The Rowley Poems Part 14

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The barganette[44]; yee mynstrelles tune the strynge, Somme actyonn dyre of auntyante kynges now synge.


Wyllyamm, the Normannes floure botte Englondes thorne, The manne whose myghte delievretie[45] hadd knite[46], Snett[46] oppe hys long strunge bowe and sheelde aborne[47], 45 Behesteynge[48] all hys hommageres[49] to fyghte.

Goe, rouze the lyonn fromm hys hylted[50] denne, Lett thie floes[51] drenche the blodde of anie thynge bott menne.

Ynn the treed forreste doe the knyghtes appere; Wyllyamm wythe myghte hys bowe enyronn'd[52] plies[53]; 50 Loude dynns[54] the arrowe ynn the wolfynn's eare; Hee ryseth battent[55] roares, he panctes, hee dyes.

Forslagenn att thie feete lett wolvynns bee, Lett thie floes drenche theyre blodde, bott do ne bredrenn flea.

Throwe the merke[56] shade of twistynde trees hee rydes; 55 The flemed[57] owlett[58] flapps herr eve-speckte[59] wynge; The lordynge[60] toade ynn all hys bides; The berten[61] neders[62] att hymm darte the stynge; Styll, stylle, hee onn, hys stede astrodde, Nee hedes the daungerous waie gyff leadynge untoe bloodde. 60

The lyoncel, fromme sweltrie[63] countries braughte, Coucheynge binethe the sheltre of the brierr, Att commyng dynn[64] doth rayse hymselfe distraughte[65], He loketh wythe an eie of flames of fyre.

Goe, sticke the lyonn to hys hyltren denne. 65 Lette thie floes[66] drenche the blood of anie thynge botte menn.

Wythe pa.s.sent[67] steppe the lyonn mov'th alonge; Wyllyamm hys ironne-woven bowe hee bendes, Wythe myghte alyche the roghlynge[68] thonderr stronge; The lyonn ynn a roare hys spryte foorthe sendes. 70 Goe, slea the lyonn ynn hys blodde-steyn'd denne, Botte bee thie takelle[69] drie fromm blodde of odherr menne.

Swefte fromm the thyckett starks the stagge awaie; The couraciers[70] as swefte doe afterr flie.

Hee lepethe hie, hee stondes, hee kepes att baie, 75 Botte metes the arrowe, and eftsoones[71] doth die.

Forslagenn atte thie fote lette wylde beastes bee, Lett thie floes drenche yer blodde, yett do ne bredrenn slee.

Wythe murtherr tyredd, hee sleynges hys bowe alyne[72].

The stagge ys ouch'd[73] wythe crownes of lillie flowerrs. 80 Arounde theire heaulmes theie greene verte doe entwyne; Joying and rev'lous ynn the grene wode bowerrs.

Forslagenn wyth thie floe lette wylde beastes bee, Feeste thee upponne theire fleshe, doe ne thie bredrenn flee.


Nowe to the Tourneie[74]; who wylle fyrste affraie[75]? 85


Nevylle, a baronne, bee yatte[76] honnoure thyne.


I clayme the pa.s.sage.


I contake[77] thie waie.


Thenn there's mie gauntlette[78] onn mie gaberdyne[79].


A leegefull[80] challenge, knyghtes & champyonns dygne[81], A leegefull challenge, lette the flugghorne sounde. 90 [Syrr Symonne _and_ Nevylle _tylte_.

Nevylle ys goeynge, manne and horse, toe grounde.

[Nevylle _falls_.

Loverdes, how doughtilie[82] the tylterrs joyne!

Yee champyonnes, heere Symonne de Bourtonne fyghtes, Onne hee hathe quacedd[83], a.s.sayle[84] hymm, yee knyghtes.


I wylle anente[85] hymm goe; mie squierr, mie s.h.i.+elde; 95 Orr onne orr odherr wyll doe myckle[86] scethe[87]

Before I doe departe the lissedd[88] fielde, Mieselfe orr Bourtonne hereupponn wyll blethe[89].

Mie s.h.i.+elde.


Comme onne, & fitte thie tylte-launce ethe[90].

Whanne Bourtonn fyghtes, hee metes a doughtie foe. 100 [_Theie tylte_. Ferraris _falleth_.

Hee falleth; nowe bie heavenne thie woundes doe smethe[91]; I feere mee, I have wroughte thee myckle woe[92].


Bourtonne hys seconde beereth to the feelde.

Comme onn, yee knyghtes, and wynn the honnour'd sheeld.


I take the challenge; squyre, mie launce and stede. 105 I, Bourtonne, take the gauntlette; forr mee staie.

Botte, gyff thou fyghteste mee, thou shalt have mede[93]; Somme odherr I wylle champyonn toe affraie[94]; Perchaunce fromme hemm I maie possess the daie, Thenn I schalle bee a foemanne forr thie spere. 110 Herehawde, toe the bankes of Knyghtys saie, De Berghamme wayteth forr a foemann heere.


Botte longe thou schalte ne tend[95]; I doe thee fie[96].

Lyche forreying[97] levynn[98], schalle mie tylte-launce flie.

[Berghamme & Clinton _tylte_. Clinton _fallethe_.


Nowe, nowe, Syrr Knyghte, attoure[99] thie beeveredd[100] eyne.

I have borne downe, and este[101] doe gauntlette thee.

Swythenne[102] begynne, and wrynn[103] thie shappe[104] orr myne; Gyff thou dyscomfytte, ytt wylle dobblie bee.

[Bourtonne & Burghamm _tylteth_. Berghamme _falls_.


Symonne de Bourtonne haveth borne downe three, And bie the thyrd hathe honnoure of a fourthe. 120 Lett hymm bee sett asyde, tylle hee doth see A tyltynge forr a knyghte of gentle wourthe.

Heere commethe straunge knyghtes; gyff corteous[105] heie[106], Ytt welle beseies[107] to yeve[108] hemm ryghte of fraie[109].


Straungerrs wee bee, and homblie doe wee clayme 125 The rennome[110] ynn thys Tourneie[111] forr to tylte; Dherbie to proove fromm cravents[112] owre goode name, Bewrynnynge[113] thatt wee gentile blodde have spylte.


Yee knyghtes of cortesie, these straungerrs, saie, Bee you fulle wyllynge forr to yeve hemm fraie? 130 [_Fyve Knyghtes tylteth wythe the straunge Knyghte, and bee everichone[114] overthrowne._

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The Rowley Poems Part 14 summary

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