The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community Part 88

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The Guardian feels that, though it is naturally preferable, it is not essential for consolidation territories to have a group by Ridvan, 1956....

[From the Guardian:]

Dear and valued co-workers,

The contribution made, since the inception of the world-wide Baha'i Crusade, severally as well as collectively, by the a.s.siduously striving, clear-visioned, inflexibly resolved, and unswervingly faithful members of the British Baha'i community to the progress and development of the Ten Year Plan, inaugurated on the morrow of the centenary celebration of the birth of Baha'u'llah's Mission, has been such as to excite the heartfelt admiration of their fellow-workers in every continent of the globe. The prestige of this valiant community has soared rapidly, its annals have been notably enriched, the foundations on which its fortunes now rest have been considerably reinforced, whilst the variety and solidity of its administrative achievements have won the unstinted praise of its sister communities in both the East and the West. My own feelings of unqualified admiration for the tenacity of the faith of its members, for their unrelaxing vigilance, their unfailing sense of responsibility and their willingness to sacrifice in order to meet any challenges that confront them, have deepened with every advance they have made, and every victory they have won along the path leading them towards the fulfilment of their destiny.

The historic triumph achieved as a result of the successful prosecution of the Six Year Plan, spontaneously embarked upon by this numerically small yet richly endowed, spiritually resourceful community, on the morrow of the hundredth anniversary of the founding of the Faith of Baha'u'llah, followed immediately by the initiation of a Two Year Plan which marked the inauguration of this community's Mission beyond the confines of its homeland, culminated in the formal a.s.sociation of its members with their brethren in every continent of the globe for the launching and prosecution of a decade-long world-embracing crusade, destined to carry that same community through yet another stage, of the utmost significance, in the fulfilment of its world-wide and glorious mission among the widely scattered territories of the British Crown in no less than three continents of the globe.

The extension and consolidation, in the course of more than a decade, of the administrative base established so painstakingly for the prosecution of this community's far-flung mission, through the formation and multiplication of isolated centres, groups and local a.s.semblies throughout the length and breadth of England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Eire; the opening of the virgin islands lying in the neighbourhood of these territories and forming a part of the British Isles, const.i.tuting a most welcome and much needed reinforcement of the Administrative Structure raised so valiantly and patiently by its members in their island home; the magnificent success surpa.s.sing, in its quality and scope, the fondest expectations of the elected representatives of this community, which attended the spiritual conquest of a number of African territories, situated along the Western and Eastern of that continent and its very heart; the settlement of pioneers in two Mediterranean islands; the selection and purchase of a befitting national administrative headquarters situated close to the heart of the capital city of the British Empire; the acquisition of a plot in the outskirts of the capital city of Uganda, situated in the heart of the African continent, to serve as the site for a future Baha'i House of Wors.h.i.+p; the rapid advancement in the translation and publication of Baha'i literature in the thirty-one African languages, allotted, under the Ten Year Plan to the elected national representatives of this same community; the steady progress made more recently in the incorporation of firmly established local a.s.semblies; the formation of the Israel Branch of the British National a.s.sembly at the world centre of the Faith in Israel-these stand out as the most prominent and significant evidences of the uninterrupted development of the Faith of Baha'u'llah under the wise leaders.h.i.+p, and through the a.s.siduous and incessant exertions, of the elected national representatives of this virile community.

The year that has recently opened, const.i.tuting the second and last year of the second phase of a Ten-Year global crusade, must witness a development and consolidation of the activities already initiated, in both the teaching and administrative spheres of Baha'i endeavour, as swift and as notable as the progress already achieved in recent years. Time is indeed short. The responsibilities shouldered by the members of this community are manifold, pressing, sacred and inescapable. The eyes of the entire Baha'i world are upon them, eager and expectant to witness feats as superb as those that have marked the birth and establishment of the Administrative Order of the Faith of Baha'u'llah in the British Isles, and exploits as meritorious and significant as those that have accompanied the inception and progress of the mission entrusted to His British followers, on the morrow of the emergence of that Administrative Order in their homeland.

The process aiming at the rapid increase in the number of the avowed and active supporters of the Faith must continue unabated in the months immediately ahead. A simultaneous multiplication in the number of isolated centres, groups and local a.s.semblies must be ensured in order to reinforce the agencies on which the rising administrative structure of the Faith must ultimately rest. The process of incorporation must likewise be strenuously stimulated for the purpose of strengthening legally, and enhancing the prestige of, these rising inst.i.tutions. The newly opened territories forming part of the British Isles, situated in the Mediterranean, in the Atlantic Ocean, along the western and eastern coasts of Africa, and in its very heart, must be continually reinforced, and the prizes won in those distant fields safeguarded, however great the sacrifice involved. The establishment of national Baha'i endowments in the British Isles is yet another task which, ere the termination of the current year, must be accomplished, as a prelude to the establishment of a similar endowment in the continent of Africa following the emergence of the National Spiritual a.s.sembly of the Baha'is of Central and East Africa.

