means not to decay to-morrow; But through that fiery trial last When earthly ties and bonds are past; What slighter things dare not endure Will make our Love more safe and pure.

Love shall be purified by Pain, And Pain be soothed by Love again: So let us now take heart and go Cheerfully on, through joy and woe; No change the summer sun can bring, Or the inconstant skies of spring, Or the bleak winter's stormy weather, For we shall meet them, Love, together!

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Legends and Lyrics Volume I Part 12 summary

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