The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community Part 40

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12 August 1944

Dear Baha'i Sister,

Your letters dated March 3rd and 25th, April 23rd, May 18th and July 6th together with their enclosures have all been received, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer them on his behalf.

He was most deeply gratified over the way the Centenary was conducted in London and feels that it has adequately demonstrated the vitality of the faith which animates the British Baha'i community. They may well look upon this as their major achievement since the visits to their of the beloved Master. He was also very pleased to hear of the celebrations successfully held by the Manchester and Torquay Baha'is in their respective communities.

"The Centenary of a World Faith" he found most excellently gotten out and not only well written but calculated to arouse the interest of the reader and impress him with the true stature of our World Faith. He has distributed copies among the friends and placed some in the library of the Mansion, at Bahji. He was also pleased with the programme of the London Meetings-so you can see that the patient efforts and sacrifices of the members of the N.S.A. and all those who contributed to the marked success of the Centenary celebrations in England, have met not only with his approval and admiration but brought happiness to his often heavily over-burdened heart!

Regarding your question concerning minute No. 1050; this is entirely a matter of conscience; if the individual feels for some reason justified in voting for himself, he is free to do so. Regarding your question of the proper time to celebrate or hold our meetings of commemoration, the time should be fixed by counting after sunset; the Master pa.s.sed away one hour after midnight, which falls a certain number of hours after sunset; so His pa.s.sing should be commemorated according to the sun and regardless of daylight saving time. The same applies to the ascension of Baha'u'llah who pa.s.sed away about 8 hours after sunset.

The Guardian has already cabled you regarding your Six Year Teaching Plan, and he hopes that events in the future will be more favourable to carrying it out than they are at present. He often thinks of and prays for the English friends during these days of ordeal they are again pa.s.sing through and he feels confident Baha'u'llah will strengthen their work and bless their efforts for this Holy Cause....

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-workers,

The Six Year Plan which the national elected representatives of the English believers have spontaneously launched is a further evidence of their unquenchable faith and n.o.ble and unyielding determination to prosecute energetically the teaching work in the British Isles and to exploit to the full the notable advantages derived from the successful celebrations of the Baha'i Centenary in London. Attention should be focussed in the course of the opening year of the second Baha'i Century on the needs and requirements of this Plan. The multiplication of Baha'i centres and the dissemination of Baha'i literature should be regarded as the chief objectives of the prosecutors of the Plan. Every sacrifice should be made, every effort should be exerted and every avenue should be explored to ensure the success of the Plan. The English believers stand identified with this Plan. The immediate destinies of the entire community depend upon it. I will pray for its success, will watch its progress and pledge every a.s.sistance within my power for its promotion. May the Beloved bless all those who have embarked upon it and crown their enterprise with brilliant and total victory.

Your true and grateful brother, Shoghi

Letter of 14 August 1944

14 August 1944



Letter of 5 January 1945

5 January 1945



Letter of 27 January 1945

27 January 1945



Letter of 27 March 1945

27 March 1945

Dear Baha'i Sister,

Your letters, written on behalf of the National Spiritual a.s.sembly, and dated Aug. 2nd, 21st and 31st (airgraph) and Oct. 9th, Nov. 16th (airgraph) and Nov. 23rd (duplicate copy also received), Dec. 19th (duplicate copy also received) all of 1944, and Jan. 25th 1945 (duplicate copy also received) have arrived safely with any enclosures they contained, and the beloved Guardian has instructed me to answer them.

He fully realises the many handicaps the English Baha'is are labouring under, and appreciates all the more deeply their perseverance and devotion shown in such activities as the National Centenary in London and local exhibitions and meetings held elsewhere, as well as the successful Summer School, the various printing undertakings and the renewed efforts to establish new centres and strengthen older ones. In this connection he would like you to please convey to Miss Young(36) and all other pioneers the expression of his loving appreciation of this historic service they have arisen to render the Faith in England.

The tasks facing the believers everywhere are great, for they see only too clearly that the only permanent remedy for the many afflictions the world is suffering from, is a change of heart and a new pattern of not only thought but personal conduct. The impetus that has been given by the Manifestation of G.o.d for this Age is the sole one that can regenerate humanity, and as we Baha'is are the only ones yet aware of this new force in the world, our obligation towards our fellow men is tremendous and inescapable! Therefore he hopes that many more of the friends there will arise to do pioneering work and help achieve the important goals set by the Six Year Plan. When once a few bold, self-sacrificing individuals have arisen to serve, their example will no doubt encourage other timid would-be pioneers to follow in their footsteps. The history of our Faith is full of records of the remarkable things achieved by really very simple, insignificant individuals, who became veritable beacons and towers of strength through having placed their trust in G.o.d, having arisen to proclaim His Message. The stamina and fort.i.tude shown by the people at large during all these hard and bitter years of war should surely find a n.o.bler example in the deeds of the Baha'is who are connected with the Divine Source! He urges your a.s.sembly to do all in its power, through financial and moral a.s.sistance, to get more pioneers into the field.

Mr. Hofman has just written him about his meeting with the Paris believers, and he feels that as most of the friends there are elderly people and have suffered many privations, the British N.S.A. should keep in close touch with them and help and inspire them all it can....

Also concerning your question about the prayers and changing the p.r.o.nouns: This cannot be done, even in the long Obligatory Prayer or the healing prayers. Either we must ignore this mere detail or say a prayer that applies to our s.e.x or number....

You may be sure that you, and your fellow members of the N.S.A., are very often in his thoughts and prayers. He deeply appreciates your steadfast and persevering labours and hopes that the believers of England will arise to fulfil their high duties and discharge the debts they owe their countrymen through the privilege of being the followers of Baha'u'llah in these dark yet historic days....

P.S. The following is a copy of the cable the Guardian sent you in answer to your request for his advice as to the Six Year Plan the British believers resolved to undertake:



He will, you may be sure, do everything in his power to a.s.sist the friends to achieve this objective.

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-workers,

The Six Year Plan which the English believers have conceived and are now energetically prosecuting const.i.tutes a landmark in the history of the Faith in the British Isles. It is the first collective enterprise undertaken by them for the spread of the Faith and the consolidation of its divinely appointed inst.i.tutions. The national elected representatives of the Baha'i community in those islands must watch carefully every phase in its development, provide whatever is required for its systematic and steady extension, encourage the believers to disperse, to settle, to persevere, and to appeal more directly and effectively to the who are waiting for this Divine Message, and on whose ultimate response the triumph of the Cause of Baha'u'llah must depend. Obstacles, however formidable, should be surmounted. Setbacks, however discouraging at first, must not, under any circ.u.mstances, cause them to deviate from the path they are so devotedly and determinedly pursuing. That glorious success may eventually crown their concerted and historic endeavours is my fervent and constant prayer at the Holy Shrines. May the Beloved aid them to achieve their n.o.ble end.


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The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community Part 40 summary

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