Above all, the most careful consideration should be given to the measures required to ensure the emergence of the afore-mentioned National a.s.sembly in the heart of the African continent, marking the culmination of the efforts so diligently exerted, and the fruition of the enterprises so painstakingly inaugurated, since the formation of the Two Year Plan by the British Baha'i community.

The emergence of this inst.i.tution, signalising the erection of yet another pillar of the Universal House of Justice in the African continent, and const.i.tuting the first fruit, yielded on foreign soil, of the Mission entrusted to the British followers of the Faith of Baha'u'llah, and which may be hailed as a worthy counterpart of the central Administrative Inst.i.tution established, on the morrow of 'Abdu'l-Baha's Pa.s.sing, in the heart of the British Isles, will be acclaimed by posterity as a milestone of far-reaching significance in British Baha'i history. It will proclaim to the entire Baha'i world the maturity of the swiftly rising, highly promising, steadily consolidating British Baha'i community. Every British follower of the Faith, whether in his home islands or overseas, must feel proud and deeply grateful for the impending consummation of so superb and momentous a victory. Every energy must be lent to ensure a befitting celebration of such an enduring and magnificent achievement.

The efforts of the members of this community must indeed be redoubled, nay trebled, as they view with afflicted hearts the tragic trend of events transpiring with such dramatic and sudden swiftness in Baha'u'llah's native land. The tribulations suffered, over so wide a field, by so many of their co-religionists, under circ.u.mstances so appalling and harrowing in their nature, at the hands of redoubtable, pitiless, barbarous adversaries, should spur them on to still greater endeavours in a land blessed with freedom of religion and tolerance, and occupying so conspicuous a position among its sister nations.

Theirs is an opportunity which they must instantly grasp. Theirs is a responsibility which they cannot escape. Theirs is the duty to offset, by the quality of their achievements, the dire losses which are now being sustained in the cradle of the Faith. That they may in every field and at all times discharge their heavy responsibilities is my constant prayer and dearest hope.


Letter of 22 August 1955

22 August 1955

Dear John,

I am writing you this at the instruction of the beloved Guardian.

As you will have no doubt seen by his recent cable, he has come to the historic decision to build a Temple in Africa, in Kampala. He has been in communication with Mr. Banani about this, and from reports received it appears there will be no objections. The land must be surveyed (this is being done), and design of the building submitted so as to meet health and building requirements.

The Guardian wishes your a.s.sembly to please get busy at once and have a design, or designs, made for the building; it is not necessary to try in any way to copy the Wilmette Temple: the things that are essential are the following:

1. A nine-sided building.

2. A dome, in proportion to the building.

3. A seating capacity between 300 and 500; you could count floor s.p.a.ce at 300 or 400 and provide a balcony around the auditorium for expansion in seating capacity.

4. No "chapels" or small rooms should be added; this was a misapprehension held in the old days.

As to materials your a.s.sembly and architect can go into that, but brick or cement would be all right. Stone would seem to be out of the question.

It should not be too expensive or pretentious, but dignified and worthy.

There is no reason why the architect should be a Baha'i-in fact your use of someone there would get it done faster, probably. The imperative thing is to send preliminary drawings to the Guardian within two months, if possible.

The terrible situation in Persia makes him most anxious to have this project go forward speedily. He feels funds will not be too much of a problem if great costs are not involved.

He sends you and all N.S.A. members his loving greetings....

Letter of 30 August 1955

30 August 1955

The beloved Guardian has received the clippings from English newspapers and read them with keen interest; he attached much importance to such publicity in journals of such high standing....

Regarding your questions-

It is permissible to use selections from the "Promulgation of Universal Peace" in compilations.

Better omit the prayer of the Bab you mentioned.

The Guardian does not feel the present status of London, regarding its a.s.sembly, should be changed. Other cities should have their a.s.semblies based, as usual, and already adopted in other countries, on the civil limits of the city in question....

Letter of 6 September 1955

6 September 1955



Letter of 6 September 1955 (Summer School)

6 September 1955 (Summer School)


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The Unfolding Destiny of the British Bahai Community Part 88 summary

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