The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community Part 110

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Shoghi Effendi is enclosing an extremely interesting account given by a certain Dr. Cormick, an English physician long resident in Tabriz of his meeting with the Bab. He is apparently the only Westerner who has met the Bab and recorded his impressions... Shoghi Effendi thinks of adding it to his notes.

Letter of 30 April 1931

30 April 1931

...You could also in a quiet way speak to persons whom you think are ready for such a message and would appreciate the light when they see it. Try to form around you a group of Baha'is who are well versed in the teachings and who are ready to a.s.sist you in serving the Cause. In short try to form an a.s.sembly of pure and competent souls. Meanwhile you could write, for the Cause is in great need of first cla.s.s literature and you are gifted along that line.

The Cause surely needs sacrifices, in fact it is only through sacrifice that it can progress, but such determined activity should be coupled with wisdom and caution if it is not going to be a temporary flare. Intimate talk and personal contact has proven the surest and quietest way for establis.h.i.+ng a group....

Letter of 7 November 1931

7 November 1931

The present social and economic problems that are facing the British people are surely occupying their whole attention, but they should also operate as a reminder and draw them closer to spiritual matters. The people have to be made conscious of the fact that without a complete change in our outlook and a total reform of the guiding principles of our life, such as the Cause advocates, our social and economic problems cannot be solved nor our conditions ameliorated. Nothing short of the full message of Baha'u'llah can end the sufferings that are befalling humanity.

Letter of 2 January 1932

2 January 1932

It is strange how much suffering man has to put up with while on this earth. Our consolation should be however that it is part of a divine plan whose worth we cannot yet fathom....

...Shoghi Effendi wishes ... to encourage those who are talented to give expression to the wonderful spirit that animates them. We need poets and writers for the Cause.... Some of the poems are written by very youthful persons yet they ring so true and give expression to such thoughts that one should halt and admire. In Persia the Cause has given birth to poets that even non-Baha'is consider them as great. We hope before long we will have similar persons arise in the West.

Letter of 10 January 1932

10 January 1932

In Persia the Cause gave birth to many poets of national standing. Let us hope that the west will follow suit and produce similar talents.

Letter of 23 February 1932

23 February 1932

The exact date in which the Hidden Words was written you can find on the opening page of Mrs. J. E. Stannard's translation published in Cairo. She gives a line in the Master's own handwriting giving the date as 1274 A.H.

(18578 A.D.). It is generally believed that the Hidden Words was dictated by Baha'u'llah to His secretary as He strolled on the banks of the river in Ba_gh_dad-in sections rather than all at one time.

As to the date of the iqan, I think it can be calculated from the actual text and I have it in my papers as 1278 A.H., i.e. 1861 A.D. You will find that in the text itself. It was written in answer to questions put by a distinguished Babi.

Letter of 16 May 1932

16 May 1932

Even though outwardly the number of the friends has not been increasing so rapidly, yet the spirit has not remained idle. The leaven of spirituality has been working, and when the time will come it will manifest itself in a sudden awakening. All that we need is a little more courage, perseverance and patience. There are many important men that are attentively watching the progress of the Faith but are reluctant to come forward and extend a helping hand. In time they will, and then we shall see the Cause of G.o.d spread by leaps and bounds....

Letter of 10 August 1932

10 August 1932

Your touching words of condolence and sympathy in connection with the sudden removal of the Greatest Holy Leaf from our midst have greatly comforted (the Guardian's) aching heart and relieved the burden of sorrow that lies so heavily upon him.

In this great calamity which has seized the entire body of the followers of the Faith in both East and West our Guardian's loss is the greatest and the most cruel. His sole comfort, at this terrible hour, is to see the friends united and working together for the realisation of our departed _Kh_anum's dearest wishes.

Letter of 15 March 1933

15 March 1933

He deeply appreciates your sincere, well-expressed reference to the Tribute he has written to the dearly beloved Greatest Holy Leaf.

You cannot imagine to what an extent our dear Guardian has, in this loss, been deprived for ever of the sustaining influence and kindness that this Most Exalted Leaf used to shower daily upon him. In this beautiful Tribute we can trace the life of this beautiful soul, witness with anguish all the sufferings and deprivations that she has endured. Now we should, all of us, try in turn to follow her saintly path and direct all our energy to serve the Cause which has been so dear to her.

Letter of 6 May 1933

6 May 1933

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The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community Part 110 summary

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